Monday, February 17, 2020


by eric d.graham

According to Proverbs 22:1 “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches....” Unfortunately, in the hells of North America, the so-called Negro, has had to live his entire life with the last name of his or her “oppressors” or slave-masters. (Deut: 28:48)

Understand and Overstand, that the last names attached to our family linage and heritage, is due to slavery, and denotes, whom our families were enslaved to….Hence, the names such as Jones, Washington, Newkirk, Murphy, Dixon, Wallace, Newton, Williams or Graham, so far and so on, is a historical indicator, who owned our ancestors.

Meaning, for instance, Eric Graham-means (Eric) is the property of the Graham family, which surname is English or Scottish.

We saw evidence of this in the film Roots by Alex Haley, where Kunta Kinte, which was the name displayed on the shirt wore by Colin Kaepernick as a symbolic form of resistance to the way the NFL has been treating him during his workout session in Atlanta after his kneeling during the National Anthem, was beaten and whipped until he was forced to take the slave name Toby. (Ecclesiastes 7:7)

This is why the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (Mal.4:5) while decoding the scripture, referred to so-called Black people, as the Lost Tribe of Shabazz, or the Lost Sheep from the Tribe of Israel (Matt 15:24) and gave the members of the Nation of Islam the letter X, meaning “UNKNOWN” to replace their slave masters’ last name.

For those in the know, the letter X, does NOT just mean-UNKNOWN. It also stands for the Greek letter Chi, which means Christós (Χριστός) anointed, as well as, RESURRECTION OR OSIRIS “Lord of the Perfect Black,” (Check out the movie Black Panther, who is seen boldly standing with his arms crossed)whom symbolically is represented as LAZARUS, who is RAISED from the Dead in the Bible. (John 11:38-44). By the way, according to certain scholars, LAZARUS stands for (LAZ-equal to Ras, meaning RAISED UP) and (ARUS) mummified.
Let’s not forget, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a Master Mason, who knew the legend of Hiram Abiff, who, as the story is told, was assassinated by three ruffians, whom he stated, historically, represented France, Great Britain, and Spain. Of course, there were other co-conspirators in this violent crime.
One struck him in the throat denying him access to (speak). Another struck him in the heart, denying him access to (God, or Faith) and the Last struck him in the head (denying him access to KNOWLEDGE).

Despite this conspiracy to KILL the so-called Black Man & Woman, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY, & PHYSICALLY in the Hells of North America (Babylon), while lying to die, in the SHADOW of valley of DRY BONES, was RAISED BACK UP by the Son of Man!!! This is why the Most Honorable Marcus Garvey shouts “UP, UP, UP, YOU MIGHTY RACE!!! ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU CAN!!

Biblically, this story, is symbolically, foretold in the Book of Ezekiel 37:1-14, which states:
The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me OUT in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to PASS by them ROUND about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, SON OF MAN, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest. Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall LIVE.

This is why changing of a person’s name has great importance in the Biblical text. For instance, metaphorically, Abram’s name was changed to Abraham in connection with his NEW name calling him to be “a father of many nations” in (Gen 17:5)-as well as-Jacob, who was given the NEW name (Israel) (Isis-Ra-El) (Gen 32:28; 35;10)

SEE, in the giving or taking of new names is a crucial turning point in a person’s life. Hence, Simon was given the name Peter, the “ROCK” upon, which the new community of the church would be built (Matt.16:18). Hence, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave the Heavyweight Champion of the World (Cassius Clay) the Holy name Muhammad Ali. (Gal 4:7) (