“Their land is filled with idols (and) they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their own fingers have made.” (Isaiah 2:8)
SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR TODAY-Artificial Intelligence & the Inter-Galactic Battle
Atlas the acrobatic robot, Facebook, Google, the iPhone: These are truly astonishing inventions, but haven’t we really just replaced idols hewn from wood and stone with those hewn from tungsten and silicate? Seriously, have we begun to worship the handiwork of our minds and imaginations?
Has Google become the “new” God? with all the answers…Where will this worship lead us? Honestly, how many of us have become “obsessed” and “possessed” with our cellphones? Addicted to our “smart” televisions and Facebook.

As technology increases, however, will robots develop a “consciousness” or a “soul” in order to develop independent thought in the near future? As a result, will we, eventually, as a people, like the science fiction movies, find ourselves at war with the creations of our minds-in an epic battle “Between Man Against Machine”…
Time will tell. But, most of us can’t imagine, what the future will look like…But, remember, according to the scripture, there is nothing “new under the Sun”….(Ecc-1:9). Therefore, our interpretation of the book, you called the Bible, will have to have a new “esoteric” meaning because "knowledge will increase" (Daniel 12:4) with every new “undiscovered” discovery.