By Eric Graham
Why? Because, Sterling knows the “Goys” or Gentiles are relatively stupid people, according to their holy book, who are so in love with their sports, religion, talk shows and filthy movies, that they will forget all about his comments over time, especially as he hires four private investigation firms to look for dirt on the NBA’s other 29 owners as well as on Commissioner Adam Silver and former commissioner David Stern.
Jones, in fact, revealed in his writings that: Sterling was sued by the Department of Justice on Monday for housing discrimination. Though Sterling has no problem paying black people millions of dollars to play basketball, the feds allege that he refused to rent apartments in Beverly Hills and Koreatown to black people and people with children.
What’s even more disturbing? Sterling was sued for housing discrimination by 19 plaintiffs in 2003, according to The Associated Press.
In this case, Sterling was accused of trying to drive blacks and Latinos out of buildings he owned in Koreatown. In November, Sterling was ordered to pay a massive settlement in that case. Terms were not disclosed, but the presiding judge said this was “one of the largest” settlements ever in this sort of matter. The tip of the iceberg: Sterling had to play $5 million just for the plaintiffs’ attorney fees.
And the coup de grace? Neither that case, nor the more recent one, has qualified as big news.
“In your lousy f**ing Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with — walking with black people,” Sterling says.
“If it’s white people, it’s OK?” the woman responds. “If it was Larry Bird, would it make a difference?”
“Admire him, bring him here, feed him, f**k him, but don’t put (Magic) on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me,” he said.
The fear of genetic annihilation, in fact, is the main reason; Zionists were ethnically slaughtering the Palestinians in 1948, which is still being practiced currently today.
Why? Because, this fear of a Black planet continues to haunt and slowly creep into the consciousness of Caucasians as they blurt out their deepest and darkest thoughts from their sub-conscious mind.
The battle between the old and the new has, in fact, left many old white men and women being shamed and embarrassed by their words and ideas that are dancing in their demented minds, whether their coming from former Food Network’s cooking star Paula Deen, Don Imus, Pat Buchanan or Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher, who was captured on camera recently expressing his opinion that Black people were better off in slavery than we are today.
Why? Because, many of them feel they are losing their world to the false premise of “multi-culturalism,” which they believes erodes their European Identity, false Christian cultural and Zionist supremacist beliefs.
This “browning” of America, in fact, was made evident as Sterling slipped up, or got caught up, or set up, by speaking his mind, while chastising V.Stiviano, who seemed to be egging him on.
DS: Oh, it’s the same thing, right?
V: Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.
DS: You’re a mental case, you’re really a mental case. The Holocaust, we’re comparing with—V: Racism! Discrimination.
DS: There’s no racism here. If you don’t want to be… walking… into a basketball game with a certain… person, is that racism?
After reading this part of the transcript of Sterling’s conversation with V.Stiviano, most people, who are ignorant to the game being played, fail miserably to hear the jewels being dropped by the Clippers’ owner.
The Holocaust Card
This is a standard procedure or tactic by most Zionist, who feel they have a monopoly on the word (Holocaust), while arrogantly overlooking other ethnic groups’ pain and suffering.
In effect, most people forget that over 20 million Chinese died in World War II.
Plus, students of history seemingly have lost respect for the African Holocaust or the Native American Holocaust in their quest to “shed tears” for the Jewish Holocaust only, even though it took place on foreign soil.
This, however is coming straight out of the play book of their founding father Theodore Herzl, a known atheist, who back in the 19th century, thought that “so-called” European Jews could not assimilate into society. So, he reached out to create a place where they could be on their own.
Shockingly, that place was originally not Israel, it was Argentina. Then Uganda, before he decided to use the Biblical claims of Moses to justify their thievery with the help of the Christian Right, who have faith in their fraudulent claims of them being the “chosen people of God,” when, in fact, they are actually Khazars or Ashkenazi, who descendants are from Germany.
The Holocaust sets itself as an eternal truth that transcends critical discourse…
“As we can see, the Holocaust functions as an ideological interface. it provides its follower with a logos….To a certain extent, we are all subject to this religion; some of us are worshippers, others are just subject to its power. “Those who attempt to revise Holocaust history are subject to abuse by the high priests of this religion. The Holocaust religion constitutes the Western ‘real.’ We are neither allowed to touch it, nor are we permitted to look into it. Very much like the ancient Israelites who were to obey their God but never question Him, we are marching into the void.
This, however, is not some hidden conspiracy theory.Why? Because, it is directly in our face now to be analyzed on all the mainstream news programs thanks to Donald Sterling and TMZ.
But due to our fear of being labeled “anti-Semitic,” which is an oxymoron, it is not being discussed.
Yes, people are “scared to death” to discuss the “Jewish Power Dynamic,” whether it’s in sports, entertainment or politics.
Why? Because, in the USA today, speaking out against the evils of Zionism is career suicide. Just ask former White House correspondent Helen Thomas, who despite covering the White House for more than five decades, was forced to retire after being approached by Rabbi David Nesenoff, who approached her with a camcorder outside the White House and asked her opinion on Israel, in which she stated:
Politics of Fear.
That, however, was in 2010.
“Every increment of enlarging the settlements or every incident of house demolition is a way of worsening the situation confronting the Palestinian people and reducing what prospects they might have as the outcome of supposed peace negotiations.”
So, in retrospect, I guess it is safe to say, that Sterling was practicing a form of apartheid with his housing discrimination case against blacks and Latinos in Los Angeles in 2003.
With that said, maybe this is the culture which Donald Sterling was referring to when talking with V.Stiviano, which he said was too BIG to CHANGE.
Breaking Down Donald Sterling: Bigotry, Basketball, and a Billion-Dollar Blow-Job pt.5 continues.