Friday, June 15, 2018


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! to my dear sister and friend-

Dr. Mawiyah N. Kimbrough-Allah, ’00, an alumna of Winston-Salem State University, who recently graduated with her Ph.D. in Biology on May 21, 2018, from Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, GA.

Kimbrough-Allah, who is a native of Winston-Salem, NC, attended WSSU where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biology followed by a Master’s degree in Food Science and Nutrition from N.C. A&T State University. After graduating, Mawiyah’s goal was to continue pursuing scientific research opportunities in academia. She joined the Staff at WBA Life Science Center as a Research Technician II at WSSU from 2005-2008, and later served as an Adjunct Science Instructor at other colleges and universities where her experience led her to pursue her goals further.

During her doctoral studies at Clark Atlanta University, she became a student research associate at the Center for Cancer Research and Therapeutic Development (CCRTD), which is the largest center focused on Prostate Cancer Research within an HBCU dedicated to basic research, prevention and treatment of Prostate Cancer in African-American men. Her research focused on investigating possible roles of PTEN (a tumor suppressor gene) in TGF-β- pro-oncogenic effects in Prostate Cancer Cells.

Mawiyah has presented her work at scientific conferences and has obtained authorship in a peer-reviewed publication. While she enjoys research, her passion lies in teaching and training future scientists. As a professor, it is her goal and desire to help provide opportunities and guidance to prepare underrepresented students at minority-serving institutions for careers in Biomedical Sciences.(Source:WSSU) (