Monday, August 07, 2023



During today's class, we will be observing the controversial theory coined by Marlene Winell known as Religious Trauma Syndrome. 

Especially, with the recent guilty verdict of Lori Vallow Daybell, an Idaho mother, who was given a life prison sentence for murdering her two youngest children and a romantic rival, after believing they were zombies and that she was a goddess sent to usher in the Biblical apocalypse, which stemmed from reading her husband's self-published doomsday-focused fiction loosely based on Mormon teachings. (2 Cor 11:4)

With that as our focus, (RTS) often occurs when an individual struggles with leaving a religion or a set of beliefs that has led to their indoctrination.

It often involves the trauma of breaking away from a controlling environment, lifestyle, or religious figure, who uses strict scriptural interpretation of the Bible or religious text to control, shame, scare, brainwash, indoctrinate, and intimidate others in a negative way in order to isolate them and lock them into a practical worldview or thought process. (Col 2:8)

Usually, religious trauma is fear-based. And, its control mechanism is based on MORAL LAWS rather than FAITH,(Galatians Chapter 3) (John 8:7) where one can be cursed (Deut 28:45) judged (Matt 7:1-5), condemned (John 3:17), punished (John 8:7) and abandoned (Isa 49:15-16) by one's decision on whether to comply or not to comply to its RULES OR REGULATIONS. This issue of rules and regulations can become complicated, however. Especially, if, or, when, a self-righteous leader twists and bends them in order to fit their own personal advantage.(1 John 4:1-6)

With that said, understand, religion, in its purest form, can be beneficial, when its moral code is based upon the 10 Commandments, within the Judo-Christian faith or the 42 Negative Confessions within the Egyptian religious order.  Yet, in its ugliest form, can also be murderous (Rev. 21:8) where one is constantly in the FIGHT or FLIGHT mode based on its leadership.

We have seen clear evidence of this, with the increasing number of prosperity pimps (Isa 56:10-12)posting as preachers, bishops, or apostles, who have used (MALACHI 3:8) in order to deceive as well as FRIGHTEN the poor unlearned masses to give them money, with the "promise of financial stability, jobs, houses, cars, and miracles, while collecting large sums of money on the back end in order to live the lifestyles of the rich & famous.

This type of deception to a person being fleeced by these spiritual con men or women could be very traumatic if they have placed all of their faith in them.( Jer 23-25)

The new con-game, now, comes with combining credit repair with Christianity as well as pastors claiming to be financial advisors with get-rich-quick pyramid schemes.

This is why most "intellectuals" agree with German philosopher Karl Marx, who stated that "Religion is the opium of the people."

Meaning, religion, from a negative aspect, can be utilized like a drug in order to keep individuals under control, docile, high, drunk, dumb, delusional, and in a state of constant need. Especially, if it is put into the wrong individuals' hands.....(Matt 7:15)

This is why I suggest everyone take a course in comparative religion. And, by doing this, one will be better equipped to handle religious predators, who utilize the Bible to prey on the people's innocence, ignorance, spiritual curiosity, and emptiness in order to imprison and entrap them. (Matt 5:7) Especially, when they desire answers about life, death, the afterlife, and who they are as a people as well as individuals, in a  WORLD constantly working to deny, hide, and conceal these facts.

Remember, the foundation of your spiritual significance or religious recognition should be based on INDEPENDENCE, not CONTROL, EDUCATION, not INDOCTRINATION, FREEDOM, not OPPRESSION, SALVATION, and not SLAVERY.

Again, let me repeat, religious trauma can occur when guilt, force, fear, and shame are used to control, manipulate and intimidate others, which over time can cause disillusionment, psychotic thoughts, and hallucinations of a spiritual nature, where they begin to hear voices, claiming GOD spoke to them directly or indirectly, along with beliefs of seeing demons and devils,  and prediction of the END of the WORLD, (Matt 24:36) when evidence proves otherwise.

These types of thoughts can be a result of intense indoctrination about HELL, DEMONS, and ARMAGEDDON, from one's own personal interpretation of so-called religious texts, which, usually, is based on superstition and not history.

The intense indoctrination, in extreme cases, comes with a mix-match value system about marriage and sex, similar to some Mormon religious sects like the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a polygamous movement lead by Warren Jeffs, who was convicted of several sex crimes & two assisted sex crimes involving children.

Along with being INDOCRINATED, one also can be BRAINWASHED through long sermons, self-published self-help books as well as through HYPNOSIS, which can cause a person to separate from their families, withdraw from their spouses, drop out of school, develop a sense of DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, LEARNED HELPNESSES and, in the worst case scenario, suicidal ideation.

Shockingly, in this generation, this doesn't just occur in "crazy" storefront churches, odd religious sects, or unfamiliar cults, they also happen in the field of psychology at the hands of a narcissistic therapist, during therapy sessions, therapeutic retreats or by self-proclaimed spiritual gurus with the assistance of yoga and meditation, who through isolation and repetitive mantras attempt to warp a person's identity or change their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Especially, those people struggling with sexual addiction, substance abuse, or mental health issues.

An example of this occurred with Keith Raniere's NXIVM cult, who was sentenced to 120 years in prison for his pyramid business scheme called DOS or the Vow, which was billed as a women’s empowerment group, but once women were brought in they were made to have sex with Raniere, branded with a hot iron and then blackmailed with sexually explicit photographs.

