by eric d. graham
As the corporate media continues to dumb us down, educationally and politically, as a student of Baba Dick Gregory and Steve Cokley, I have learnt how to maneuver through their twisted labyrinth of lies. Therefore, in discussing the legacy of Dr. King today, always remember the political climate and historical backdrop, which defined the moment.
If you are unaware of the twisted turbulent timeline, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist,Chris Hedges brilliantly paints a ,"beautiful yet ugly image", when he wrote: "small, secret surveillance committee of goons and thugs hiding behind the mask of patriotism was established in 1908 in Washington, D.C. The group was led from 1924 until 1972 by J. Edgar Hoover, and during his reign it became known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
"FBI agents spied upon and infiltrated labor unions, political parties, radical groups — especially those led by African-Americans — anti-war groups and the civil rights movement in order to discredit anyone, including politicians such as Henry Wallace, who questioned the power of the state and big business. Agents burglarized homes and offices, illegally opened mail and planted unlawful wiretaps. Bureau leaders created blacklists. They destroyed careers and sometimes lives. They demanded loyalty oaths. By the time they were done, our progressive and radical movements, which had given us the middle class and opened up our political system, were dead."
After pondering this political reality, I encourage all of those, who are lovers of King to read two remarkable books entitled An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King Jr. and The Plot to Kill: The Truth Behind the Assassination of MLK Jr's written by Dr. William Peppers, Esq,, who was James Earl Ray's defense attorney as well as the King family's attorney that won the 1999 civil lawsuit, which proved "without a shadow of a doubt" that government agencies, were involved in the assassination of King at hands of the FBI, CIA, the US Military, the Memphis police department and the local Dixie Mafia Group.
I tried to bring out "a little bit" of this "hidden history" during my short yet impactful presentation (I Have a Dream: In the Age of Donald Trump) last year at the 17th Annual MLK Jr. Celebration in Kenansville, North Carolina, which offended some people and upset a few loyal Trump supporters, who had become accustomed to having a Kumbaya moment, while holding hands and reciting the "I Have Dream Speech" and singing "We Shall Overcome."
Despite the backlash that I received from trying to reveal Trump's racial rhetoric, white supremacist views, and Alt-right political ties, which fueled his 2016 political campaign to the Duplin County Event Center in September, as well as highlighting King's Anti-War stance in Vietnam, his Poor Man's Campaign along with his "newly" radical evolving philosophy that had him prepared to give the sermon entitled "Why America May Go to Hell" before his death.
How ironic, it is, to find out, that one year later, despite my critics, Trump is proving himself to be what I said he would be. And, America, as King had prophesied in 1968, but unable to deliver, due to being assassinated, seems as if it is heading to Hell. Especially, with the latest threats of nuclear war with North Korea, which left the US island of Hawaii in fear for their lives last week during a false missile attack.
Plus, we can't forget Trump's alleged "sh#$hole" comments, which referred to Haiti and African nations during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House that occurred right before the MLK Celebration.
While Trump's comments were shocking, Dr. William Pepper's research and detective work in the book The Plot To Kill, is mind-boggling.
Why? Because, according to Pepper, it was actually a Memphis Police Officer, which pulled the trigger that fatally struck King on the side of the head, while he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. But, King, oddly didn't die as a result of a gun-shot wound. He allegedly died in the emergency room at the hands of the Chief Surgeon at St.Joesph's Hospital. Man, the Devil is in the Details. So, if you read Michael Wolff's book Fire and Fury. You MUST READ Dr. William Pepper's The Plot to Kill: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in order to learn how "your" government really works. (bobbeeethehater.blogspot.com)

"BORN TO BE LOVED; LOVE TO BE HATED!" His Anger Teaches Everybody Reality!! It's your boy BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER" aka the trouble maker from the "city of brotherly love" I am an obnoxious, opinionated, third grader whose ego is bigger than T.O.! I am an "odd"combination of Terrell Owens, KOBE Bryant, Rasheed Wallace, and Allen Iverson! by Eric D. Graham #TheRapProfessor. If you like what you are learning ($JeffreyBarnes)
Monday, January 28, 2019
Fool me once (Obama) Shame on you; Fool me twice (Kamela) Shame on me"
by Eric D.Graham
With America getting ready for the 2020 election, the political scientist are behind close doors trying to create another (Black face) Frankenstein candidate with a bi-racial background like Barack Obama, just in a female form.
