Tuesday, July 12, 2022



Sometimes, we must utilize the lives of others and make them our books, in which, we should study in order to learn from their success as well as their failure. This week's Sunday School lesson is about the Cult of Black Celebrity, which came from our “beloved” brother Kanye West, who showed us, despite all of his Narcissism, that Black success still desires white validation, which usually comes in the form of award shows-that, unfortunately; offer us nothing-but “valueless” trinkets, trophies, and toys. West, with all of his accolades and arrogance, proved that this “stuff” still matters to him and us, with his past on-stage antics-when he interrupted singer Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech. Because, Beyoncé’ didn’t win….

Yes, West has morphed into an extreme exaggeration of the Cult of Black Celebrity, who, “unsuccessfully,” try to escape from their blackness by buying into whiteness, while living in a Black body in the white space of Hollywood. Whether, it comes in their desire or fetish to have a white lover-or their odd promotion of some form of white supremacy. In Kanye’s case, he expressed it by proudly wearing a “Let’s Make America Great Again” hat and foolishly saying that- “slavery was a choice,” which seemingly came straight out of the Alt-Right handbook- that would, in his mind, allow him access into a world of unattainable white wealth.

We saw this play out on Celebrity Apprentice, where Donald Trump constantly fired and embarrassed former celebrities, who still desired the attention and adulation from their fictional boss. Unfortunately, being on the show never really paid off for anyone, who chose to be humiliated on it. For instance, the hated Black villain-ness, Omarosa Manigault-Newman, despite her loyalty and devotion to Trump,eventually found herself getting thrown under the segregated bus as well as out of the White House.

See, no matter, how Kanye or Omarosa tried to tap dance around the real issue and the reality of racism, it still existed when Donald Trump's name was mentioned. So, whether West’s crazy appearance on TMZ, was a twisted plot on the Kardashian-reality TV show, a political distraction from the war in Syria, or simply a mental meltdown-or a mental breakthrough, according to Kanye. His actions, showed us that alleged “greatest entertainer ever” was metaphorically-living in “a house without mirrors,”-Michael Jackson-style, where somehow, he had forgotten about his own reflection as well as what he was reflecting to the rest of the outside world. Especially, in the land of Holly-weird, where attention has become the “new” currency, if people are willing to pay attention to it.

This attention, of course, is driven by trolls, who penetrate lost souls, with hearts, -seeking for love, bruised egos, with hateful comments- seeking for acceptance, and ideas, through like buttons, which get murdered if they are not liked or shared. Especially, if it is music, an album or an unwatched video.

Yes, we have all “secretly” had our Kanye moment, myself included, by posting our emotional comments and rants about people, who have hurt us, voicing our uninformed “opinions” on issues with little knowledge or political education about the realities of certain situation - in our quest to be “deep” or Facebook famous, while trying to obtain Trump like Twitter followers, by (sometimes) uploading ill-advised photos on Snapchat, with “hidden” desires to be Instagram Supermodels or PornStars by getting butt implants. Or, highlighting how gangsta-we really are-by foolishly displaying all our  guns and drugs on our bed on Facebook, while bragging without fearing that someone watching it-won’t report our actions and location to the local police.

Yes, in the world of Reality-TV, this is the “craziness” of the Cult of Black Celebrity, which some say- is a form of cultural prostitution, where Black bodies, ideas, and expression, are used, abused, exploited, trashed and even killed after they are deemed useless-only to replaced by a younger model or version, who, unfortunately, fail to learn from the past of those that came before them. And, sadly, repeat the same mistakes.

See, unfortunately, our entertainers can never be our liberators. Because, they live for the applauds of others, where ever it may come from.....And, when the applauds start to stop-and the cheers begin to turn to boos. They begin to unravel and unfold.

