Friday, June 21, 2013


They said it couldn't BE done.

But, we did it.

They said,

"Where are you going to get the money from?"

"Do you even have a real movie camera?"

"Who's going to film it?"

"How are you going to SHOOT a movie in Magnolia?" I didn't know you went to film school?"

"Well, it better be funny?"

"Who wrote it?"

"Who said you could make a movie?"

"Ya'll just tryin' to copy Tyler Perry?"

"Where's the dialogue at?"

"Is this a church play?""

"Is it going to be on T.V.?"

"Is it going to be on B.E.T.?"
"Is this a real movie?"Is this a comedy or a drama?""

Sorry, but, I don't like Black movies?

"Whose in it?""Are you sure he can act?""She probably want remember her lines?" "I bettcha she doesn't even show up?"

"Have you seen Marc Law's new video?"

"Is this like a Reality-TV show?

"How do you know Rich P?

"I wouldn't use him?" 

"You know damn well, Black people can't work together?"

"I wouldn't put that in the movie if I was you?"  

"Ya'll going mess around and get arrested?"

"Who's going to edit it?"
 "Man, who is that?"
"What kind of name is Boo-Daddy?"
"I am not going to call him? You call him?"

"Is this a Black movie?"

"Do you have white people in it?"

"What is it about?" 
"Why does his hair look like?"
"Why does she have on those funny looking glasses?
"Ya'll wrote some children books too?"

"How long have ya'll been doing this?"

"Who is doing the soundtrack?"
"Can he rap? "Are you sure?"

"Can I get a free Tee-shirt?"
"Where are you going to show it at?"

bobbee bee trailer 3 from Terrence Graham on Vimeo.

"Why do I have to pay to go see it?"

"Why didn't you ask me to be in it?" 

"I ain't hating or nothing like that, but I have been working on a movie too?"

"When are you planning on completing this film?"

We just finished it.

"Say, What?"

If you have any questions about Bobbee Bee The Hater The Movie, send all of them to