Yes, it feels like Deja Vu. Because, America is using another "person of color" without a Black Agenda to galvanize the Black and female vote during the rise of the #MeToo Movement to challenge the racist RedHats of Donald Trump after his historic defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Unfortunately, many feel the first-term Democratic Senator Kamala Harris of California is America's political version of "Megan Markle," ...Or, a political equivalent to the rapper Drake.
Yeah, many believe she is just a Zionist sleeper cell, a Manchurian candidate, a Democratic puppet, a false-flag feminist, and a Boule' Trojan Horse, who is trying to pimp the "descendant of slaves" by invoking the name of Shirley Chisholm, while having the audacity to announce her presidential candidacy at Howard University, to the shirking sounds of Swee-Wee from her sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority during MLK Day. Yes, it's all apart of the political theater being produced for the mainstream media. Politic is a dirty game ...ya'll.
But, despite her symbolic presidential announcement, political commentator, Yvette Carnell, gave a couple of warning shots to potential Black voters by suggesting that Harris was nothing more than a careerist, opportunist, representing the talented 10th, who was trying to bamboozle Blackness, in order to gain access to the White House, while playing the "person of color card" -just like Obama cleverly did.
Carnell said that Harris was using "African-Americans" simply as a backdrop for her political campaign, while making claims of wanting to be the first "Black Woman" President. Even though, she identified as Indian, Jamaican, and Canadian American.
"Politically, she is a Republican, who found herself as a Conservative Democrat...." Carnell implied.
For this reason, many see Harris as more Bobby Jindal, the 55th mayor of Louisana & former US ambassador to the UN, Nimrata "Nikki" Haley the first female governor of South Carolina, and the second Indian-American ( to serve as a governor in the United States than any other candidate in the past.
Yes. This identity politics can be confusing. Because, while some, like Roland Martin, sees this is as just another example of divide and conquer, in the world of plantation politics, where Kamila Harris is simply a Black woman from Jamaica running for President. Others, see her as a Jamaican, whose trying to be "Black" for her own political gain. Especially, with the recent marriage to her husband,Douglas Emhoff.
Therefore, we, as Black People, must make a clear distinction between American (Descandants of slaves and immigrants. Especially, when it comes to politics.
To make sense of this on a political landscape, Los Angeles based attorney and documentarian Antonio Moore suggested that we utilized the acronym LSCC, which stands for Lineage (ancestry or pedigree), Class, (perceived social or economic status).Struggle (political and economics) & Character (the mental and moral qualities) to judge people, understand politicians, and choose potential political allies.
This, however, is the sentiments of many scholars, during this earlier 2020 political campaign season, who believe Harris is not your typical Negro. She is, what some suggest, .... a chameleon, with corporate connection, a Jewish husband, and an open border policy. Oh,no....she is not a Black Diamond like Michelle Obama-is perceived to be. She is a Cubic Zerconia.
Matter of fact, some have even called Harris, (Jeff Sessions in a dress) after the NY Times opinion piece entitled Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ by Ms. Bazelon, a law professor and the former director of the Loyola Law School Project for the Innocent in Los Angeles, was published on January 17, 2018.
So, as we ponder all of these political angles, before the Homecoming parade begins, and the band starts to march, we'll have to wait and see if Harris, who invoked the spirit of Shirley Chisholm to jump-off her presidential campaign, can live up to Chisholm's slogan of UNBOUGHT AND UNBOSSED. Because, she can't "Skee-Wee" her way into the White House. (bobbeethehater.blogspot.com)
by Eric D.Graham
With America getting ready for the 2020 election, the political scientist are behind close doors trying to create another (Black face) Frankenstein candidate with a bi-racial background like Barack Obama, just in a female form.
Yes, it feels like Deja Vu. Because, America is using another "person of color" without a Black Agenda to galvanize the Black and female vote during the rise of the #MeToo Movement to challenge the racist RedHats of Donald Trump after his historic defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Unfortunately, many feel the first-term Democratic Senator Kamala Harris of California is America's political version of "Megan Markle," ...Or, a political equivalent to the rapper Drake.
Yeah, many believe she is just a Zionist sleeper cell, a Manchurian candidate, a Democratic puppet, a false-flag feminist, and a Boule' Trojan Horse, who is trying to pimp the "descendant of slaves" by invoking the name of Shirley Chisholm, while having the audacity to announce her presidential candidacy at Howard University, to the shirking sounds of Swee-Wee from her sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority during MLK Day. Yes, it's all apart of the political theater being produced for the mainstream media. Politic is a dirty game ...ya'll.
