Tuesday, January 02, 2018

BOBBEE BEE:Is it Science Fiction or Scientific Fact? (Part 2)

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” - Albert Einstein
STAR WARS: Is it Science Fiction or Scientific Fact? (Part 2)
The Artist Pablo Picasso said, "Everything you can imagine is real."
This is a powerful statement. Considering the fact that any idea is simply a vibration, which can materialize into the physical world.
This, in fact, is stated in the scripture from a metaphysical standpoint when the Bible states-
"In the beginning was the Word...and Word became flesh...
Or, in the occult world, which is states
"As above, so below. Or, As within, so without)

With that said, many times, difficult scientific concepts, which couldn't be explained to the "common man," were told from a psychological viewpoint in the form of mythology, where characters were created, sometimes based on historical figures, in order to tell a moral story about the duality of "good & evil" in nature, man, and space while addressing issues of life, death and resurrection, which often dwelled within the conscious or subconscious minds of individuals.

Please, "overstand" this, when you view the magic being displayed in these "Hollywood" films as well as in "comic books" and the possibilities of technological advancements, which are revealed within them.
Many of us, however, have become dumbfounded by the science being placed in front of us, even though, we are living in a "reality" where we maneuver through the Internet on Laptop Computers and Cellphones with the click of a button, while wearing Vertical Reality Headsets, driving Electric Cars, as satellites in outer space beam images on high-definition televisions in order for us to view our favorite movies on Netflix.
All of this is done, with many of us, having no idea how all of it is made possible.
This, of course, is child's play, when we consider the scientific military weaponry like Nuclear Bombs and the Stealth Bomber, which are possessed by the United States government in case there is a War in the Stars, which in 1983, President Ronald Reagan developed a Strategic Defense Initiative system and nick-named it “Star Wars,” after the futuristic Hollywood movie.
Therefore, the thoughts of even higher technology, which supersedes the one's we see today, is mind-boggling and almost unbelievable.
But, can we "imagine", what our children's children will have an opportunity to witness.
This brings us to the "reality" of the Mother Plane, which the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in an article entitled the "O Wheel:
Mother of Planes, written in the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper in September 7, 1973 stated "The Mother Plane comes into the gravity of the earth.
It takes on oxygen and hydrogen in order to permit it to stay out of the earth’s gravity until it needs refueling again.”
He goes on to say in Chapter 58 of The Fall of America (“The Mother Plane”), in a section on page 240 titled “Ezekiel’s Prophecy of The Wheel,
“Do not marvel at the make of this plane, since it is from the God Who made the universe of floating planets and stars which are supported only by the Power of Allah in their rotation in their orbits.”
And on page 242, he writes on the “evasive and elusive power” of The Wheel:
“The Mother Plane can hide behind other stars and make herself invisible to the eye because she does not have to wait on a power from the earth. She can produce her own power to go wherever she desires to go in space.”
After reading his words and watching the entire Star Wars movie series, while owning a toy-replica of the Millennium Falcon as well as all of the characters in the film as a comic book loving child, along with the recent revelation of the $22 billion Pentagon program in search for UFO's, the question remains, is this Mother Plane, which Elijah discussed, a myth or a reality?
(Ezekiel 1:16-17) (by Eric D. Graham)