Usually, in these cases of religious trauma, such as NXIVM, where an overzealous person is in control, there is always GROUP THINK, where one can completely lose one's self while being smothered in "religious rhetoric" in their attempts to be accepted. This quest for acceptance, usually, comes with no independent thought, a sense of timidness, blank stares of terrorism, prolonged bouts of stress along with a robotic stance or presence.

We see this happening, not only in religious settings, but in the military, high school football teams, fraternities & sororities on college campuses, gangs in the inter-city, Congress, in Washington, and, even, offices, in corporate America. (

Monday, July 31, 2023


"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil-Matt 6:13


According to the Bible Dictionary, TEMPTATION is an enticement (Prov1:10) invitation to sin, with the implied promise of greater good to be derived from following the way of disobedience. In this sense The Most High does not tempt people, nor can He Himself be tempted (James 1:14) This, of course, is metaphysical language.

With that understanding, in this new tech- generation, temptation comes in many forms, which could lead a lot of people into becoming cyberstalkers, which can be based on anger (Eph 4:26-27) revenge (Rom 12:19,) or control. Especially, with the availability of 24-hour pornography on the Internet, where one can develop abnormal sexual fantasies with PornStars, who appear on their computers on an hourly or daily bases, enticing them in an effort to financial drain (Prov6:24-26) them by creating lustful habits (1 John 2:16) and "potential" obsessive and adulterous behaviors. (Matt16:4)

Consider the recent scandal surrounding NBA star Zion Williamson and Pornstar Moriah Mills,, which I discussed in a prior article entitled: WISDOM FOR  ZION, which deals with harassment, embarrassment, and humiliation of its victim.

This psychological delusion was highlighted in a horror-series, based on a real-life event entitled  SWARM about a young woman's obsession with a pop star that takes a dark turn, which leads her to become an obsessed serial killer.

This type of false reality or fake relationship, however, can also occur on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter as well as  OnlyFan Pages, where due to search engines like Google, a person can become engulfed with searching, following, and tracking an individual, whom they have found interesting or attractive.

As innocent as this may seem, no one deserves to be stalked.  For, no one desires unwanted attention from a stranger. Especially, if they are not attracted to them and have no interest in meeting them in person. An unwanted ATTRACTION like this, if the person is not careful, can become FATAL.

Despite the negative consequences of being labeled a stalker, within a stalker's mind, however, his intense desire for the OBJECT of his affection overrides all of this.

Why? Because, he or she has grown to believe their "courageous" curiosity, "pain-stalking" persistence, and "cold-hearted" co-dependency is somehow romantic as well as attractive and stimulating to the person, whom he or she is pursuing, obsessing over, or still in love with. Especially, if this activity follows a mild break-up or short separation, after what to them, seemed to be a long-lasting loving relationship. So, in their thought process, there is nothing wrong with them with finding out, who their past girlfriend is dating now, or married to. Plus, "What's so strange about befriending all their friends on FaceBook or contacting their husband?" Yes, this is an "attraction, which can turn FATAL"

With that example, most stalkers have no intention to harm or scare others. However, over time, unfortunately, they can begin to look- like predators due to their constant attempts to contact someone. Especially, if they don't really know them and appear to be developing an obsession.

This may occur with constant LOVE BOMBING, which comes with an unlimited amount of compliments, LIKES, flattery (Prov 29:5,) admiration, or comments under one's photographs on FaceBook, as well as leaving numerous (inappropriate) messages in their Inbox, along with commenting on all of their posts, following them on Twitter and repeating DMing them on Instagram, while waiting on a reply. (Prov 26:24-28)

This form of cyberstalking, however, can intensify. Especially, when the person, who may have a narcissistic personality, after being blocked or told no, makes matters worst, by practicing deception, Gal( 6:7) developing "new names," (Prov 22:1) pretending to be someone else, hiding in disguise (2 Cor 11:14) with faking pictures, different photos, and made-up profiles in order to gain access to the person they have become obsessed with, who, over time, has become emotionally exhausted by their unwanted harassment.

Usually, the cause of this irrational behavior is a result of spiritual emptiness, loneliness from a relationship gone bad, divorce, or death of a loved one along with emotional neediness, abandonment issues, and attachment disorders, probably, stemming from unresolved trauma in their childhood, which may be due to having uncaring and unloving parents.

Unfortunately, if this person doesn't unplug himself from social

media soon and seek psychological help for his unaddressed issues of trauma and rejection, he will become more OBSESSIVE and impulsive, until he or she starts to develop DARKER thoughts known as RUMINATION, which could lead them to STALK the person offline, appearing at their job, driving by their house,  placing a tracker on their vehicles, rape, (Gen 35:1-14)kidnapping, and even, murder.(Matt5:21-22)

This unstable activity of denial and delusion could ruin one's reputation, and result in job loss, arrest, jail-time, and a "potential" criminal record. (

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 LYING ABOUT A LIAR by e.graham

After an Alabama woman, Carlee Russell, whose brief disappearance this month drew national attention and prompted sprawling search efforts across the state said through a lawyer on Monday that she had faked the entire ordeal — including her abduction and her claim of seeing a toddler on the side of a road, the question, we must ask ourselves .."What is a lie?" (Source:NYTimes)

According to scholars, a lie is a statement or act designed to deceive another person. The motivation for most lying is either to hurt the one against, whom the lie is directed or to protect oneself, usually out of FEAR OR PRIDE. Lying is emphatically condemned in the Bible (Ex:20:16) “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. “

It is wrong because it is contrary to the nature of God, according to Hebrew (6:18)

Why? Because “it is impossible for God to lie…”

There, however, are different kinds of liars, which include compulsive liars, occasional liars, who tell "little white" lies, usually meaningless and do no harm, sociopathic liars, and pathological liars.

