You take the round ball and you put it in the round hole.
It is not rocket science.
You don’t need a perfect SAT score to play it.
You don’t need to memorize the poetry of Shakespeare. Besides, Shakespeare wasn’t even Shakespeare.
In other words, don’t over think, just play the game.
Play the game like you did when you were a child alone in the park right before the street lights came on and you imagined yourself hitting the game winning shot.
There is no pressure.
No worries.
And no need to panic.
Just play the game.

Always Hustle.
Move without the ball.
Learn to utilize the screen.
Dribble less; Pass more.
Hit the opening jumper.
Play aggressive.
Go strong in the paint.
And if you get fouled, make your free-throws.
Simple, right.
There is nothing complex about it.
And remember, your worst is better than their best.
Plus, there is no “I” in TEAM, but there is an “I” in win.
So, when the game is on the line, become that child again, who wore those cheap high top sneakers and had the bad hair cut on that concrete court with the bent steel rim with no backboard and no nets, and make the game-winning shot.
Yes, even with all of those obstacles, you would still make the basket before the street lights came on.
If you could do it then, you can do it now.
With that said, it is time to silence all of your haters and win a championship ring.