Yes, Kanye showed us that he was only an “expression of wealth,” who was spiritually broken, while complaining about being financially in debt and a “slave” to his own “Dark, Twisted Fantasies,” where he believed that love and wearing a cheap-looking red Trump hat could somehow eliminate racism and change the landscape of American history in a blink of an eye. Because, despite all his alleged “Black genius, Black riches and Black mobility through materialism,” he still found himself powerless and pointless in the hierarchy of Hollywood, who only saw him as just an “Uppity,loud-mouth”Ni#**-that made beats and designed high priced sneakers for the fashion world, which he didn’t have access to.

See, regardless, of his so-called popularity and “free-thought” philosophy-(no different from Puffy, with his claims of purchasing the Carolina Panthers)- Kanye, found out, that he didn’t have enough cash to buy his way into the room. Especially, when nobody invited him to the party, in the first place. OJ couldn’t do it. Tiger couldn’t do it. Michael couldn’t do it. And, Bill Cosby couldn’t do it, either.

Therefore, maybe, Trump will give him some “Hush Money,” in order to shut  him up like he did Stormy Daniels. Because, Bruh, you just got “F*#@ed,” without a condom. So, good luck, with the “new” album, they will probably give you a Grammy for it. Because, without knowing it, you have done so much to advance their cause…."But, brother, don't forget the lyrics of your old song; Jesus Walks cause the Devil is trying to break me down.  



National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) was first observed on June 27, 1995. This is a day to encourage people to get tested for HIV, know their status, and get linked to care and treatment.

The theme for 2022, “HIV Testing is Self-care,” is timely, given that self-care has been a particularly important topic during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also timely as the need for individual and community actions to promote physical and mental health remain critical. 

So, why is this relevant? Because, actor Billy Porter, who stated he was sexually molested by his stepfather from the age of 7 to 12; at least twice a week over a five-year period, before coming out at 16 in the middle of the AIDS crisis, has been living secretly with HIV for 14 years before finally living in his truth. 

The 52-year-old Tony-winning actor, whose role as Lola, an indefatigable drag performer whose broken heel helps mend a broken wing for a foundering shoe-maker, played by Stark Sands, in the Cyndi Lauper-scored Broadway musical Kinky Boots said the narrative of the musical, which dealt with forgiveness, allowed him eight times a week for three years to forgive his own father, as well as his stepfather on stage for their past transgressions. 

Unfortunately, Porter's childhood traumas continued to haunt him in June 2007, when he was diagnosed with HIV, which he hid because didn't want to embarrass his mother, who had been persecuted by her church community because of his past "queerness." 

"I have lived with that shame in silence for 14 years. HIV-positive, where I come from, growing up in the Pentecostal church with a very religious family, is God’s punishment." Porter, who has been in psychotherapy since he was 25 years old told the Hollywood Reporter. 

Even though from the outside looking in, the talented singer's HIV status was obvious from his Red carpet appearance at the 2022 BET Awards last night, in which he wore a Rick Owens Sweater with lifted shoulders & skirt, Porter's decision to get tested may have added years onto his life.

 "I am the statistic, but I’ve transcended it. This is what HIV-positive looks like now. I’m going to die from something else before I die from that. My T-cell levels are twice yours because of this medication. I go to the doctor now — as a Black, 51-year-old man, I go to the doctor every three months. That doesn’t happen in my community. We don’t trust doctors. But I go to the doctor, and I know what’s going on in my body. I’m the healthiest I’ve been in my entire life." (Source:HR) (DM)


 "Flee fornication" -1 Corinthians 6:18


The 30-year sentence of disgraced Chicago-born R &B singer R.Kelly, who won three Grammys and sold over 75 million records worldwide, was right on KEY. Especially, after the last Verzuz performance by Ray J, Omarion, and Jeremiah, who sang slight OFF-KEY, which left many listeners and fans feeling bamboozled and disappointed.

With these young crooners or "cooners" sounding like an old HOUNDDOG howling at the moon, with perfect timing, Hollywood promoted the NEW ELVIS PRESLEY movie directed by Baz Luhrmann, who teamed up with Austin Butler and Tom Hanks to tell the dramatic life story of "one of the greatest singers" ever to perform on stage.