1. COMPULSIVE LIARS stories usually don't add up, which are broken down into two

categories-of narcissistic liars and habitual liars. Narcissistic liars' stories are far-fetched and downright unbelievable. On the other hand, habitual liars constantly lie, practically all the time.

2. OCCASSIONAL LIARS  mix lies and truth to prevent hurting people but usually feel guilty while admitting their lies and asking for forgiveness

3. SOCIOPATHIC LIARS are master manipulators, extremely dangerous, who lack empathy and lie easily without worrying about how it impacts others (Source:

4. But, what is PATHOLOGICAL LIAR?

The comedic world, hilariously, has attempted to tackle this topic with Jim Carrey’s 1997 film LIAR-LIAR, which is about a conniving attorney Fletcher Reede, whose dishonesty is destroying his family alongside the iconic pathological liar character created by Jon Lovitz named Tommy Flanagan on Saturday Night Live, who couldn’t stop embellishing the simple matters of his life.

As we laugh at these comedic geniuses, a pathological liar is typically an unstable person with a negative pattern of thinking, who has become obsessed with lying in order to validate their own truth or perspective, while trying to justify his or her struggle or inability to be sincere and honest.

Usually, this person, psychologically, has a narcissistic personality disorder. Meaning, he or she has an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement, while trying to destroy your confidence, credibility with others, and perspective of reality, reasoning, and overall mental health.

Many of them were raised this way, influenced by family members, where overtimes, they become accustomed to it. Which, can be deemed as a product of their environment. Others, however, simply love to do it. Because they can get away with it.

But, how does one deal with a pathological liar?

First, don’t be surprised. Secondly, you must stand firm and confront them. But, don’t argue with them or overreact to their lying.

Why? Because, if you feed into their Shenanigans, it gives them power. And, you don’t want to engage in power plays with a pathological liar.

For, he loves to divert the conversation in all directions, never addressing the real issue, sidestepping the situation, while trying to trap you into psychological triangulation, where he/she will attempt to pull other people into their web of deception.

It could be your family members, workers at your job, friends on Facebook, and all other social platforms. They, in fact, will try to influence all of these people by charming them, deceiving them, manipulating them with intelligent conversations, witty jokes, late-night phone calls, or envious e-mails while sneakily spreading their poisonous venom, toxic thoughts, and lies in their attempts to assassinate your character.

The Book of Romans 3:13 explains it this way: The heart is compared to a tomb, for buried in it is the seed of death. The throat reveals the corruption inside, the spiritual decay. The lips are like the fangs of an asp; they contain deadly poison.

All of this is happening, of course, without your knowledge, or awareness. As a result, you may find yourself trying to figure out why nobody wants to deal with you. Or, has turned against you all of a sudden.

As you can see, a pathological liar has the ability to make your life a “living Hell.” They, however, live to play the victim. And, without shame, will multiply your words, changing their meaning, in order to convince others as well as yourself that you said something you didn’t- So, you may have to play “STUPID” when dealing with them.

Especially, with a person, who thinks they can OUTSMART you. Understand, you can’t give a pathological liar an inch. Because, they’ll turn it into a mile, using it against you. For, a pathological individual has an unstable personality. He/she, in fact, is cold and calculated plus very vindictive and vicious. Their overall goal is to harm, destroy, get over, get ahead, gain power, and gain authority over you.

For, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10)

They will do whatever it takes to get to their goal. Or, what they believe is necessary. But, during this process, when he or she slithers like a snake, which was made reference to in Genesis (Genes-of Isis) in Chapter 3: verses 1 when it states: Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field…..

With that said, when dealing with a pathological liar, you must remain calm and emotionless by not reacting in the way they desire while removing the shock value from your face and attitude.

Understanding, that they will never admit their GUILT, BLAMESHIFT. AND COVER UP THEIR SINS. (

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Sunday, July 23, 2023


 "Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."


According to The Book of Proverbs, which is one of the five “wisdom books” of the Bible, with the other four being Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon states in Chapter 18 verses 21-22 that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Plus, “ Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.”

This scripture, once again has proven itself to be true. Especially, after young NBA basketball star Zion Williamson got caught in a “love triangle,” when his apparent girlfriend, Ahkeema, announced they are expecting a baby girl — posting a gender reveal video on social media. This, however, led to an avalanche of Twits and Instagram posts from a former disgruntled “girlfriend.”