But, despite her symbolic presidential announcement, political commentator, Yvette Carnell, gave a couple of warning shots to potential Black voters by suggesting that Harris was nothing more than a careerist, opportunist, representing the talented 10th, who was trying to bamboozle Blackness, in order to gain access to the White House, while playing the "person of color card" -just like Obama cleverly did.
Carnell said that Harris was using "African-Americans" simply as a backdrop for her political campaign, while making claims of wanting to be the first "Black Woman" President. Even though, she identified as Indian, Jamaican, and Canadian American.
"Politically, she is a Republican, who found herself as a Conservative Democrat...." Carnell implied.
For this reason, many see Harris as more Bobby Jindal, the 55th mayor of Louisana & former US ambassador to the UN, Nimrata "Nikki" Haley the first female governor of South Carolina, and the second Indian-American ( to serve as a governor in the United States than any other candidate in the past.
Yes. This identity politics can be confusing. Because, while some, like Roland Martin, sees this is as just another example of divide and conquer, in the world of plantation politics, where Kamila Harris is simply a Black woman from Jamaica running for President. Others, see her as a Jamaican, whose trying to be "Black" for her own political gain. Especially, with the recent marriage to her husband,Douglas Emhoff.
Therefore, we, as Black People, must make a clear distinction between American (Descandants of slaves and immigrants. Especially, when it comes to politics.
To make sense of this on a political landscape, Los Angeles based attorney and documentarian Antonio Moore suggested that we utilized the acronym LSCC, which stands for Lineage (ancestry or pedigree), Class, (perceived social or economic status).Struggle (political and economics) & Character (the mental and moral qualities) to judge people, understand politicians, and choose potential political allies.
This, however, is the sentiments of many scholars, during this earlier 2020 political campaign season, who believe Harris is not your typical Negro. She is, what some suggest, .... a chameleon, with corporate connection, a Jewish husband, and an open border policy. Oh,no....she is not a Black Diamond like Michelle Obama-is perceived to be. She is a Cubic Zerconia.

Yes. it seems Kamila Harris is just another problematic politician. And, as Dr. Cornell West stated "Race.....still Matters" Because, while we want to believe that we are living in a post-racial society, who we marry- still determines how we are perceived politically....So, despite, what anyone says...if Obama had a Caucasian wife when he ran for president, nobody would have voted for him in 2008. Michelle Obama, in fact, was the real reason Barack Obama made it to the White House and was loved by so many.
So, as we ponder all of these political angles, before the Homecoming parade begins, and the band starts to march, we'll have to wait and see if Harris, who invoked the spirit of Shirley Chisholm to jump-off her presidential campaign, can live up to Chisholm's slogan of UNBOUGHT AND UNBOSSED. Because, she can't "Skee-Wee" her way into the White House. (bobbeethehater.blogspot.com)
Monday, January 14, 2019
by Glen Ford
Especially at state funerals, media and politicians pretend that US presidents are honorable men, instead of the mass murderers that all of them become in office.
The daily whitewashing of imperial crimes that masquerades as “news” on corporate media becomes high ceremony when a Genocider-in-Chief dies. Now it is George Herbert Walker Bush’s turn to be canonized for bringing “'a ‘thousand points of light’ illuminating the greatness, hope, and opportunity of America to the world," in the words of the current CEO of Empire, Donald Trump. Former White House denizens Obama, Clinton and Carter also lauded the life and works of their accomplice in global predation, as did the son-of-a-Bush, George W., the under-achiever who wound up out-doing his daddy in mass murder.
As high priests of American Exceptionalism, corporate news anchors absolve the dead leader of culpability for the mega-deaths inflicted on those countries targeted for invasion, drone strikes, regime change, proxy wars, or crippling economic sanctions under his watch -- an easy task for the media glib-makers, since their colleagues sanitized those crimes while they were in progress, decades ago. But the whitewasher’s job is never done; the bodies keep piling up, “regimes” go “rogue,” meaning they disobey American dictat or otherwise get in the way of the imperial project, or run afoul of vital U.S. allies, as with the unfortunate Yemenis and Palestinians.
Whatever the human cost, it is “worth it,” as Clinton’s former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright said of the half a million Iraqi children that died as a result of U.S. sanctions and the bombing of Iraqi infrastructure – carnage begun by Daddy Bush and continued by Bill Clinton, and then begun again with Bush Junior’s “Shock and Awe” demonstration of U.S. military might. Obama got hundreds of thousands more Iraqis killed when he armed and trained head-chopping legions of Islamist jihadists to swarm the region in an attempted imperial comeback that has killed half a million Syrians, to date.
Presidential funerals are venues of absolution, mainly for crimes that are unacknowledged.
