Sunday, July 16, 2023



The question most people ask is "What do you want from me? Especially, if they are being emotionally blackmailed.

So, today, we will be discussing EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL, which, usually, occurs when a narcissistic family member or mate, uses a form of intimidation with bouts of uncontrollable bursts of anger along with strict guidelines and directions that come with physical and verbal abuse in order to manipulate, belittle, control, guilt-trap, shame, or high-jack one's emotions with no regard for their psychological well-being or mental health by placing them into a permanent insubordinate position-OF LESS THAN.

This emotional blackmailing can take place during moments of infidelity, where secrets can be held against mates, as a form of romantic ransom. In the process of divorce or separation, where one can WEAPONIZE one's desire to leave a toxic relationship with the use of menacing body language, evil stares, and devilish details of revenge. Which, in, the worst-case scenario, involves using a child as a shield, where he or she is abused, neglected, abandoned, or physically harmed.

This form of intimidation also can occur in gender wars, where questions of masculinity or belief of maleness, with labels of being the "head of the household," can come with physical, verbal, sexual, and, even, religious abuse, which has hints of occultism, where one fears to leave, due to TRAUMA BONDING.

With this understanding, an emotional blackmailer, or whitemailer, to be politically correct,  can be a father, mother, brother, sister, or any other family member.

For, this person desires to control one's freedom, independence, and ability to think while suffocating one's soul, penetrating one's heart, and entrapping one's emotions in their EVIL attempt to prove all of their wrongs. But, according, to 1 Corinthians 13:5 "Love records no wrongs or does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.""

However, in the extreme case of emotional blackmail, wrongs are recorded, and tactics such as A. TRAUMA BONDING, B. COERCIVE

POWER, C. RE-ENACTMENTS, and D. FALSE COALITIONS are tools in which this objective can be achieved (Source:T.Hall)

Coercive Power is a type of power that gets you to comply with something you don’t want to do through the use of force or punishment. It is a type of authoritarian power used to prevent insubordination; for example, your boss threatens to fire you if you don’t complete a project on time. (Source:MasterClass)

In most situations, an individual using this tactic can be a master manipulator, or triangulator, while playing the role of the victim, by using persuasive language, dis-information, gossip, half-truths, outright lies, or their version of the truth in order to undercut and devalue their family members or their mates in an attempt to get others to view them through their point of view.

This can be achieved by surprising e-mails, Facebook inboxs, or mysterious phone calls, out of nowhere, which may come with statements like: "I don't know, who I have married...." "He did this, that, and the third." Unfortunately, these conversations are not given to resolve problems, however. They are conducted in order to stir up more controversy and pass more judgment and criticism while creating MOBB-TIES, fake family coalitions, and false friendships as well as a sense of sympathy.

Next is RE-ENACTMENT, which is the action of performing a new version of an old event, usually with a theatrical performance. In the case of relationships, an individual, usually, with a difficult upbringing and dysfunctional family ties, without any therapy to deal with their past traumatic experiences, utilizes their past relationships, which may have been riddled with bullying, physical and verbal abuse, violent acts, drug abuse, alcoholism and manipulations as an excuse to justify their present bad behavior in their current relationship. Especially, when arguments and disagreements occur. Which, commonly, comes with comments like: You are acting just like my past boyfriend. You are acting just like my last husband. Or, you are acting like my father. He beat me. My husband beat me and you want to beat me too.

This was brilliantly yet hilariously highlighted in the "classic" film (1996) Thin Line Between Love & Hate starring comedian Martin Lawerence, Lynn Whitfield Bobby Brown, and Regina King, and tragically portrayed in FATAL ATTRACTION starring Michael Douglas and Glen Close.  Unfortunately, this is also a part of emotional whitemail.

Why? Because, this person loves drama and plays a dramatic role by crying hysterically, becoming physical in order to get one to overreact through emotional outbursts or striking out in frustration, which could lead to authorities being called, and legal actions being taken, resulting in restraining orders, arrests, criminal records, lost of employment, and court cases. (

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