But, last week, things got serious, when the 23-year-old Pelicans star, according to the NYPost, posted a snippet from the late- Notorious B.I.G. song’s “Suicidal Thoughts”  on his  Instagram Story with the lyrics, “I can’t believe suicide’s on my f mind, I wanna leave” 

This, of course, sparked some online concerns about Williamson’s well-being.  Especially, with his association with “former” adult film star Moriah Mills, who claimed in June that she had been having sexual relations with the No. 1 overall NBA Draft pick in  2019  with New Orleans, who signed a five-year rookie max extension with the Pelicans in July 2022 worth up to $213 million.


Oddly, now, Mills is alleging to have been physically abused by Williamson, who stands 6’6 and over 284 lbs, while  “sexually extorting” the young baller for $62,000.

“He is a woman beater and the NBA needs to know this,” Moriah said through tears. “I literally did not want to come to this because I know he has so many endorsements. But Zion Williamson is a woman beater,” she cried.

“The reason he was paying me off is so I won’t come to the world and tell everybody,” Moriah said.

All of this comes after Mills posted herself getting Zion’s name tattooed on her face while threatening to reveal sex tapes with the former Duke basketball, who was paying her $200,000 a month for “sexual favors” allegedly at the time.

With all of this drama surrounding Zion and his fetish for Porn Stars, remember, the Book of Proverbs forewarned us in Chapter  5:3-10 which stated: Proverbs 5:3-14

The lips of a seductive woman are oh so sweet, her soft words are oh so smooth. But it won't be long before she's gravel in your mouth, a pain in your gut, a wound in your heart.

She's dancing down the primrose path to Death; she's headed straight for Hell and taking you with her. She hasn't a clue about Real Life, about who she is or where she's going. So, my friend, listen closely; don't treat my words casually.

Keep your distance from such a woman; absolutely stay out of her neighborhood. You don't want to squander your wonderful life, to waste your precious life among the hardhearted.

Why should you allow strangers to take advantage of you? Why be exploited by those who care nothing for you? You don't want to end your life full of regrets, nothing but sin and bones, Saying, "Oh, why didn't I do what they told me? Why did I reject a disciplined life? Why didn't I listen to my mentors, or take my teachers seriously? My life is ruined! I haven't one blessed thing to show for my life!" Never Take Love for Granted.

With that said, during his time of trouble and unrest, Williamson,  must remember Isaiah 1:27, which states “Zion shall be redeemed with judgment…For the LORD hath chosen Zion Gal4:26 as inspiration(

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According to Bible Dictionary, the divine ideal of marriage is clearly a long bond that unites husband and wife in a "one flesh" relationship (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:5) The marriage union, in fact, is considered a HOLY condition founded by  The Most High and is not to be dissolved at the will of human beings (Matt 19:6)

For this reason, the SEPARATION OF This BOND displeases  The Most High and poses a serious threat to the social order. We see evidence of this separation and singleness,  now, which, seemingly affects the African-American family, which are led, mostly, by women, in fatherless homes. (Is 3:12 )

The Book of Malachi 2:15-16 states like this: "...let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. For the LORD God of Israel says He hates divorce..." Mal 2:15-16)

But, in America, viewed as modern-day Babylon, loves a messy divorce. The messier the merrier. For, she highlights them on shows like Divorce Court while celebrating and laughing at the infidelities, which destroys them on shows like Cheaters. (Prov 6:32)

The Law of Moses, however, allowed a man to divorce his wife when she found "no favor in his eyes." because he has found some uncleanness in her (Deu 24:1) In other words, the single reason for divorce was "immortality" or illicit sexual intercourse.

For, such union violates the sacred "oneness" intended by The Most High when he united Adam & Eve in the first marriage relationship (Gen 2:18-25) This, of course, is metaphysical language.

In analyzing all of this dysfunction, we all know that there are no perfect marriages. Regardless, of what Meghan Markle and Prince Harry,  pretend to display on television. Plus, if a relationship becomes toxic, where one feels "unloved, unheard, and unimportant" as well as manipulated, minimized, abused, or mistreated, it is definitely time for one to separate or walk away. (Source:T.Hill)

Especially, if there is no spiritual counseling or therapeutic intervention taking place to address the problems occurring within this sacred bond. (Prov 11:14)

With all this in mind, DE-TOXing from a poisonous relationship can still be hard because one may have developed a TRAUMA BOND with their mate along with a sense of FINANCIAL DEPENDENCY and CO-DEPENDENCY in the process of trying to make the marriage work.

Plus, one may also have developed a mentality of being in love, of being married, having a big fabulous wedding, or simply having a husband, whether the person is physically or verbally abusive or unfaithful.

This mentality combined with the psychological difficulties of learning the "new" roles attached with marriage can be very overwhelming.

Especially, for young brides, who find themselves after having a baby-trying to balance being a mother, lover, wife, and employer, while finding very little time for themselves.

As a result, many, during this transition, as a form of self-sabotage, find themselves feeling inadequate, and unhappy after dealing with bouts of postpartum depression, burnout, and unattractiveness.

Especially, with the additional of extra pounds gained during pregnancy. This, of course, is not an excuse for infidelity.

For, young men, who may be emotionally immature, may feel unloved, sexually frustrated, economically stressed out, and psychologically trapped,  which leads many of them to commit adultery during this time of new birth and challenges.(1 Tim 5:8)

But, when a relationship is toxic, all of these issues can intensify levels of dissatisfaction. Especially, when one is constantly being scapegoated, mistreated, disappointed, or abused while holding on to the FANASTY of marital bliss.