Most Americans would be shocked – or feign surprise -- if told that their country had caused the deaths of 20 to 30 million people since World War Two, a level of carnage approaching that inflicted on Europe by Hitler. But they do know the U.S. leaves dead bodies in its wake all around the planet -- Americans are not clueless, and that which they don’t know is due as much to deliberate, determined ignorance as it is to the failings of the news media. A nation born in genocide and slavery does not change its nature without undergoing a revolution, and the United States has not experienced such a transformation. (Source:Glen Ford )(bobbeethehater.blogspot.com)
Monday, January 07, 2019
The U.S. military state overthrows democratically-elected governments that it deems to be a threat to corporate interests.
Anti-imperialist, Human Rights lawyer and author Dan Kovalik in his "NEW" book The Plot to Control the World: How the US Spent Billions to Change the Outcome of Elections Around the World, addresses the broad scope of US election meddling abroad. The book provides much needed political and ideological life support to an anti-war movement in the U.S that has been rendered nearly invisible to the naked eye.
The Plot to Control the World is as detailed in its critique of U.S. imperialism as it is concise. In just over 160 pages, Kovalik manages to analyze the various ways that the U.S. political and military apparatus interferes in the affairs of nations abroad to achieve global hegemony.
He wastes no time in exposing the devastating lie that is American exceptionalism, beginning appropriately with the U.S. imperialist occupations of Haiti and the Philippines at the end of the 19thcentury and beginning of the 20th. The U.S. would murder millions of Filipinos and send both nations into a spiral of violence, instability, and poverty that continues to this day. As Kovalik explains regarding Haiti, “While the specific, claimed justifications for [U.S.] intervention changed over time- e.g., opposing the end of slavery, enforcing the Monroe Doctrine, fighting Communism, fighting drugs, restoring law and order -- the fact is that the interventions never stopped and the results for the Haitian people have been invariably disastrous.”
US expansionism has relied upon the ideology of American exceptionalism to silence criticism and weaken anti-war forces in the United States. American exceptionalism claims that the U.S. is a force for good in the world and completely justified in its wars of conquest draped in the cover of spreading “democracy and freedom” around the world.
Kovalik, (however) challenges American exceptionalism by showing readers just how much damage that US expansionism and militarism has caused for nations and peoples in every region of the planet.Russia, Honduras, Guatemala, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Vietnam and many other nations have seen their societies devastated by U.S. “election meddling.” In Honduras, for example, a U.S.-backed coup of left-wing President Manuel Zelaya in 2009 made the nation one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist, indigenous person, or trade-union/environmental activist. Thousands of Hondurans have been displaced, disappeared, or assassinated since the coup.
The Plot to Control the World (ALSO) takes readers into the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the CIA’s coup of revolutionary Patrice Lumumba continues to haunt the resource rich nation in the form of endless US-backed genocide. It travels to Guatemala, where the CIA overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz led to a U.S.-backed slaughter of a quarter million Guatemalans under the auspices of several military dictatorships. Kovalik shows us that the election of the fascistic Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil was no aberration, as the U.S. was primarily responsible for the rise in fascism in Brazil through its direct role in placing the nation under the control of a military dictatorship in 1964. The military dictatorship predated the CIA’s ouster of Chile’s Salvador Allende in 1973, which handed the once socialist state to Augusto Pinochet’s murderous and repressive leadership. (Source:Danny Haiphong) (bobbeethehater.blogspot.com) (edit EG)
Thursday, January 03, 2019
"The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice"
When it comes to seeing ourselves clearly, we all have blind spots. So we need people who'll tell us the truth, and nothing but the truth. When someone really loves you, they'll feel compelled to point out the shortcomings in your life, the sinfulness, and areas that need improvement. You may be tempted to dismiss them, but you need to get beyond the sting of their word...s and listen for the truth in their message.
When it comes to seeing ourselves clearly, we all have blind spots. So we need people who'll tell us the truth, and nothing but the truth. When someone really loves you, they'll feel compelled to point out the shortcomings in your life, the sinfulness, and areas that need improvement. You may be tempted to dismiss them, but you need to get beyond the sting of their word...s and listen for the truth in their message.
The writer in Proverbs tell us, "Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy." The truth sometimes hurts. But you must have faith that the encouragers in your life really have your best interests at heart. If you're ever to experience a sense of accomplishment in this life you need someone you can trust; someone who sees where you are; and where the path you're on is leading. If you want to really know yourself and how you come across to others, you need a trustworthy mirror committed to reflecting the truth back at you instead of what you want to hear.
