I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer.
On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.”
With that said, those who are brave enough to purchase Eric D. Graham's Pocket Full of Ghetto Poems: The Making of a Hip-Hop Classic, will feel as if they are riding with a full tank of gas, even though, the gas needle is steady flashing, as they avoid taking, exit after exit, in order to make in all the way home on August 28.
Why? Because, Pocket Full of Ghetto Poems, is a throw-back album, from Hip-Hop's Golden Era.
As a result, it is filled with Revolutionary Ideas, Dope rhymes, Head-banging beats, Hardcore hooks, Clever concepts, along with Street corner dreams, with meaningful metaphors, as well as, Soulful songs, sprinkled with Black Political Thought.-Schedule Release Date August 28. So, stay tune. —