If the level of toxicity has reached this point, there shouldn't be any options, whether a person should seek separation.

Why? Because, at this point, one should be in FLIGHT or FIGHT mode. Meaning, they are either going to  HOLD ON and FIGHT for their marriage or relationship, FORGIVING ONE'S PAST transgression, ()Mark 11:25) overlooking the negativity, which may damage their mental health, while living in constant fear of having their heart continuously broken. (Ps 51:17)

Or, they will have to utilize their wisdom (Col 4:5-6) to FLEE  (Ps 143:9) without having GUILT, shame, self-doubt, depression, and anxiety, despite the negative judgment, rumors, and accusations,  regardless of the evidence of the situation from family members, who desire for them to stay together at all cost.

Why? Because, in some cases, WALKING AWAY from A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP will give back one's independence, freedom, happiness, and peace of mind, allowing them to BE BORN AGAIN.

For, the mind knows what the heart desires. (Ps: 37:4)

But, during this time of uncertainty, one can process their decision through journaling, blogging,  writing expressive poetry, meditating, and PRAYING (James 5:16) (

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Sunday, July 16, 2023



The question most people ask is "What do you want from me? Especially, if they are being emotionally blackmailed.

So, today, we will be discussing EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL, which, usually, occurs when a narcissistic family member or mate, uses a form of intimidation with bouts of uncontrollable bursts of anger along with strict guidelines and directions that come with physical and verbal abuse in order to manipulate, belittle, control, guilt-trap, shame, or high-jack one's emotions with no regard for their psychological well-being or mental health by placing them into a permanent insubordinate position-OF LESS THAN.

This emotional blackmailing can take place during moments of infidelity, where secrets can be held against mates, as a form of romantic ransom. In the process of divorce or separation, where one can WEAPONIZE one's desire to leave a toxic relationship with the use of menacing body language, evil stares, and devilish details of revenge. Which, in, the worst-case scenario, involves using a child as a shield, where he or she is abused, neglected, abandoned, or physically harmed.

This form of intimidation also can occur in gender wars, where questions of masculinity or belief of maleness, with labels of being the "head of the household," can come with physical, verbal, sexual, and, even, religious abuse, which has hints of occultism, where one fears to leave, due to TRAUMA BONDING.

With this understanding, an emotional blackmailer, or whitemailer, to be politically correct,  can be a father, mother, brother, sister, or any other family member.

For, this person desires to control one's freedom, independence, and ability to think while suffocating one's soul, penetrating one's heart, and entrapping one's emotions in their EVIL attempt to prove all of their wrongs. But, according, to 1 Corinthians 13:5 "Love records no wrongs or does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.""

However, in the extreme case of emotional blackmail, wrongs are recorded, and tactics such as A. TRAUMA BONDING, B. COERCIVE

POWER, C. RE-ENACTMENTS, and D. FALSE COALITIONS are tools in which this objective can be achieved (Source:T.Hall)

Coercive Power is a type of power that gets you to comply with something you don’t want to do through the use of force or punishment. It is a type of authoritarian power used to prevent insubordination; for example, your boss threatens to fire you if you don’t complete a project on time. (Source:MasterClass)

In most situations, an individual using this tactic can be a master manipulator, or triangulator, while playing the role of the victim, by using persuasive language, dis-information, gossip, half-truths, outright lies, or their version of the truth in order to undercut and devalue their family members or their mates in an attempt to get others to view them through their point of view.

This can be achieved by surprising e-mails, Facebook inboxs, or mysterious phone calls, out of nowhere, which may come with statements like: "I don't know, who I have married...." "He did this, that, and the third." Unfortunately, these conversations are not given to resolve problems, however. They are conducted in order to stir up more controversy and pass more judgment and criticism while creating MOBB-TIES, fake family coalitions, and false friendships as well as a sense of sympathy.

Next is RE-ENACTMENT, which is the action of performing a new version of an old event, usually with a theatrical performance. In the case of relationships, an individual, usually, with a difficult upbringing and dysfunctional family ties, without any therapy to deal with their past traumatic experiences, utilizes their past relationships, which may have been riddled with bullying, physical and verbal abuse, violent acts, drug abuse, alcoholism and manipulations as an excuse to justify their present bad behavior in their current relationship. Especially, when arguments and disagreements occur. Which, commonly, comes with comments like: You are acting just like my past boyfriend. You are acting just like my last husband. Or, you are acting like my father. He beat me. My husband beat me and you want to beat me too.

This was brilliantly yet hilariously highlighted in the "classic" film (1996) Thin Line Between Love & Hate starring comedian Martin Lawerence, Lynn Whitfield Bobby Brown, and Regina King, and tragically portrayed in FATAL ATTRACTION starring Michael Douglas and Glen Close.  Unfortunately, this is also a part of emotional whitemail.

Why? Because, this person loves drama and plays a dramatic role by crying hysterically, becoming physical in order to get one to overreact through emotional outbursts or striking out in frustration, which could lead to authorities being called, and legal actions being taken, resulting in restraining orders, arrests, criminal records, lost of employment, and court cases. (

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 "Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking"- 1 Cor 13:4-5


According to Susan Forward, PhD's book Emotional Blackmail: When People In Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt To Manipulate, there are four faces to emotional blackmail, which are 1) The Punisher, 2. The Self-Punisher 3. The Sufferer and 4.) The Tantalizer, utilizes demands, pressure, threats, negative judgments, compliance, and repetition to obtain their objectives.

