and Harry Ingham is presented in The Johari Window : A Graphic Model for Interpersonal Relations. The model challenges our self-awareness, our ability to share ourselves with others and our willingness to explore the unknown offers a four-part representation of ourselves
1.Public AREA
The view from this open; seen by everyone. This represents what we freely express for others to see, including our behaviour and attitudes. The view can be extended by self-disclosure.

2.Blind Area:
We can not see this area of ourselves, it is unknown to us, but others are aware of it through aspects of our behaviour and body language. Our self-awareness can be extended by feedback from others.

3. Hidden Area:
This AREA represents the private part of ourselves, our secrets, shame, guilty feelings and so on. We are aware of it and choose not to share this part with others. We can choose to self-disclose, allowing others a view into our private world.
This view of the individual is closed to everyone. It represents part of us that both we and others are unaware of. It holds unconscious needs, impluses and anxieties and our untapped potential, we can gain insight into the part of ourselves through the counseling process.
Use the Johari window to assess yourself, as follows:1. What do you express freel-what are you comfortable with about yourself that you share with others?
2. How do you feel about the blind areas-the aspects of you that others can see but you are unaware of?
3. What feedback might upset you?
4. What feedback might help you?
5. What constitutes the private part of you?
6. If the fourth part of the JOHARI WINDOW represents the unconscious part of you-closed to everyone, including yourself, how do you imagine you will access it?

Information obtained from Aileen Milne book "Teach Yourself
For more information on Bobbee Bee contact e-mail Eric Graham at graham_34_99_2000@yahoo.com or go to http://www.blackathlete.com/