His Anger Teaches Everybody Reality!!
It's your boy BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER" aka the trouble maker from the "city of brotherly love" I am an obnoxious, opinionated, third grader whose ego is bigger than T.O.! I am an "odd"combination of Terrell Owens, KOBE Bryant, Rasheed Wallace, and Allen Iverson!
by Eric D. Graham #TheRapProfessor. If you like what you are learning ($JeffreyBarnes)
THIS is a story about four people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY,ANYBODY, AND NOBODY. There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry about that, because it was EVERYBODY'S job. EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn't do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.
May 14, 1948- Official Recognition- The United States of America becomes the first country to officially recognize Israel as an independent nation. 1949-1973-US-Israel Aid Commences- The United States gives Israel an average of $122 million per year in foreign aid payments. Summer 1954- Lavon Affair- Israel recruits Egyptian Jews to blow up American and British targets in Egypt. Israel planned on blaming the murderous false-flag attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to garner support from the US and Britain. After officially denying any involvement, the Israeli government finally admitted their role in the incident in 2005 by honoring the surviving agents with a certificate of appreciation.
1955-1970- Israel Steals American Uranium to Build It’s First Nuclear Weapons- In 2011, the Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy examined hundreds of newly de-classified documents from the FBI and CIA and discovered that Israeli spies in collaboration with American Jews stole hundreds of kilograms of weapons grade uranium from US stockpiles and shipped it to Israel. Although Israel does not officially acknowledge the possession of nuclear weapons, their nuclear arsenal is estimated at between 200-300 nuclear weapons. (Source: PressTV)
1963- AIPAC Formed- The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) “America’s Pro-Israel” is formed, but refuses to comply with US law and register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. AIPAC has been in violation of federal law for nearly 50 years, but through political contributions and connections, AIPAC officials have remained above prosecution for their many violations of Federal law, including espionage (as addressed later).
June 8, 1967- USS Liberty- Israeli jets and torpedo boats attack the American naval ship USS Liberty with the intention of murdering every sailor on board and then blaming the attack on Egypt. Israel’s goal was to draw America into the Israeli-Arab War. Israel has officially claimed the attack was an “accident,” but every survivor of the USS Liberty claimed that it could not possibly have been an accident given that Israeli jets flew directly over the ship hours earlier on several occasions and one pilot flew so close that he waved to the US sailors, and the sailors waved back. Given the proximity of the jets and the surrounding facts of the incident, there is no question that Israel knew whose ship it was. Lt. General Marshall Carter, the director of the NSA, told congress the attack, “couldn’t be anything else but deliberate.” A later coverup ensued, and in 2002, Captain Ward JAGC senior counsel for the court of inquiry claimed that the court of inquiry’s findings were intended to coverup what was a deliberate attack by Israel on a ship it knew to be American.
1975- Oil Guarantee- The Jewish US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, secretly brokered a deal in which the United States of America guaranteed Israel’s oil supply in the event of a crisis. The 1975 Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding (see the full text here) required the United States to maintain an oil reserve for Israel and guarantee the shipping of that oil to Israel in times of emergency. This deal has cost the United States more than a hundred billion dollars since it was first enacted. The most troubling aspect of this deal was not the cost however, but the stipulation that in case of an oil emergency in which both the US and Israel needed oil, the US would give its oil to Israel. Section 3 (b):
If the oil Israel needs to meet all of its normal requirements for domestic consumption is unavailable for purchase in circumstances where’ quantitative restrictions through embargo or otherwise also prevent the United States from procuring oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel in accordance with the International Energy Agency conservation and allocation formula as applied by the United States Government, in order to meet Israel’s essential requirements. If Israel is unable to secure the necessary means to transport such oil to Israel, the United States Government will make every effort to help Israel secure the necessary means of transport.
This is oil that would have been used to heat homes during the winter, power ambulances, and provide the fuel for tractors to farm America's agricultural lands. To put this into perspective, in the event of an oil crisis, the fuel that Americans would need to heat their homes, get them to work, and produce food would go to Israel. This agreement very well could have starved tens of thousands of Americans in order to save Israelis if an oil crisis would have taken place.