A.) The PUNISHER is an individual, who thinks they are superior and loves to correct others. This is their power trip. In order to get what they want, they will express anger, rage, and blind fury along with dark threats that come with severe consequences. Their underline philosophy is "My way or the highway.." So, they may withhold money and finances along with sex or use sex as a punishment and a form of control. They may also emotionally cut you off or abandon (others) hoping it will cause you to suffer, crumble and fall in the midst of a dispute. Comments like "If you divorce me, you'll never see your children." are a part of their make-up.

B.) THE SELF-PUNISHER is, usually, associated with high drama along with attachment and abandonment issues, who often throw temper tantrums, vowing to do something to ruin their lives, or hurt themselves; as a means to manipulate, control or terrorize others into submission in order to obtain love. This may be accomplished by physical injuries, overdrinking, abusing drugs, quitting jobs, dropping out of school, and, in the worse case,  attempting suicide or threats of having an abortion in order to make one feel guilty. Statements such as: "I'll kill myself if you leave me..." is often used by a self-punisher

C.) THE SUFFERER is often complaining about something, always depressed, in a teary-eyed position, feeling miserable, sick, unhappy with life, or preoccupied with how awful thing are....But, when asked, "What's wrong!" They'll say "Nothing." Why? Because they want you to read their minds and figure out their problems. But, they love sharing the excoriating details about their relationship with everyone else including strangers. On the surface, these individuals look weak, but they are tyrants and can be terrorists in their own homes by constantly triangulating, creating the victim-rescuer-caretaker motif

D.) TANTALIZER is the most subtle or clever of the beast. Plus, the most seductive, highlighted in the (1997) movie The Devil's Advocate starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves. They will utilize love, money, and career advancement to control and manipulate others as a proverbial carrot, which can never be obtained like eternal life offered by the serpent in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (

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Sunday, May 28, 2023



According to (1 Cor 13:4 ), " Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.

Despite this scripture, the R&B legend Tina Turner, who survived an abusive relationship with her husband Ike Turner, famously sang the lyrics in 1984 on the record "What's Love Got to Do with It" from her fifth solo album, Private Dancer "Oh-oh, what's love got to do, got to do with it? What's love but a second-hand emotion?

With that said, we, all have a girlfriend, who always needs a man, who goes from one bad relationship to the next. But, never, taking the time to "LEARN THEMSELVES," (Prov:19:8) in order to obtain a new skill, by going back to school, earning a degree, starting a new job before getting into a new relationship, bragging about their new BOO, where they, unfortunately, totally immerse themselves, losing their identity in that person, without investigation, after ONLY a couple of week, JUSTIFYING THEIR LOVE-even when the relationship was built on toxicity.

On the flip side, we all know that girlfriend, who JUSTIFIES HER LOVE, in desperate need of attention, by manipulating men to "secure the bag" in order to obtain financial freedom, celebrity status, material gains, such as name-brand bags, foreign trips, exotic cars, and expensive jewels in exchange for sexual favors, wherein the worst-case scenario, they entrap them by becoming pregnant, which, sadly, can lead to a cycle of co-dependency.

Especially, if the young man is economically wealthy, an athlete, performer, or involved in criminal activity, where his money comes from illegal street activity.

This justification for Love, or need for companionship, or desire to be married, Atlanta Housewives style, in fear of being alone leads some women  to develop forms of depression because they're not really "happy."

So, they secretly, remain silent, accepting the disrespect from their mate fearing they will be having an affair. So, they begin to tolerate all the "baby mama drama, "criminality, serial cheating, plus physical, emotional, and psychological abuse in order to stay in the relationship.

Despite all the warning signs, they deny it exists, loathing that exposing it will dismantle their perceived "PERFECT UNION," which was based on deception from the beginning. Therefore, they help to cover up their lover's infidelities from the general public, even though, it is obvious to family members, co-workers, and friends.

But, in order to Keep Up With The Kardashians, they continue the masquerade, JUSTIFYING THEIR LOVE, with vacation pics, FaceBook likes, Instagram posts of family outings, sexy selfies, using it as a defense mechanism, even if the love has become abusive. Unfortunately, at this time, they have formed a bond with the abuser.

In situations as this, one may make statements like: "I know, I don't have what I want, but I will deal with what I have."

But, why would a woman stay with this type of toxic-sexual relationship, you ask?

Sometimes, it is due to the need for intimacy and sexual stimulation or sexual gratification.

Which, most priests use Cor (7:8-11) as the premise, which states if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she departs, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. (Triplefold meaning)

Some wicked unlearned preachers and pimps of the scripture use these verses to JUSTIFY sharing their mates and engaging in threesomes, which could lead to unwanted sexual diseases, abortions, and broken hearts and homes.

Currently, this is the way of the streets, where young women are engaging in so-called polyamorous relationships, knowingly or not knowingly, with no level of commitment, in the spirit of Madonna's 1990's song Justify My Love, who is dating a 27-year old Black male, which contains the lyrics:

"Wanting, needing, waiting. For you to justify my love. I'm open and ready. For you to justify my love.

