This year's conference was entitled: "Disproportionate Minority Contact: Finding Solutions"
The conference overall purpose was to provide a forum for critical dialogue community problem-solving, and the sharing of best practices among juvenile justice and related practitioners.
The conference overall purpose was to provide a forum for critical dialogue community problem-solving, and the sharing of best practices among juvenile justice and related practitioners.
The conference was sponsored by the Juvenile Justice Institute Department of Criminal Justice of North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC. The Juvenile Justice conducts research on juvenile justice issues and uses the findings to help North Carolina policy makers and practitioners make well-informed policy and program decisions to reduce juvenile crime and delinquency and improve to juvenile justice system.
The Graham Brothers along with their cartoon character (Bobbee Bee) humbly teamed up with Tony Asion, (the director of Public Safety for EL PUEBLO, which is a statewide advocacy and policy organization dedicated to strengthening the Latino Community) to present an informative yet powerful workshop entitled: Cultural Competency Training for Working with African-American and Latino Families. (photo of Tony Asion to the below with Terrence Graham)
"The public school system must understand that culture is important to African and Latino youth. Culture is equivalent to a fish and water. If you remove the fish out of the water it dies. This is also true for our youth. If you deny them access to culture, they also die physically, mentally, spiritually and even educationally. stated Author/Educator/ Cartoonist Eric D. Graham, who introduced his new cartoon character Puerto Rican Jose' along with his new book entitled "A SAD DAY FOR JOSE to the conference.
Other "outstanding" workshops given during the Juvenile Justice Institutes's Conference are listed below included:
- Has Traditional Juvenile Court Failed African-American and Other Minority Children by Judge Elaine Bushfan and Judge Cartlon Cole
- Following in My Father Footsteps: The Impact of DMC on Children of Incarcerated Parents by Dr. Donald Aytech
- Using the Village to Find the Solution: What Needs to Be Done by Dr. George Wilson, Atty. Irving Joyner and Atty. Eric Zogy
- NC Comprehensive Gang Model Activity in NC by Dr. Fred West
- Disconnecting the School from the Prison Pipe-line
"I am truly honored to be a part of such a wonderful conference. I hope my books along with our cartoon characters as well as my brother's therapy can help our youth make better decisions and choices in life."
Please continue to support the Graham Brother's upcoming projects, seminars, lectures, and books. READ all the BOOKS in the series of "In the Mind of Bobbee Bee" now available,, and Books titles include: A SAD DAY FOR JOSE', Larry Long Legs featuring Bobbee Bee "The Hater" and "In the Mind of Bobee Bee"