Sunday, July 12, 2020



For all the preachers, pastors and so-called prophets, the question for today is: Why did the “Jews” at death, desire to return to Abraham’s bosom, which is a figure of speech about the HEREAFTER.
In the study of the human anatomy, the bosom is another word for the CHEST, which has a double meaning, usually used symbolically in the Bible to suggest closeness or intimacy or a person’s inner thoughts or the heart conceal in the rib cage (Ps 35:13) But, it also means a BOX; hinged, with a lid, used for tools or valuable possessions, treasures, gold, silver, jewels, pearls or an (ARON) ARK/ COFFIN/CASKET/ or SARCOPHAGUS used in a funeral receptacle for a corpse by the ancient Egyptians, who, usually carved it out of stone, and displayed it above ground, though it may also be buried.

Let’s not forget, Abraham , who is the Patri-ARCH of the Three Western Religion of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, along with his wife Sarah, whom he told Pharoah was his sister, according to the biblical myth, also went down to Egypt to live because there was so little food. (Gen: 12:10-20.) (A lot wisdom here)

With that point, Abraham first impregnated an Egyptian bondwoman named Hagar meaning “flight,” who bore him a son, Ishmael, which tradition suggest, is the ancestress of the original “Black” Arabs, including the Prophet Muhammad. Along with this legend, written in metaphysical language, Abraham’s second wife, after Sarah died, was KETURAH, who bore him six sons (Gen 25:1-4) that were the founders of six Arabian tribes in southern and eastern Palestine, dwelling near Mecca, whom were given gifts and sent to “the country of the East.” (Gen 25:6).

Despite this fact, the only use in the Bible of Abraham’s bosom occurs in a parable from the SON OF MAN about a rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) in which the beggar is described as being carried by angels to Abraham’s bosom,” where a great gulf or chasm separated him from the rich man, who was tormented in the flames of Hades.

This parable about LAZARUS; (meaning God has helped) despite what many may think, is not intended to praise the poor and condemn the rich. But, it shows the danger of “TURNING” away from others in need- as well as- how our attitude on earth can determined our external destiny. This is may be one reason why Abraham is called God’s friend (Is 41:)

This story of RE-SURRECTION, within the Egyptian pantheon, mirrors that of the Bible. For Lazarus means Osiris,Asir, Lord of the Perfect Black, and is adjacent to the story of a chief priest, who plotted to kill him, written in (John 12:9-11).

This is significant because Abram like Jesus (Matt 2:13), Moses (Act 7:22), who was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and Joseph, who, according (Ex:47:11) settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property “IN THE BEST PART OF THE LAND,” which is known as KEMET, “the land of the Blacks,”a country in the NorthEast corner of Africa along the Nile Delta territory. Some people label this area GOSHEN, today Wadi Tumulat, a place during the Exodus, which was protected from the plague of flies (Ex.8:22) and Hail (Ex.9::26.)

For, those with knowledge of SELf, you should know the importance of the NE corner. Why?Because, it is considered a town in TransJordan, where the people of Is-RA-EL pitched their first tent after leaving Tell El Maskhuta or(Ramses, meaning the GOD OF RA has fathered a son or “See the RAM,” which was an ancestor of Jesus Christ through King David, the Tribe of Judah, that scripturally is located in LUKE 3:33.-on their way to the King’s Highway to the Promised Land.

Too add to this SUN-DAY class-ABRAHAM from an esoteric perspective means AB-father RA-SUN HAM-BLACK/HOT)

OR, FATHER OF THE BLACK SON. Which, is why SUN-DAY is first day of the week, the day JESUS was raised from the dead, a weekly memorial of Christ resurrection. (