Everyone has human Personal Rights. They are different from Legal Rights. Some people may not understand that everyone is entitled to Personal Rights and violate them. When that happens we cannot always turn to the law to defend our Personal Rights. We can only turn to ourselves and our resources. It is important to know what our Personal Rights are, so we can protect ourselves more effectively.When you claim your Personal Rights, remember: Everyone else has Personal Rights too. Know to respect their Personal Rights as much as you want yours
to be respected.
1. to put yourself first sometimes
2. to ask for help or emotional support
3. to protest unfair treatment or criticism
4. to your own opinions and convictions
5. to make mistakes until you get it right
6. to let someone solve her/his own problems
7. to say "thank you, no" "excuse me, no"
8. to disregard the advice of others and follow your own
9.to be by yourself even when others want your company
10. to your own feelings whether they make sense
11. to change your mind or choose a different course of action
12. to negotiate for changes when the arrangements don't work for you