& ARCHANGELS) by e.graham
Who is Enoch? And, what is His biblical significance?
Enoch, which means “Initiated or dedicated,” according to
the biblical legend is the seventh from Adam, who lived for 365 years,
geometrically representing a complete circle-that was taken directing to God’s
presence without death. He also is the son of Jared and the father of
Methuselah, whose son Lamech lived 777 years, symbolizing the sacred number
seven, seven-rayed Solar Discus, Solar Boat, birthing NOAH, meaning “rest,”
which makes him a part of the genealogy of Jesus (Luke3:36) (There is a lot of
hidden wisdom here.)
For the scholars, Enoch is viewed as Thoth of Memphis in the
Egyptian pantheon, Hermes (the Messenger/God of Wisdom, ) in the Greek (Roman
16:14,) Mercury in the Latin (Act 14:12) and Idris, in Arabic إدريس, meaning
"interpreter,” which, appears in the Qur’an, Chapter 19 of Mary, Surah
56-57, who, traditionally, in Islam, is described as a wise man or prophet
having functioned an interpretive and mystical role due to his devotion to the
study of the sacred books of his ancestors Adam and Seth, who according to
Genesis gave birth to Enos, another name for Enoch, who made sure the promise
of the LORD (Gen.3:15) was not forgotten, began calling on the name of the
Lord, which “allegedly” is the beginning of preaching, witnessing, and
testifying in the name of the Lord. (Triple fold meaning)

All of these ancient arch-types, not surprisingly, conceal
their wisdom and exceptional learning like the hieroglyphics or METU NETR, in
two “pillars, “which Moses, being a prototype, learned in all the wisdom
Egyptians were giving two “tables of stones” in the form of the Ten
Turning in the Book of Enoch, like Ezekiel & Revelation,
it also discusses the four living creatures, which represents the four cardinal
points, esoterically, however,.. the FOUR ARCH-ANGELS/ ARC-angles):
“Who are those whom I have seen on the four sides…and whose
words I have heard and written down. (Enoch) replied: The first is the
Merciful, The Patient, the holy MICHAEL. The second is he who presides over
every suffering and every affliction of the son of men, the holy RAPHEL. The
third, who presides over all that is powerful, is GABRIEL. And the fourth, who
presides over repentance, and the hope of those who will inherit eternal life,
is Uriel, “God of Light” or Phanuel, (Peniel) his name means "the face of
God". Gen (32:30)
With that said, some, even suggest, Enoch, to be a saint,
beloved by the “LORD, “taken alive to heaven like Elijah after reaching
Nirvana, on earth, as Buddha did and others still do-DISAPPEARING….so that
nobody knew they died-like the Yogis do in India. (Heb 11:5-6).
With this hidden knowledge, one must understand, that the
biblical writers, especially the King James 1611 Version, which consists of 47
scholars, divided into six teams, complied the Bible with several different
myths from several different cultures. One would think, however, if Enoch
played such a major role in the scripture, even escaping death like the SON OF
MAN, why wouldn't he have a book expressing his views and visions?
Well, according to Jude (Judas), meaning praise, whom many
scholars believe to be the (half-brother of Jesus) (Mark 6:3), who allegedly
wrote a brief but hard-hitting epistle that unmasked false-teachings about the
“ungodly” did, in fact, mention the Book of Enoch in verse 14-15, which states:
Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men
also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to
execute judgment on all…
According to Richard Laurence, LLD, the Book of Enoch, which
was written before the rise of Christianity, gradually sunk into oblivion,
disappearing out of Western Christendom, eventually forgotten by the Church,
where it came unknown to Europe for nearly a thousand years. Why? Because the
Church of Rome disregarded its contents as not being sacred so they removed it.
But, the Protestants, during the Reformation, appealing to reason, considered
the text along with Enoch to be amongst the prophets as well as other
apocryphal writings.
The Book of Enoch, for this reason, which is a part of the
Pseudepigrapha, a collection of Jewish books, folk tales, and legends, is
declared apocryphal; which etymologically-simply means secret books, one that
belongs to the catalog of the Hierophants and initiated priests and not for the
The Apocrypha, in fact, is a group of books allegedly
written during a time of turmoil in the history of the Jewish people, divided
into two sections the Old Testament apocryphal books, which include 15 books,
and the New Testament apocryphal, which contains up to 59 books, declared false
by officials of the early ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Some of the Books include 1. First Esdras 2. Second Esdras
3. Tobit 4. Judith 5. The Addition of Esther 6. The Wisdom of Solomon 7.
Ecclesiasticus 8. Baruch 9. Letters of Jeremiah 10. The Prayer of Azariah 11.
Susanna 12. Bel and The Dragon 13. The Prayer of Manasseh 14. 1st& 2nd
Along with these books is the Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel
of the Egyptians, The Gospel of PeterThe Gospel of Nicodemus, The Gospel
According to Mary, The Gospel of Phillip, The Gospel of Judas, The Acts of
John, The Acts of Peter, The Acts of Paul, etc.etc.