Ironically, while the world criticizes R.Kelly's relationship with a young pop-star Aaliyah Dana Haughton, Elvis, at the age of 24 years old, met his future wife, Priscilla, at 14, serving in the US Army in West Germany in 1959.

In perfect harmony, Kelly, 55, conviction for federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges stemming from his efforts over years to use his fame to ensnare victims, which he sexually abused, also came in the same week as Brit socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, 60, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for trafficking underage girls with Jeffrey Epstein,  an American financier, who died in a New York prison cell on 10 August as he awaited, without the chance of bail, between 1994 and 2004, where she recruited and groomed them, in the wake of the MeToo movement, which encouraged women to speak out about sexual abuse, often at the hands of wealthy and powerful people.

With the conviction of our beloved brother Robert Kelly, who, according to his brother, was molested by their older sister, as a small child, unfortunately, continued this evil cycle as an adult.

This is why (Luke 6:37,) states: "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

However, on this earthly plane, due to his lustful actions (Gal 5:19), Kelly's earthly judgment was given by U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly in Brooklyn, New York, which was 30 years in prison.

But,  remember, there is another judgment pending, for the R &B Star, which according to Revelations 20:12-13, states "small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works, which one's spiritual judgment.

So, in this world, where we worship entertainers and idolize actors as Superstars, remember, Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.



 Even in the height of the so-called “Me Too Generation and the Hot Girl Summer,” where we have seen Jeffrey Epstein’s elaborate sex trafficking ring exposed, documentaries revealing and criminalizing the sexual acts of R. Kelly, rape cases against Harvey Weinstein being placed on trial, and the imprisonment of Bill Cosby, oddly, one of the most celebrated films of 2019 was entitled Hustlers, which was inspired by a New York Magazine article that follows a crew of former strippers, who band together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients by “seducing’ and “drugging” them.

The film, while imitating life, features Jennifer Lopez and Cardi B, a former “stripper” herself, who confessed on VLADTV to have drugged and “tricked” many “Johns” in the past in order to steal their money. But, in a world, turned upside down and inside out, entertainers like Cardi B., who has made a change for the better and Black China (Ezekiel 16:44) have become role models for some females.

 However, The Book of Proverbs 5: (3-10) describes these types of women this way: For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it. Now then, my sons, listen to me; do not turn aside from what I say. Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house, lest you lose your honor to others and your dignity to one who is cruel, lest strangers feast on your WEALTH and your toil ENRICH the house of another.”

Along with this physical form of prostitution, there is also a level of political prostitution, as well, where politicians for the love of money, which is, “THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” will sell their souls to the highest bidder. (1 Timothy 6:10)

Now, unfortunately, the strip club culture, in this generation, has been “shamelessly” celebrated and promoted by Jewish-ran Hollywood, where twerking and “shaking it for the dough” has become a form of idolatry and worship, which has many of our young people, spell bounded, (MagicCity) offering up their tithes and offerings to the "pimps" in the underworld along with the seductive dancers, who twirl around poles, rather than the pimps/ or prosperity preachers in the churches. Please, don’t misinterpret my logic. For, I am not condemning the art of dancing. There is nothing new under the sun. Because, in the Book of Hosea (4:12-14) it states: A spirit of prostitution leads them astray; they are unfaithful to their God. . “I will not punish your daughters when they turn to prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, because the men themselves consort with harlots and sacrifice with shrine prostitutes— a people without understanding will come to ruin!" 

