Thursday, April 25, 2019


by eric d.graham
We are witnessing "spiritual terrorism."
Whether, it comes from the hands of white supremacist Dylann Storm Roof, who murdered nine innocent people in a Charleston, South Carolina church in 2015. Or, at the hands of, Holden Matthews, the 21 year old son of a deputy sheriff, who was accused of setting fire to three historical Black churches in St.Landry Parish in Louisiana last week.

Yes, this is a form of "spiritual terrorism." No, different than the burning of Norte Dame in Paris
But, if we, as Black people, know our history- we can't be surprised. Not even with, with the recent terrorist attack at a Sri Lanka church, which 207 people have been killed and 450 injured by an alleged suicide bomber.

Why? Because, we, as a people, have experienced a history of terrorism, at the hands of our wicked oppressors, who have used religion and the Bible to enslave us, right here in the Hells of North America.

No, we can't be surprised. For, we have encountered "spiritual terrorism, through the night-rides of the KKK, who burned crosses in our yards, lynched us from trees, bombed our churches, kidnapped our children, raped our women, terrorized our communities, and killed our prophets.
Yes. We, as Black people, are familiar with this term known as "spiritual terrorism." For, it is deeply-rooted in the creation of what today is called America.

Whether, it was the CIA, FBI, through it's Co-IntelPro, who feared the Rise of Black Messiah, we know about "spiritual terrorism."

So, on the so-called Resurrection Sunday, we must also deal with the "spiritual terrorism" that is burning in some of our hearts, in some of our minds, in some of our homes and in some of our churches, which is hanging on the wall in the form of "White Jesus."
For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he: (Prov 23:7)

Therefore, this satanic image must come down. And, be burned from our collective memory banks like the pictures, and false idols, which adorned the Norte Dame Cathedral in Paris.
Because, from a Black Liberation Theology perspective, according to Galatians 1:6-7, the scripture says, Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ....

So, don't be afraid. It's just a SIGN OF THE TIMES.......(