1978- US Starts Paying Egypt $1.3 Billion Annually In Exchange For Maintaining Good Relations With Israel- John McCain admitted in a CNN interview that US-Egyptian aid was essentially a bribe to maintain good relations with Israel. The aid was pledged during a US-brokered peace negotiation between Egypt and Israel, and began to be distributed just after the signing of the Egypt-Israel peace accord.
1980-1981- Israel Teams Up With Republicans to Defeat Jimmy Carter- During the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-1981, Israel, upset at President Jimmy Carter’s attempt to create a peaceful two-state solution in Palestine, used its clandestine operations in Iran to prevent American hostages from being released before Carter’s re-election bid. Carter wrote in his White House Diaries that Israel was purposefully thwarting the peace process with Palestine so it could continue to settle on Palestinian land. History has certainly proven Carter right, and Peter Beinart, the author of The Crisis of Zionism confirms this fact by investigating every major Israeli-Palestinain peace negotiation, and pointing out Israel’s efforts to subvert them. According to Consortium News, Israel used its operatives in Iran to ensure that US hostages were not released before the election, which doomed Carter’s chances for re-election. The hostages were released immediately after Reagan’s inauguration, and Israel was subsequently caught shipping US weapons to Iran after an Israeli chartered plane crashed in the Soviet Union. Israel claimed to have the Reagan administration’s approval for the transfer. As the Consortium article points out, recent discoveries make the cooperation between the Israelis and Republicans to remove a US President by using American hostages as political pawns, impossible to ignore.
1980-1990- Israel Steals American Technology and Equipment at Unprecedented Levels-
According to the Israeli newspaper Hareetz, “It is worth mentioning that in the 1980s, regardless of Jonathan Pollards’ espionage activities for Israel, Israeli companies and individuals were involved many cases of technological espionage, steeling U.S. secrets, technology and equipment. The most outstanding case involved Milco, a U.S. based company owned by Israeli tycoon Arnon Milchan, which bought and shipped equipment with which could have also been used as triggers for nuclear weapons.” Recently released FBI documents revealed that current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was integrally involved in the Milco incident.
1982- Sabra and Shatila Massacres- The Israeli military purposefully allowed a right-wing Lebanese militia to enter two Palestinian refugee camps, which were under Israel's control, and rape, murder, and dismember 800 civilians. Nearly all of the dead were women, children, and elderly men. In 1983, an Israeli investigation concluded that then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon bore “personal responsibility” for failing to prevent the massacre. The New York Times recently uncovered de-classified transcripts of conversations between US officials and Israeli officials, in which Israeli officials misled the Americans about the events in Beirut, and bullied them into accepting outrageous accusations that the Palestinian women and children were “terrorists,” and therefore deserved to be massacred. According to the New York Times, “The Sabra and Shatila massacres severely undercut America's influence in the Middle East, and its moral authority plummeted.” Only a year later, in 1983, the US marine barracks were bombed in Lebanon, in which 241 marines were killed.
1985- Jonathan Pollard Incident- A Jewish American named Jonathan Pollard was caught stealing American secrets and selling them to Israel. At first, Israel denied any involvement in the incident, but later admitted complicity in in 1998. The wife of Pollard’s handler, Avi Sella, worked for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and Pollard later admitted that a prominent ADL member was deeply involved in the spying. Like AIPAC, the ADL does not register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act as per the law, even though it works closely with the Mossad, and has been caught spying on Americans for Israel. Amazingly, the ADL even had the gumption to shamelessly appeal to President Clinton in 1993 to commute their spy’s sentence. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also campaigned for Pollard’s release.
1987- Israel Starts Receiving Regular Payments of More Than $3 Billion Per Year. The real US-Israel aid is estimated to be $15-$20 billion per year when valuable military equipment deemed “scrapped”, loan guarantees, under the table aid, and preferential contracts are factored in.