Despite these facts, the strip club mystique, again with the assistance of Jewish Hollywood, has also been fused into the porn industry, which dominates “most” google searches throughout the Internet, creating a level of “sexual deviants”, pedophilia, and a culture of sex trafficking. It also has influenced Instagram posts and pictures, where the Daughters of Zion have been identified as T.H.O.T.S (The Hoes Over There,) while posing in front of their bathroom mirrors with their cellphones in hand, lips puckered,poking out their butt for the world to see in order to receive (likes and comments) from strangers, which was made popular by Kim Kardashian. Bishop Eddie Long failed victim to this counterculture as well. Yeah, beware; there are male prostitutes out there too. ( 1 Kings 14:24 )

We witnessed the "strip-club" culture recently when 8X Grammy nominee Lizzo and TIME magazine The Entertainer of The Year, who, shamefully, displayed her backside publicly at a Laker’s game. The Book of Lamentations Chapter 1(7-8) address this issue this way:"Her enemies looked upon her, laughing at her downfall. Jerusalem has sinned greatly; therefore she has become an object of scorn. All who honored her now despise her, for they have seen her NAKEDNESS…

Let’s remember historically, during slavery, our women, were stripped of their clothes and dignity, while standing NAKED on the auction blocks by our “oppressors “or slave masters, where they were made prostitutes, breeders or “bed-wenches, a low-status concubine, often a slave, used for sex, or, in modern day terms a Black woman, who date a white person, in order to seek privilege.

With that said, remember what The Book of Revelation, which referred to Babylon as A Whore, The Mother of Prostitutes and Abomination on Earth, which was/is symbolically seen as a female figure, states, “All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy through the extravagance of her luxury.” Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues


 LIZZO LAYS DOWN $500,000 AGAINST THE LAW by e.graham 

I have always been told that "Entertainers can never be your liberators." 

Well, over the weekend, this statement was made evident. So, beware of the piped piper with the magical flute. Especially, when she announces that she is going to donate $500,000 of her upcoming tour proceeds to Planned Parenthood after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. 

This donation and seemingly promotion for abortion rights come along with the disturbingly fact that so-called "minority women," who constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, underwent approximately 36% of the abortions. 

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion. 

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States, according to BlackGenocide.org. 

Matter of fact, it has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. 

Michael Novak had calculated "Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for, without abortion, America's Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member." 

To some, this sounds like population control. Especially, with the Caucasian birth-rate declining and fertility clinics or sperm banks being the "new" norm in their communities. While Planned Parenthood seems to dominate our neighborhoods. 

Now, it should be understood Planned Parenthood provides a variety of other services, besides abortions, which include treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and screenings for cervical and other cancers. But, it seems, as if, abortion is their main focus when discussing Roe vs. Wade, which was based on a lie. 

With those facts, whether Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, Black Women must understand that they are being used and manipulated to promote a white feminist agenda. No different than affirmative action of the past, whether it's the Black Lives Matter Movement and LGBT political policies currently being pushed through legislation. 

So, remember, the former founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger started “The Negro Project” in 1939, with the aim of expanding birth control services for Black communities in the south, where she wrote a letter to a program director advocating employing Black physicians and ministers to gain the trust of the communities with these words: "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” 

So, as (Luke 23:34 ) stated: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." For, when did white society give freedom and independence to Black women, who still give birth to slaves.

Monday, July 11, 2022



Four years ago, we witnessed celebrity churches, celebrity politics, and celebrity education utilized as symbols of so-called social & political change as Black people continued to deal with Police Terrorism, Voter Suppression, New Age Segregation, Systemic Racism, and high levels of poverty.

But, in reality, these so-called celebrities, in the end, turned out to be only mouthpieces and mascots for white supremacy. Whether it was Joel Osteen prosperity trained preacher, John Gray, who sat at the table trying to negotiate with Donald Trump, while later publicly displaying his $200,000 SUV Lamborghini for his wife, which was highly scrutinized on social media.

Or, Kayne West, who buck-danced around an array of issues at the White House, while becoming a token Negro in the world of Whiteness as he tried to convince the world that slavery was a choice on TMZ.

See, while celebrities found themselves handcuffed to white wealth, whether it was Lebron with his new school and his social media post of a song lyric that referenced "Jewish money," Colin Kaepernick's NFL boycott and  infamous, but now, forgotten, Nike commercial, or comedian Kevin Hart, who, recently, was forced to apologize for his alleged history of anti-gay jokes and tweets, "Conscious-ness" seemed to be commercialized as people tried to convince each other how "WOKE" they were as the rest of the world remained asleep in the Age of Donald Trump.

