Thursday, June 07, 2012


1. Honor

Without his word a man is nothing. This is probably the most important thing you can teach your son. Having honor (not lying, cheating and stealing) is the measure of a man. With integrity your son can achieve great things. Without integrity your son will never reach his true potential.
2. Competitiveness Nothing is for free in this world. The sooner you teach your son this, the better. Men must compete – for jobs, for women, for respect, etc. Teach your boy to be a strong competitor or else he may not survive in today’s America.

3. Credit

Children get offered credit cards as young as 14. You must teach your child the pitfalls of credit and how debt can ruin your financial life before it starts. Here are a couple of links about credit that may be helpful.

4. Money

Your son has to understand the value of a dollar – how to make it and where to spend it. Too many young black men get rich (i.e. NBA players) and have no idea what to do with their money. For the majority of us who are not financially elite we must learn how to spend wisely, how to save and how to invest. The longer your son goes without understanding this, the more money he will waste until he does.

5. Hygiene

Being clean, how to shave, basic grooming are the things that a man should teach his young men. Momma can’t teach you how to be the best man you can be (she shaves her legs, not her face). Daddy is supposed to do this.

6. Sex

An unwanted or unplanned pregnancy completely alters the life of a child. Having children is a blessing but you must teach your child to take the proper precautions so that he has a child when HE is ready. Talks about birth control, the cost of raising a child and the limits it puts on your freedom are mandatory conversations. No man should be scared to talk about this. If you are scared you should question your own manhood.

7. Girls

Your young teen or pre-teen isn’t dealing with women yet, he is dealing with girls. You need to talk to him about how this works to avoid a lifetime of confusion. If you are successful in explaining some of the rules of dating, interacting with young girls he will gain the confidence to deal with his peers and the women he meets down the line. Don’t teach him and he may make many mistakes, feel inadequate, overcompensate, become a teenage dad, or any other hosts of calamities based on his ignorance when it comes to the opposite sex.

8. A Skill
Every young boy wants to be good at something. Playing basketball, building a lego set, riding a bike; anything you can teach your son will give him confidence. In addition, the bonding that takes place in teaching your boy a lasting skill will strengthen your father-son relationship.

9. History

A child must have an appreciation for those who have gone before him. The history education a child can get in school is a good start, but a child must be told about his own personal and family history as well. Without a firm understanding of where you came from it is very difficult to see where you are going.

10. Your Past

Your son must know who you are – the good and the bad. He will emulate you anyway so it is best to tell him what parts he should and shouldn’t. The more you tell your son who you are, the more he will shape who he will be. Keep it real with him. He will respect you and learn from your successes and mistakes