1990- First Gulf War. Saddam agreed to withdraw from Kuwait if Israel complied with international law and withdrew from Palestine. Instead of encouraging Israel to abide by international law, the US launched an attack on Iraq, even though Iraq did not threaten America's oil supply nor pose any danger to US interests. Israel did not send any troops or material support for the invasion.
1993- ADL Spying Scandal- San Francisco newspapers broke the story that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, which has close ties to Israel, had been paying American police officers for confidential information, illegally wire-tapping phones, and even dumpster diving to acquire private information on American citizens. The Anti-Defamation League later sold the information to the Israeli and South African governments. Among the individuals the ADL spied on were civil rights activists deemed “anti-Israel”, Congressmen such as Nanci Pelosi, reporters, labor unions, the NAACP, African National Congress, and the Rainbow Coalition. Presumably the ADL was going to use any damning material acquired during their spying efforts to blackmail these politicians and influential people into changing their negative stances on Israel. Just one of their spies, Roy Bullock, had compiled files on more than 9,800 Americans and 950 organizations spanning three decades. After the search of the ADL offices, the San Francisco District Attorney said the ADL was conducting a “national spy network.”
1993- AIPAC President David Steiner Caught on Tape Bragging About his Organizations Incredible Power in America. Steiner first admitted to manipulating the US Secretary of State into giving Israel more foreign aid. Steiner said he, ”met with [Secretary of State] Jim Baker and I cut a deal with him. I got, besides the $3 billion, you know they're looking for the Jewish votes, and I’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear … Besides the $10 billion in loan guarantees which was a fabulous thing, $3 billion in foreign, in military aid, and I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don’t even know about.”
In the same conversation, Steiner said he would support any politician who has been good to Israel over his own brother. He also discussed his efforts to get Jewish, and pro-Israel candidates re-elected, even by paying for a rigged poll. Steiner was attempting to raise money for dozens of pro-Israel candidates through his position at AIPAC, even though the organization claims that it doesn’t engage in such behavior. In the conversation, Steiner asked a potential Jewish donor to get his children to write checks in order to subvert political donation laws.
Steiner also said, “We gave two employees from AIPAC leave of absences to work on the [Clinton] campaign. I mean, we have a dozen people in that campaign, in the headquarters and they're all going to get big jobs. We have friends. I also work with a think tank, the Washington Institute. I have Michael Mandelbaum and Martin Indyk being foreign policy advisers. Steve Speigel— we've got friends this is my business.”
“I talked to Bill Clinton [and he made a commitment that] he's going to be very good to us.” ”One of my officers, Monte Friedkin, is one of the biggest fund-raisers for them [Clintons]. I mean, I have people like that all over the country.”
When asked if he knows who Bill Clinton would put on the Supreme Court if elected, Steiner replied, “We're talking now. We don’t have no commitments yet. We're just negotiating. We're more interested right now, in the Secretary of State and the Secretary of National Security Agency. That's more important to us.” He also said, “we are negotiating” who will be Secretary of State.
1993- Israel Caught Selling US Military Secrets to China- Israel sold $2-3 billion worth of sensitive US military technology to China. This was technology that the US had specifically forbidden to be delivered to China in anyway shape or form, as it would undermine America's national security. Read this link for the full story.
1996 GAO Spy Report- The Government Accountability Office reported that Israel spies on the US more than any other ally.
2000-2003 Iraq Sanctions- In 2000, AIPAC distributed a letter asking AIPAC members to put pressure on the US Congress and the President to ramp up sanctions on Iraq and block the oil for food program, which was providing Iraqi civilians with much needed food and medicine. In 2003, AIPAC attempted to block a bill that would have allowed US companies to export food and medicine to Iraqi civilians. AIPAC took the position that the food and medicine would not help the Iraqi people, which is obviously untrue, and that the bill would hasten Saddam'’s effort to procure weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was of course not building weapons of mass destruction, and the AIPAC efforts ended up murdering thousands of Iraqi civilians.
