Sunday, April 23, 2017


BRONZE GODZ & COPPER CHRISTZ-We relied on Ghetto Prophets and Street Scholars, who hung out in front of liquor stores, barber shops and pool halls in order to learn things that the public school system wouldn't teach us after it was integrated.

These cornerstones, which the world rejected, in fact, gave us street sermons and scriptural brakedowns that most "sophisticated" preachers, who had made a career out of "pimpin' the people" couldn't comprehend.

Yes, these poor righteous teachers, taught us that Jesus was Black. His mother-Mary was Black...and that we built the pyramids. They told us, openly, without fear, that we were the original people of the earth and our history was written in the stars.

See, even though, many people cursed them-we knew that they were divine. Because, they came from a generation, who survived the Middle Passage, slavery, Reconstruction, the Great Depression, the KKK, lynching, World War I, World War 2, Jim Crow segregation, Racism, Zionism, the Tuskegee experiment, assassination attempts, Co-Intel Pro, the Vietnam War, Police Terrorism, South African apartheid, Heroin, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Crack Cocaine, the Prison Industrial Complex, Desert Storm, Hurricane Katrina, George Bush 1 and 2. And even, 9/11, when the Twin Towers came crumbling down to the ground-Why? Because, they were (Bronze Godz and Copper Christz) "angels" in disguise-

From the "new" album-The Evolution of an MC-by eric d.graham