And if you find yourself resenting the input you need, think about these Scriptures: "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. (Pr 12:15) "Pride.....breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." (Pr 13:10). "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." (Pr 15:22) So, here's the question: Who tells you the truth? (Source: Word of Today) (bobbeethehater.blogspot.com)
And if you find yourself resenting the input you need, think about these Scriptures: "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. (Pr 12:15) "Pride.....breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." (Pr 13:10). "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." (Pr 15:22) So, here's the question: Who tells you the truth? (Source: Word of Today) (bobbeethehater.blogspot.com)
THE WEST IS IN DISMAY: Crisis of Political Leadership
If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked. (Pro:29:12)
THE WEST IS IN DISMAY: Crisis of Political Leadership
We are witnessing the withdrawal from Syria of the American military contingent, protests in France, the prospect of a British hard Brexit, the political decline of Angela Merkel in Germany, Netanyahu in crisis, and Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia suddenly becoming an international pariah. The contemporary crisis of leadership in Europe, the Unite...d States and among their main allies has thrown the West into chaos, leading it to one of its most critical junctures in recent decades. It is a situation brought on by the United States and its contradictory politics, which results in diminishing the sovereignty and decision-making power of Washington’s allies. Well before the election of Donald Trump, European Union leaders Merkel, Cameron and Hollande were already faltering and evidencing signs of failure.
THE WEST IS IN DISMAY: Crisis of Political Leadership
We are witnessing the withdrawal from Syria of the American military contingent, protests in France, the prospect of a British hard Brexit, the political decline of Angela Merkel in Germany, Netanyahu in crisis, and Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia suddenly becoming an international pariah. The contemporary crisis of leadership in Europe, the Unite...d States and among their main allies has thrown the West into chaos, leading it to one of its most critical junctures in recent decades. It is a situation brought on by the United States and its contradictory politics, which results in diminishing the sovereignty and decision-making power of Washington’s allies. Well before the election of Donald Trump, European Union leaders Merkel, Cameron and Hollande were already faltering and evidencing signs of failure.
Hollande fell in the polls because of policies favoring the interests of the elites at the expense of the increasingly poor and indebted French population. Cameron, to stave off a Labour victory under Jeremy Corbyn, promised a vote on Brexit, a decision that would eventually end up costing him his political career. Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, the undisputed master of the German political scene, suffered for the first time in fifteen years heavy electoral defeats stemming from recent migration policies.
(And)...in the United States there has been strong jostling between the political-financial-war elites for the dominance of Trump’s foreign policy. The President, either out of inexperience, ineptitude or intentionally, soon succumbed to the foreign-policy establishment, with its usual offerings of neoliberalism and brutal imperialism. Trump’s weaponized use of the dollar thereby ended up in an unintended blue-on-blue attack, with Trump’s money bags, Saudi Arabia and Israel, receiving some friendly fire in addition to the intended targets, Iran, Russia and China. An understanding between Trump and the foreign-policy establishment has therefore been reached, sealed with the appointments of Bolton and Pompeo, establishing a modus vivendi between competing interests.
This dogma of neoliberalism and brutal imperialism espoused by the foreign-policy establishment is at the heart of the problems between the United States and the rest of the world, Europe especially, only serving to accelerate the transition to a multipolar world order, about which I wrote the day after Trump’s victory. Neoliberalism and American exceptionalism are now entrenched in an “America First” policy, combining the worst elements of US imperialism and the interests of the financier oligarchy. (Source:Federico Pieraccini) (edited by EG)
(And)...in the United States there has been strong jostling between the political-financial-war elites for the dominance of Trump’s foreign policy. The President, either out of inexperience, ineptitude or intentionally, soon succumbed to the foreign-policy establishment, with its usual offerings of neoliberalism and brutal imperialism. Trump’s weaponized use of the dollar thereby ended up in an unintended blue-on-blue attack, with Trump’s money bags, Saudi Arabia and Israel, receiving some friendly fire in addition to the intended targets, Iran, Russia and China. An understanding between Trump and the foreign-policy establishment has therefore been reached, sealed with the appointments of Bolton and Pompeo, establishing a modus vivendi between competing interests.
This dogma of neoliberalism and brutal imperialism espoused by the foreign-policy establishment is at the heart of the problems between the United States and the rest of the world, Europe especially, only serving to accelerate the transition to a multipolar world order, about which I wrote the day after Trump’s victory. Neoliberalism and American exceptionalism are now entrenched in an “America First” policy, combining the worst elements of US imperialism and the interests of the financier oligarchy. (Source:Federico Pieraccini) (edited by EG)
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