September 11, 2001- Five Dancing Israelis- The terrorists who perpetrated the worst attack on America in its history stated on record that their motivation was America's unabashed support for the apartheid regime of Israel. Five dancing Israelis were actually caught filming the world trade center attacks and dancing in celebration afterwards. When the Israelis were caught in a van that had contained explosives, they said we are all on the same side now against the Palestinians. The dancing Israelis later admitted on an Israeli talk show that they were there to document the event. Before the US government classified all information on Israel's involvement in 9-11, the FBI officially concluded that Israel had to have known of the attack before 9-11-2001 and didn't warn the US. After the attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “We are benefitting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” He also said, “these events have swung American public opinion in our favor. At best, Israel knew of the attacks before hand and did not warn America because of the strategic support against the Palestinians that it would bring. At worst, Israel had a hand in planning the attacks.
2001- Israeli Spies Deported- More than 60 Israeli spies were arrested and detained. Most of them failed lie-detector tests about their spying activities on the US and their connection to the September 11, 2001 attacks.
2002- Harvard Economist Estimates Total US-Israel Aid At $3 trillion. Dr. Thomas R. Stauffer, a world renowned economist who taught economics and Middle East studies at Harvard, as well as serving twice in the Executive Office of the President on a task force for oil imports and controls, estimated that as of 2002 (in 2002 dollars) Israel has cost the US $3 trillion. His estimate took into account direct military aid, political support, oil price increases as a result of conflicts, and peripheral/hidden foreign aid.
In Stauffer’s estimation, US aid to Israel costs 275,000 American jobs per year due to unfair trade imbalances and sanctions on Israel’s enemies. In one example of under the table aid, Stauffer pointed out that the US actually gave Russia and Romania billions of dollars in undeclared aid to facilitate Jews moving to Israel. The US has also spent hundreds of billions in the region to secure friendly relationships with Israel. John McCain admitted in an interview that US aid to Egypt is really just a bribe so the Egyptians will maintain friendly relations with Israel. The US has also given Turkey and Greece billions for the same purpose.
A summary of Stauffer’s breakdown can be found here:
2003- Iraq War- In January 2003, AIPAC executive director Howard Kohr stated, “quietly lobbying Congress to approve the use of force in Iraq” was one of AIPAC’s successes over the past year.” Jeffrey Goldberg reported during a profile piece of AIPAC’s policy director Steven J. Rosen that, “AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the Iraq war.”
In addition, the US media, which by this point was almost completely controlled by Jewish American supporters of Israel (see this link for proof), refused to investigate the validity of the governments accusation of Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction. The mainstream media then went a step further by criticizing anti-war activists and even called them traitors who were against the troops. Many Americans leaders and reporters came out after the war and criticized the media for its pro-war propaganda, but very few spoke of the Israeli connection for fear of being labeled anti-Semitic.
Even though Israel aggressively lobbied America to attack Iraq, they committed no troops or resources to the struggle.
2005- AIPAC Spying Scandal- A pentagon analyst pleads guilty to passing military secrets to two AIPAC employees en route to Israel. After some political wrangling, all charges were dropped against the two Jewish AIPAC employees in 2009, even though the analyst agreed to testify against the AIPAC employees, and the government had overwhelming evidence to prosecute. It was later reported by Time magazine that Jane Harman, a Jewish congresswoman, was bribed by AIPAC to lobby the Department of Justice to drop the spying charges against the AIPAC employees. In 2009, CQ politics reported that Harman was caught on a NSA wiretap telling an Israeli agent that she would lobby the Department of Justice to drop the case.
2008-2009-Israel Fires White Phosphorous Shells Into Civilian Locations, Including a Crowded Refugee Camp. At first, the Israeli army categorically denied the use of white phosphorous gas on civilians (a war crime), but then later admitted it when video footage made it impossible to deny. These weapons were made in the USA. The entire planet criticized the barbaric and internationally illegal war crimes, but President Bush and the United States supported the Israeli atrocities, which hurt America’s standing in the world.
