While some people, choose to hate.
And, others, plot to boycott.
The show doesn't stop.
Why? Because....
Bobbee Bee made another guest appearance at the Duplin County Summer Enrichment Camp at E.E.Smith Junior High School in Kenansville, North Carolina on Thursday, June 26, where he had a gymnasium full of children from kindergarten through 3rd grade, plus students from grades 4 through 8, laughing out loud, and singing songs, while learning a few valuable lessons about life, love and hate.
Because, their were a few haters in the crowd.
But, when it was over.
The frowns turned into smiles.
Why? Because....laughter is the best medicine.
Plus, it's contagious.
Because during Bobbee Bee's potential life-changing presentation, children volunteered to act silly, while dressing up in different costumes from the Graham Brother's classic children's book "In the Mind of Bobee Bee," which is a part of their successful "BACK TO SCHOOL WITH A NEW ATTITUDE" literacy program, which attempts to teach students about the importance of self-esteem, academic success, bullying, personal hygiene, self-defense, self-control, and personal responsibility in the classroom and at home
Graham, who attended E.E.Smith Middle School as a child, said he got chill-bumps returning to the school, which he had created so many memories at.
"I love coming back to E.E.Smith. This school has a special place in my heart because my mother and father graduated from this school along with my aunts and uncles, plus my brother." Graham admitted.
"And today, I made a little history. By coming back, on the shoulders of my ancestors and those who have been forgotten to give back a little piece of that old E.E.Smith legacy."
Also, while attending E.E.Smith, Bobbee Bee addressed the issue of not using drugs, avoiding gangs, and making school a place of peace by not bringing guns on campus.
"I love coming back to E.E.Smith. This school has a special place in my heart because my mother and father graduated from this school along with my aunts and uncles, plus my brother." Graham admitted.
"And today, I made a little history. By coming back, on the shoulders of my ancestors and those who have been forgotten to give back a little piece of that old E.E.Smith legacy."
Truthfully, it is a celebration every time Bobbee Bee presents his twisted brand of education, which allows children to examine their hearts, face their internal struggles in order to discover their true identity.
Along with all of that, he did a little shameful self-promotion as well, as he announced the premiere of his NEW controversial up-and-coming movie "BOBBEE BEE THE HATER THE MOVIE," which is scheduled to be shown at James Sprunt Community College in Kenansville, NC on September 21, 2013.
So, get your popcorn ready!!
For more information about Bobbee Bee, send question and request to Eric D.Graham at lbiass34@yahoo.com