Truthfully, Black Celebrity and White Politics is like Oil and Water. They simply don't mix. So, as the Democratic Party begins their new political campaign, we must not participate in any form of Kumbaya politics.

In this new election cycle,  we, in fact, must selfishly focus on our own self-interest. We can't afford to worry about any other group. Whether it's: the LGBT community, the Palestinian community, the immigrant community or environmentalist groups, who are concerned with global warming.

Why? Because, we have no political allies. Plus, politicians LOVE to utilize the "coolness" of Black people. Especially, Black celebrities to gain votes . Obama did it with Jay-Z and Beyoncé. And, Trump tried to do it with Kayne & Kim Kardashian.

But, unfortunately, for most celebrities, with their attention-seeking spirits, they look for individual success rather than group uplift by gaining access to the White House.

With this little known fact, have you noticed, we are the only people, who allow entertainers to be our spokespersons? You never see  "Jewish comedians and actors" be the spokesperson for their community. You never see a white athlete be the spokesperson for the white community. Or, an Asian, Arab or Chinese actor be  the spokesperson for their community. But, the white power structure has made the Black athlete and entertainer the spokesperson for us Because, they know....they won't deviate from the script written for them.

Yeah, we all saw Cardi B. conduct an interview presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in 2020 along with Kamala Harris's attempt to be hip on the Breakfast Club hosted by Charlamagne Tha God and DJ Envy.

So, it will be interesting, who these new Democratic candidates will try to use to get elected in 2024. Especially, Elizabeth Warren, who tried to make herself look "HIP" by posting herself having a beer on Instagram in order to attract a younger demographic of voters last week. It's Politics as Usual.

Now, all of these Black celebrities, recently, at the 2022 BET Awards, have decided to promote Abortions after the U.S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe v. Wade.

So, don't be shocked when you see Dwayne Wade's face in 2024 as a political poster "child."

Stay Woke My Friends.(bobbeethehater.blogspot.com)



According to the scripture, Pro. (23:7)“as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” With that said, let’s analyze the psychological term known as IMPOSTER SYNDROME, which is an obsessive internalization of a persistent fear that you are going to be found out to be a fraud or the collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success.

We see this in the world of sports, entertainment, academics, and in the professional world, where one struggles with the idea that they are not good enough or incompetent. For instance, we have all seen quarterbacks, Black or Caucasian, struggle with this concept after throwing an interception, making a bad read, or losing a big game. Especially, if he was drafted as the #1 overall draft pick or selected in the first round.

Usually, these players suffer from a bad case of self-doubt, which is fueled after reading their own press. Whether online, via Twitter, or Facebook accounts. Or, by simply listening to an endless amount of talk radio, or even worst, watching the 24-hour loop of roundtable discussions on YouTube, from ESPN and FoxSports analysts, who question their greatness, salaries, and existence in the league.

SEE, being a professional athlete can be a lonely journey, despite all the glitz and glamour. As a result, many, especially, those, who play the QB position in the NFL, start feeling, as if, they don’t belong or are unqualified to be under center. So, after a few bad games, many of them find their confidence and self-esteem shattered within two years, subjugated to a backup status within three, and out of the league after five, where they are forgotten by the “fans” and replaced by the next round of college athletes in the upcoming draft, who will be praised and viewed as the saviors of the franchise.

With all of this pressure, many players start developing (NEGATIVE SELF TALK), while becoming obsessed with being validated by others, second-guessing themselves, questioning their identity, losing themselves to a point of delusion by the way of social and political isolation, forcing themselves to total assimilate, through inter-racial marriages in order to survive or co-exist in the unwelcomed, emotional, judgmental, stressful, racially charged environment known as the NFL, where some become depressed, which leads to substance abuse issues, (cocaine, steroids, pain pills, alcohol, marijuana) And, in the worst-case jail time for committing a crime.