2010- Israel is Caught Stealing America’s Nuclear Triggers- The United States Bureau of Industry and Security released a report concluding that nuclear triggers were illegally exported to Israel. (Source)
2010- Israel Bribes US News Outlets for Biased Stories- Newly declassified files prove that Israel has actually been covertly paying American media outlets tens of millions of dollars to publish pro-Israel stories. Among other things, the documents revealed that Israel paid the Atlantic magazine $50,000 to disrupt a US peace proposal that would have allowed Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel. These documents came from a Senate hearing, which ended up being censored by American politicians who received significant campaign financing from non-gentile sources. The bribed senators even went as far as sealing the most damning documents from the investigation.
January 13, 2012- Atlanta Jewish Times Owner Claims the Mossad is Considering Assassinating President Obama- Andrew Adler, the owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times, writes an article stating that Israel has three options in order to defend itself. 1. Attack Hezbollah and Hamas 2. Defy the US and attack Iran 3. “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.” He went on to say, “Yes you read three correctly. Order a hit on a US President in order to preserve Israel’s existence.” He claimed to know for sure that this option was already “being discussed in Israel’s most inner circles”, and given his high powered Israeli friends, you can bet that he is correct.
April 18, 2012-The Bilzerian Report Estimates the Total Cost of America’s Relationship with Israel, Adjusted for Inflation and Including the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to be in Excess of $5 trillion, or $16k per American.
July 28, 2012- CIA Reports that Israel is the Largest Spy Threat in the Middle East. The report details numerous incidents of Israeli spies breaking into American diplomats’ homes and offices to steal sensitive material.
June 14, 2014 - UNITED
STATES - Black boys were gifted with an all-new G.E.D. test for the
2014 school year, which will make it even more difficult for them to escape the
trappings of low expectations, as the only alternative to a high school diploma,
the G.E.D., has now been made just as difficult to obtain as the diploma itself.
Why a new G.E.D.? Politically-speaking, keeping Black boys from having a
gambler’s chance at a decent life in this country seems to have become a fetish
of the American Social Order.
As states scramble to find more dollars to
incarcerate young Black males, a quiet but very powerful sense of hopelessness
is settling in among the Black boy population in America. In quiet protest, many
have dropped out of school and have taken to the street corners, not necessarily
to participate in the underground economy, but to puff their life away and
daydream amidst the purple haze of marijuana.While
educational racism and economic castration suck the life out of Black boys in
America, the Black community sits distracted by American foreign policy
initiatives, reality television shows, and professional sports. As neighborhood
violence increasingly becomes a fact of life in Black communities, many are at a
loss for what to do.
However, we know exactly what must be done. If we
want to reverse the special education, ADHD, psychotropic drug,
juvenile incarceration, and premature extermination wars against Black boys
then we will have to build schools that are uniquely designed to teach Black
boys, not only how to succeed in a racially-biased society, but also how to
avoid the trappings of a racist criminal justice system. Unfortunately,
historically Black colleges have been under attack as well.
Many state
higher education systems are underfunding HBCUs in an attempt to force mergers
will larger White universities who are not sympathetic to the needs of Black
youth. Other private HBCUs have struggled with financial difficulties and a lack
of support from the larger African-American community. One such college is the
College in Lawrenceville, Virginia.
Founded by a contemporary of the
legendary Booker T. Washington, the great James Solomon Russell, St. Paul’s
would be the perfect location for a residential school for Black boys. Located
in a rural section of southern Virginia, not far from the North Carolina border,
St.Paul’s campus is reclusive enough and sizeable enough to be the perfect
psycho-academic training camp for the current generation of Black
America’s foremost school psychologist and kinsman to Frederick
Douglass, Dr. Umar Johnson, is attempting to purchase the St. Paul’s College to
be transformed into the Frederick Douglass and Marcus Garvey RBG International
Leadership Academy for Black Boys.
This academy will be based on a global
business model that prepares Black boys for self-employment and
entrepreneurship, not merely acceptance into college. The banking establishment
and the higher education systems of America are in collaboration to put more
African-Americans into financial debt in the name of a collegiate education.