In other cases, a person may stay in such toxic relationships, while overlooking the abuse for the sake of the children. For, the person, due to his level of finance, may control all the assets, paying all the bills. So, even though, he may be a good provider, he is also a toxic TYRANNY and a TERRORIST through his thoughts and actions, wherein the worst-case scenario, believes he owns the individual.

Meaning, she is not allowed any independent thought, and neither is allowed any personal freedom without his permission. (Eph: 5:25-33)

Yet, instill, the person JUSTIFIES their love, even with this type of abusiveness, because they may have become codependent in this dysfunctional relationship, where one person is a caretaker, and the other person takes advantage.

In most cases, 1.) it is due to low self-esteem, 2.) lack of education, 3.) fear of abandonment, 4.) a product of a dysfunctional home where emotional needs for love and intimacy were not met from an unavailable mother or father, 5.)criminal record, 6.) substance abuse, 7.) fear of homelessness, 8.) lack of employment, or 9.) desire to save a person from themselves.

This belief system can also create a level of paranoia, personality borderline disorder, where their fight or flight response becomes almost non-existence due to their traumatic bonding that produces a form of Cognitive dissonance, which occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them.

So, how are you going to JUSTIFY YOUR LOVE because wisdom is justified of all her children  (Luke 7:35)

So, ...put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,  and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. (Eph 4:22-24) (



“I AM THE “ROSE” OF SHARON” Solomon 2:1


In 2003, blues rock singer-songwriter John Mayer released his third single entitled “Daughters” from his album entitled Heavier Things, which contained the lyrics: “Father’s be good to your daughters. Because daughters become Lovers.  And Lovers become Mothers. So, mothers be good to your daughters, too…

With the lyrics of this beautiful song, which won the 2005 Grammy Award for Song of the Year at the 47th Grammy Awards playing in the background as you read this article, heed to the Words from the Book of Leviticus, which states: Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness….

With that said, for the learned men and women, let’s remember the Five Daughters of Zelophehad, a man, (meaning dark shadows) who had no sons (SUNS)  from the tribe Manasseh, who died along with his entire generation while wandering in the wilderness/ “ the desert,” trying to make it to the Promise Land.

And, because, Zelophehad had no male heirs his 5 daughters Mahlah means "forgiven", Noa means "movement", Milcah means "queen", Tirzah means "pleasing", Hoglah means "circling/dancing" stood up to Moses and requested that they inherit their father’s property.

 In doing this, they were cutting across the social norms of the day. Because, in ancient Israel, women did not inherit land.

Yet because their case made sense. Moses allowed the five daughters of Zelophehad, which means “village” to require the property after consulting with THE LORD, with one stipulation that they were to MARRY (Mary) within their father’s tribe. Thus, preserving the unity of the 12 tribes of Isis-Ra-El. (Number 36:2-11).

So, fathers, be good to your daughters. Because, Daughters will love like you do. And, girls become lovers….

This takes us directly to the Songs of SOL-OM-ON, which is a “moving” love story between a young country girl from Southern Arabia,  named Queen SHEBA, which in Hebrew means “PROMISE,” whose nickname is Bathsheba, who is noted for her wealth that journeyed to Jerusalem or Herusalem to SEE HERSELF WHETHER “accounts” about KING SOLOMON’s (PEACE) great wisdom and wealth were true.

The Songs of Solomon, in fact, is filled with delicate poetry, where these two lovers (Solomon and Shulammite woman, meaning woman of Jerusalem) express their intense PASSION and DEEP longing for each other. She is his CHOSEN BRIDE, the Daughter of Jerusalem.

Hence (Song of Solomon 1:2-4) states:

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine. Because of the savour of thy good ointments, thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee. Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee. I AM BLACK, BUT COMELY, O ye DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM, as the tents of Kedar, (dark-skinned,Shiva) as the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am BLACK, because the SUN hath looked upon me:  If thou know not, O thou fairest among women...O my love...your cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold. Song of Solomon (1:5), (1:10)


With that last stanza, when Christ was speaking this woman called out from the crowd; She praised Him by PRAISING HIS MOTHER, saying, “Blessed is the womb, that carried You and the breasts at which You Nursed (Luke 11:27)

Jesus, however, used her praise of His speaking to redirect the attention of all His hearers to the essential, saying that those who practice the WORD OF God they had heard were the ones who were really blessed (Luke 11:27-28)


Because, if we can remember, in the biblical drama, of Christ’s Resurrection, according to Luke (24:8), who was there….

 “It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, the Mother of James, and the other women with them, who told these things to the apostles. And their words seemed to them idle tales, and they did not believe them.

But, as the Song of Solomon states: I AM THE “ROSE” OF SHARON, and the lily of the valleys, as the lily among thorns, SO IS MY LOVE AMONG THE DAUGHTERS.

According to this interpretation, THE ROSE of Sharon, meaning "fertile plain or PRINCESS" has an even more special meaning.

Since this flower only blooms on the highest point of the mountain, the picture of CHRIST can be found in it.  For, he, within the Christ mythos, is our flower of salvation that blooms from the top of Mount Calvary, which is symbolized by a SKULL, representing the GRAVE, which signifies that Christ "ROSE" from the dead.