Along with all of this, psychologically, many Black players also may experience bouts of RACIAL BATTLE FATIGUE, a concept coined by William Smith, which attempted to address the issues Black students face while trying to survive in the toxic atmosphere of Higher Education within the “White” University school system, where they must be 3X better than their White counterparts. Even though, there is not a level playing field. For this reason, Racial Battle Fatigue has been compared to post-traumatic stress disorder experienced by military soldiers, who have been bombarded with the stresses of dealing in chronic hostile environments. In the case of the Black athlete, however, the constant stresses of “being the first fired; last hired” haunts their psyche, as well as, the constant verbal abuse coming from coaches and fans, which can be racially charged, where one is often seen as some kind of slave, savage, toy, criminal, rapist, or Beast on the field and outside of the arena when they remove their helmets and shoulder pads by the media.

This could lead to a form of COGNITIVE DISTORTION, which means perception becomes one’s reality and a self-fulfilling prophecy, where one does exactly what one believes he would do.

This is why all of the players in the NFL must read Romans 12:2, which states: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

So, to all of those young signal-callers, regardless of "race," whether you're a veteran QB or backup quarterback- KEEP THE FAITH. For, the NFL is an acronym for N.ot F.or L.ong. (bobbeethehater.blogspot.com) (Cash app $IrisRCarter)



The NFL survived the horrors of concussions, which still continues to cloud the league. Janet Jackson’s exposed nipple. Beyoncé's Black Lives Matter Half-time show. Hurricane Katrina. A Super Bowl Blackout. The Domestic Violence of Ray Rice. The Murder Plot of Ray Carruth. The Dog-fighting of Mike Vick. The Brady Rule. The Child Abuse Allegations against Adrian Peterson. The  Michael Sam. Hands Up Don’t Shoot. The rape cases against Ben Roethlisberger. The alcoholism of Johnny Manziel. OJ Simpson. The sexual assaults of Greg Hardy. Tebowing. Steroid use. The “N” word. Donald Trump & The USFL. The temper tantrums of T.O. The boycotting of the “Redskins” and Daniel Snyder. Contract Negotiations. Quarterback Controversies. The Rooney Rule. Deflat-gate. Pac-Man Jones. Jerry Jones. The Cocaine Cowboys. Bullying in the Locker room. First Round Busts. Al Davis. Jimmy “The Greek” Instant Replays. Thursday Night Football. Wildcat Offenses. The Alleged Cheating of Bill Belichick. Conspiracy Theories. Helmet-to-Helmet Hits. Gun Possessions. Gun Charges. Negative Press. Endzone Celebrations. The marijuana usage of Ricky Williams, the current lawsuit of Michael Bennett against the Las Vegas Police Department, and even this current sex scandal surrounding Deshaun Watson

And, truthfully, they will survive the current issue “plaguing” the league, which surrounds Colin Kaepernick, police brutality, and the standing of the National Anthem. Why? Because, many people believe the NFL stands for the clever acronym- N.ot F.or L.ong.

Meaning? -That the white executives, with three-piece suits, in the boardrooms, of the NFL main office, know this issue will eventually take a “back seat” to another issue after a short period of time with the help of the next “breaking” news story from TMZ.

Because, in their eyes, this “Kaepernick thing” is just a simple bump in the road, a case of the hiccups before the main course meal is wheeled-out. Then, it’s back to business as usual.

Why? Because, the NFL knows every year they have a another assembly line of players to choose from , who are willing to do almost anything to be drafted in a league full of millionaires.

Plus, with the public “whipping” of Colin Kaepernick fresh on their minds, they will know not to step-out of line. Or, they also will be “whiteballed” out of a job and sent back home unemployed.

Besides, they want their “property” to be seen not heard. In other words, just shout up and play the game. Nobody is paying you to voice your political views or your religious beliefs. So, stay racially neutral. Smile for the cameras. Love America. And, pledge allegiance to the Flag. There ain’t nothin hard about that. These are the hardcore FACTS!!!

The struggle continues. Fist up and Heads Down. So, get ready for another round.. www.bobbbeethehater.blogspot.com (Fouls & Fumble)