This is a collegiate education that is increasingly becoming useless in the face
of an economy that is becoming more global, while it does nearly nothing to
ensure that enough jobs remain in the United States for college-educated young
This situation is sending devastating numbers of Black children with
college degrees to the homeless shelter and soup kitchens of America.
children have to be taught how to make a living anywhere in this world
regardless of the circumstances of the political economy in which they live. The
FDMG Academy will teach our children to be masters of Agricultural/Agronomical
Science, Economic/Financial Science, Political/Military Science,
Nutritional/Dietary Science, Family/Community Science, and African-Centered
Spiritual/Cosmological Science. In addition to these six core sciences, and the
three “R’s,” our boys will be taught to master at least two building trades
(i.e., electrical, cosmetology, plumbing, auto, carpentry, HVAC, computer
network/design, masonry, etc).
Why the trades? A man’s bread and butter
are only guaranteed when he can work for them. During the 1970s America’s public
school system began working in concert with the racist building trade unions to
systematically see to the removal of the trade building programs from
predominately Black high schools, which created a blue-collar skills gap in
Black communities, particularly in the inner-cities, which was then quickly
monopolized by White labor.
With Black parents brainwashing their children into
thinking that their is no hope without college, we have seen generation after
generation of Black youth turn their backs on the building trades only to end up
graduating Magna Cum Laude with a doctoral degree that has no marketability in
the competitive job pool.
Why a residential academy?Black
boys are disproportionately raised by single Black mothers, who oftentimes
struggle escorting their sons safely and successfully into manhood.
some Black mothers, blinded by the influence of Eurocentric feminism would argue
thattheir sons don’t need
fathers, many know otherwise. The crisis in Black male education isn’t
really about education at all: it’s about the lack of masculine energy in the
schoolhouse leaving our boys hungry for guidance from male role models that they
rarely get to spend time with.
Our residential academy will provide our
boys with the discipline, structure and masculine energy needed from strong
caring Black men. A heaven on earth, a home away from home, is what we have in
store for our boys.
A powerhouse academy where they love coming to school and
never have to worry about being mis-diagnosed and thrown into special education
for “invisible” disabilities like ADHD and Emotional Disturbances (ED).
would be the first residential academy in U.S. history for boys based upon the
principles of traditional African culture.
The African-American community
must change its paradigm and approach to education if our children are to have a
fighting chance in this world. With White racism using the charter school
movement as a front for its ethnic cleaning campaign, thereby gentrifying every
major Black inner-city in America, public school will soon be a distant
memory.If you care about the future of Black boys, and of all African-Americans
please donate to help Dr. Umar Johnson acquire the historic St. Paul’s College,
to be used as the FDMG Academy, before it is purchased by those not interested
in the welfare of our children.
Visit www.DrUmarJohnsonSchool.com for more information on the school
project and to make your much needed donation to this critical fundraiser. We
must raise $5M by August 21, 2014 and need your immediate help. Resumes are now
being accepted at FDMGResumes@gmail.com.
Dr. Umar Johnson is a
Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Certified School Psychologist & Certified
School Principal. He is one of the most requested speakers in the world and has
lectured in North America, South America, Europe, Afrika, and the Caribbean.
He is a descendant of
both the great Frederick Douglass and Bishop Alexander Wayman , 7th Bishop under
Richard Allen’s AME Church. Dr. Johnson can be reached www.DrUmarJohnson.com or 215-989-9858. He welcomes
correspondence from parents with issues protecting and educating their children
from special education abuse and ADHD exploitation.
There are no foolish million dollar motives. And, no quests for a record deal or guest appearance on Love and Hip-Hop in Atlanta.
This is simply pure-love for Hip-Hop and one man's desire to give back to the culture that raised him.
Truthfully, many people have forgotten that Hip-Hop, in its purest form, is simply poetry over African drums.
