Sunday, April 22, 2018


Habakkuk was unique among the prophets. Because, he questioned (God) The Most High...just like many of us do today? His questions were:
“Why does evil against Judah ("Black" people) go unpunished? “How can a just God use a wicked nation like Babylon (America) to punish his "chosen" people? Habakkuk wanted to know, just as we do, what God was doing and why. There seem to be too much evil among the “righteous” and too much freewheeling power amongst the the wicked. “Lord, how long must I ask for help and you ignore me? I cry out to you about Violence, but you do not save us! (Gang violence, school shootings, "terrorist" acts etc.)
Why do you make me see wrong things and make me look at trouble? (Watching the Nightly News (ABC,NBC, CBS, CNN) People are destroying things and hurting others in front of me , they are arguing and fighting. (WorldStar, Atlanta Housewives, Jerry Springer). Therefore, your teaching are weak, and justice never comes. Evil people gain while good people lose and judges no longer make fair decisions. (Corruption of the justice system; shooting of Black men by cops going unpunished)
Here is The Most High’s Answer

Look at the nations! (America, Britain, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran etc.)
Watch them and be amazed and shocked. I will do something in your lifetime that you won’t believe even when you are told about it. I will use the Babylonians (America) those cruel and wild people who march across the earth and take lands that don’t belong to them. (The Berlin Conference/ British Colonialism/Balfour Declaration/Trail of Tears (Native Americans) They scare and frighten people. They do not what they want to do and are good only to themselves.
Their horses(military) are faster than leopards and quicker than wolves at sunsets. Their horses soldiers attack quickly; they come from places far away. (Drones, Stealth Bombers.) They attack quickly (missiles) like an eagle (symbol of America) swooping down for food.
They all come to fight. Nothing can stop them. (America is perceived as the World’s SuperPower). Their prisoners (Prison Industrial Complex) are as many as the grain of sand. They laugh at kings and make fun of rulers. (current president:Donald Trump)
They laugh at all the strong, walled cities and build dirt piles of the top of the walls to capture them. (After bombing cities, they turn them into piles of rubble..(Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hiroshima..etc.) Then they leave like the wind and move on. They are guilty of worshiping their own strength. (To be continued. From The Mind of Bobbee Bee "The Hater" A.nger T.eaches E.verybody R.eality (