LATE NIGHT SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON-When Potiphar's wife cried rape, her husband believed her and had Joseph thrown into prison. Some of us would have said, "It's not fair." Not Joseph! At that point in his life there was no better place for him to be, because he was exactly where The Most High wanted him.
It was in prison that he met the royal butler, who in turn introduced him to Pharaoh, who eventually placed him on the ...throne. Sometimes The Most High takes us to the bottom in order to take us to the top. The hard part is remembering that when you hit the bottom it's not the end of the trip. The Bible says of Joseph: "Until his word....came true..the word of the Most High tried...him" (Ps 105:19 AMP).

If most of us in jail we'd settle for early release, a suit of clothes, and a hundred dollars to get back home. But the Most High had something much better in mind for Joseph. And He has for you too! He knows where He's taking you. He knows the lessons you need to learn along the way so that when you get there you can do the job.
(Source: Word of Today) From the Song: Trapped Behind the Hands of Time, which appears on the "NEW" album The Evolution of an MC: Pocket Full of Ghetto Poems Vol.2