Friday, May 17, 2013


Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a teenager?

It, in fact, can be funny,shocking and quite disturbing.

Therefore, brace yourself and watch the evolution of a cartoon character, who turns into a real life boy that struggles to find himself in a world filled with hate.

Surprisingly, this movie goes beyond the Twilight Zone and travels into places unknown.

Because around every corner, there is trouble lurking in the dark.

Despite that, this psychological comedy attempts to use humor to tackle real life issues while challenging the viewer's concept of reality and overall belief system throughout the film.

With that said, the question remains are you willing to take the trip down the road less traveled-INTO THE MIND OF BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER".

You'll be surprised in the end.

This movie was written and directed by Eric D.Graham.
While being produced and financed by Terrence Graham. 
Why? Because, two heads are better than one.  

For more  information contact Eric D.Graham at