BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER"-BACK TO SCHOOL WITH A NEW ATTITUDE-(SUNDAY MORNING SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS)-The disappointment of life can cause you to see nothing but negativity in your future. You express hopelessness, belittle your own abilities, refuse to take any risk, say no to personal growth opportunities, complain about the unfairness of life and say that nothing you do will make a difference in a circumstance. Do you recognize any of these attitudes in yourself?
If so, there's good news. Dr. Paul Meir, a Christian psychiatrist, said, "Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thought, and habits can be acquired. An action repeated becomes an attitude realize." That means with practice, you can develop an overcoming attitude.
(3.) Volunteer to serve others who are less fortunate. Serving creates positive feelings and gives you a sense of value; It's also the right thing to do. (4)Look for the good in every situation and always express faith that it's there!!
So, when you face a difficulty today, see it as an opportunity because "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." (Source: Word of the Day)