Monday, January 28, 2019


Fool me once (Obama) Shame on you; Fool me twice (Kamela) Shame on me"

 by Eric D.Graham

With America getting ready for the 2020 election, the political scientist are behind close doors trying to create another (Black face) Frankenstein candidate with a bi-racial background like Barack Obama, just in a female form.

Yes, it feels like Deja Vu. Because, America is using another "person of color" without a Black Agenda to galvanize the Black and female vote during the rise of the #MeToo Movement to challenge the racist RedHats of Donald Trump after his historic defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Unfortunately, many feel the first-term Democratic Senator Kamala Harris of California is America's political version of "Megan Markle," ...Or, a political equivalent to the rapper Drake.
Yeah, many believe she is just a Zionist sleeper cell, a Manchurian candidate, a Democratic puppet, a false-flag feminist, and a Boule' Trojan Horse, who is trying to pimp the "descendant of slaves" by invoking the name of Shirley Chisholm, while having the audacity to announce her presidential candidacy at Howard University, to the shirking sounds of Swee-Wee from her sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority during MLK Day. Yes, it's all apart of the political theater being produced for the mainstream media. Politic is a dirty game ...ya'll.

But, despite her symbolic presidential announcement, political commentator, Yvette Carnell, gave a couple of warning shots to potential Black voters by suggesting that Harris was nothing more than a careerist, opportunist, representing the talented 10th, who was trying to bamboozle Blackness, in order to gain access to the White House, while playing the "person of color card" -just like Obama cleverly did.

Carnell said that Harris was using "African-Americans" simply as a backdrop for her political campaign, while making claims of wanting to be the first "Black Woman" President. Even though, she identified as Indian, Jamaican, and Canadian American.

"Politically, she is a Republican, who found herself as a Conservative Democrat...." Carnell implied.
For this reason, many see Harris as more Bobby Jindal, the 55th mayor of Louisana & former US ambassador to the UN, Nimrata "Nikki" Haley the first female governor of South Carolina, and the second Indian-American ( to serve as a governor in the United States than any other candidate in the past.

Yes. This identity politics can be confusing. Because, while some, like Roland Martin, sees this is as just another example of divide and conquer, in the world of plantation politics, where Kamila Harris is simply a Black woman from Jamaica running for President. Others, see her as a Jamaican, whose trying to be "Black" for her own political gain. Especially, with the recent marriage to her husband,Douglas Emhoff.

Therefore, we, as Black People, must make a clear distinction between American (Descandants of slaves and immigrants. Especially, when it comes to politics.

To make sense of this on a political landscape, Los Angeles based attorney and documentarian Antonio Moore suggested that we utilized the acronym LSCC, which stands for Lineage (ancestry or pedigree), Class, (perceived social or economic status).Struggle (political and economics) & Character (the mental and moral qualities) to judge people, understand politicians, and choose potential political allies.

This, however, is the sentiments of many scholars, during this earlier 2020 political campaign season, who believe Harris is not your typical Negro. She is, what some suggest, .... a chameleon, with corporate connection, a Jewish husband, and an open border policy. Oh,no....she is not a Black Diamond like Michelle Obama-is perceived to be. She is a Cubic Zerconia.
Matter of fact, some have even called Harris, (Jeff Sessions in a dress) after the NY Times opinion piece entitled Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ by Ms. Bazelon, a law professor and the former director of the Loyola Law School Project for the Innocent in Los Angeles, was published on January 17, 2018.

Yes. it seems Kamila Harris is just another problematic politician. And, as Dr. Cornell West stated "Race.....still Matters" Because, while we want to believe that we are living in a post-racial society, who we marry- still determines how we are perceived politically....So, despite, what anyone says...if Obama had a Caucasian wife when he ran for president, nobody would have voted for him in 2008. Michelle Obama, in fact, was the real reason Barack Obama made it to the White House and was loved by so many.

So, as we ponder all of these political angles, before the Homecoming parade begins, and the band starts to march, we'll have to wait and see if Harris, who invoked the spirit of Shirley Chisholm to jump-off her presidential campaign, can live up to Chisholm's slogan of UNBOUGHT AND UNBOSSED. Because, she can't "Skee-Wee" her way into the White House. (