“So, Fathers, be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into Mothers. So mothers be good to your daughters, too…” (

Classic Post From The Past. Sponsored by the Brains From Coltrane and #TheRapProfessor. If you like what you are learning cash app ($JeffreyBarnes)



On this Sunday, in the Judeo-Christian faith, its believers celebrate the Feast of Weeks, also known as the Feast of Harvest or Pentecost, which is a Greek word meaning fifty.

And, even though Christians call this day the 'Pentecost’, those practicing Judaism call it Shavuot, which allegedly is the day God gave the Torah known as the Pentateuch to Moses on Mount Sinai, which is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

The Biblical reference for the Day of Pentecost, observed in the third month, on the 50th day after the offering of the barley sheaf at the Feast of Unleaved Bread occurs in (Ex 23:16; 34-22;) which included a holy convocation with the usual restriction on manual labor, which was attended by servants, sons and daughters, Levi priests, the fatherless, widows along with strangers, who gathered in Jersusalem 50 days after Christ's Resurrection or Easter Sunday, where they allegedly experienced the outpouring of the Most High's Holy Spirit in a miraculous way (Acts 2:1-4)

The question is "Can you find that Bread?"

Despite the literal interpretation of these scriptures and religious observation of this "Holy" Holiday, it has a deeper exoteric meaning to the learnt man and woman, who may be students of the Pythagorean formula of the 3, 4, 5. For, the Day of Pentecost, has mathematical and metaphysical significance.

But, before, we continue, understand the name Pythagoras by using etymology, is broken down to Pytha and Agoras, Agor means “he who spoke or speaks," which means Pythagoras may be interpreted as ‘He who spoke or speaks on behalf of the god Ptah, the "real father of mathematics, written in Medu Neter Hieroglyphs, has the square [Pi] in the half-circle (T) and the three looped knotted rope [Har] as the three symbols in his name; seen in the Greek as PØ Phi-tha.

For, the original Black man, builder, and designer of the pyramids, is the first Mason, who numerically, is represented by the number (3.) which represents the trinity, (Osiris, Isis, and Set) royalty, a luscious garden, magic healing, and the completion of Menkaure ), Khafre and Khufu (the Great Pyramid) of Egypt.

Hence, there are 3 righteous patriarchs. within the Hebrew myth before the flood Abel, Enoch, and Noah, and three righteous symbolic "fathers" after the deluge, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (later renamed Israel, which has astrological importance.

The number (4,) on the other hand, stands for the CROSS and the SQUARE, Law and the order, the foundation, and THE CORNERSTONE. While. the number 5 is associated with the mighty fortress of God, the spiritual truth. Hence, the ten commandments, are on two stone tablets.

Keep this in mind, in studying the mythology of Christ, who was crucified and resurrected from the dead after (3) days, which was prophesied allegorically in the parable about Jonah being in the belly of the fish for three days in (Matt:12:39-41)

But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah, meaning DOVE, which is symbolized the HOLY SPIRIT. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Even with this parable, however, many self-proclaimed Christians fell to realize in the legend of Christ, that after being resurrected, He came back in a physical body, flesh, and bones, not as a spirit or ghost as many of his disciples believed him to be and appeared at least 10 times over 40 days (Acts 1:3) after He arose from the dead. (Coded language Here)

This is explained in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 24.

For, "He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them."

This, of course, is an astrological allegory as well, which has a cosmological interpretation and forms a "sacred" geometrical structure. For, Christ, to prove, He wasn't a spirit, while standing in the MIDST of his disciples, because they were terrified and frightened" said to them, Peace to you (in Arabic As-salamu alaykum ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ, or in Hebrew *SHALOM ALEICHEM) "Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.

This is figurative and symbolic language. Because the number 40, with the scriptural text, generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial, or probation. Hence, during Moses' life, he lived forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God selected him to lead his people out of slavery.

Plus, the prophet Jonah powerfully warned ancient Nineveh, for forty days, that its destruction would come because of its many sins. Unfortunately, many people read the Bible as literary history, becoming trapped within it, and often "overlook" the hidden meaning.

Let's not forget, according to John, "There are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written (one by one)

I suppose that EVEN the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." (John 21:25)

With that said, "I'm just cracking the surface," however, this takes us back to the 3-4-5 of the Pythagorean Theorem, known as the 47th problem of Euclid, which states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

For Christ, the chief cornerstone was resurrected after 3 days, remaining on earth for (40) days before ascending to HEAVEN as the people of Galilee, meaning circle, WATCHED before celebrating the Day of Pentecost on the 50th day, symbolized by the dove (360 degrees,) which in the Hebrew myth, Noah sent from the Ark to see if there is any dry land left after the Great Flood, where the bird returns holding an olive branch in its beak,  meaning PEACE, for it occurred at a place (geographically) where there is no East or West in Heaven).

Hence, there was "a sound from heaven (came) as of a rushing mighty wind, filling the whole house, where they were sitting. (Act 2:2)

For, in Christian symbolism, a caged dove signifies the human soul still imprisoned in the flesh during our mortal life. And, even, King David honors the bird in the midst of his suffering and troubles of old age as he cries out: Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest.(Psalm 55:6).