As a result, the creative mind behind the most controversial cartoon in America, Bobbee Bee "The Hater," is in the process of completing this year's most anticipated album entitled- Pocket Full of Ghetto Poems, which he "unapologetically" calls "a masterpiece in the making."
"Honestly, I think this album is going to shock a lot of people..." claimed the Managing Editor of Black Athlete Sports Network.
Why? Because, with a simple phone call, the young scholar, who while attending Winston-Salem State University, where he was known mostly for his ground-breaking lectures on Tuesday Nights, finds himself back in the presence of Supreme DJ Nyborn and Payroll Productions, where he hopes to record a Hip-hop classic.
"Myself and Nyborn developed a good friendship in 2000, while working on a mix tape project when I was a part of rap group called the Makabees..."explained the independent filmmaker, who wrote and directed his first feature film last year with the help of his brother Terrence Graham.
"However, at this point, of my development, as an artist, I feel I have perfected my craft.
I am focus. I am smarter and wiser. Plus, since this is an extension of the movie soundtrack-I have allowed myself to write from my alter ego-Bobbee Bee "The Hater."
Unfortunately, however, while filming the Bobbee Bee "The Hater" The Movie, inflated egos and creative differences forced the young Black entrepreneur to dive into his latest project independently, which places all the pressure on his shoulders to produce something epic.
"With the state of Hip-Hop currently, it is a perfect time for me to drop an album, especially with the help and the assistance of the Internet, which allows people to express themselves freely to a global marketplace without trying to "sell their souls" to get a record deal.
With a level of confidence and studio time scheduled in August of 2014, those in the Hip-Hop community as well as the small town of Magnolia, NC patiently wait to see if this
wanna be rapper can deliver the "goods," and not disappoint them.
"Seriously, I come in the spirit of the Ancestors. Besides, I am not a battle rapper, dope-dealer, or gang banger. But, I am Hip-Hop." laughed the Black poetry writer.
"Plus, I have knowledge of self ... And, honestly, I probably can rap better than 50% of the people, who claim to be rappers."
With that said, Pocket Full of Ghetto Poems, which hopefully will be completed by the end of September contains 18 songs, which include:
1. Saturday Night Surprise 2. Jesus Christ: The Kid is Nice 3. Wanted Man 4. My Personality is Borderline 5. Revolutionary Suicide 6. Angels From The Sky 7. Real Hip-Hop 8. Mister Officer 9. Bang-Bang Boo-Boo 10. Same Dude From High School 11. Heaven-N-Hell Collide 12. Magnolia Memories 13. Tell Me No Secrets 14. Rhyme Spitter 15. Where Are The Ladies At? 16. Black Woman Sings The Blues 17. In the Atmosphere 18. Pocket Full of Ghetto Poems
Get theNewBlack andGreen BOBBEE BEE THE HATERTEE-SHIRTSwith his favorite motto of"No GUNS, No GANGS, No DRUGS" Every child deserves one: Sizes: ONE SIZE Cost: $25.00Send Checks and Money Orders to: Eric D. Graham Post Office Box 172 Magnolia, North Carolina 28453graham_34_99_2000@yahoo.com
Is bloody.
And, deadly.
It produces ten thousand tears. And a town full of tombstones.
Plus, we all know that wars are easy to start. And difficult to end.
Despite all of that,during a recent speech at the United Nations on September 27, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel tried desperately to convince the United States that war was the only option, especially if Iran is allowed to develop its nuclear program by showing a poor drawing of a nuclear bomb. Netanyahu's elementary illustration actually seemed like a déjà vu' episode of Colin Powell's notorious presentation that convinced the world that Iraqi had weapons of mass destruction in 2003, which turned out to be a lie.
"Given this record of Iranian aggression without nuclear weapons, just imagine an Iran with nuclear weapons. Who among you would feel safe in the Middle East? Who'd be safe in Europe? Who'd be safe in America? Who'd be safe anywhere?" Netanyahu said.
Despite Nethanyu's paranoia that a nuclear Iran would lead to the destruction of Israel, the United States, and the rest of the world, the US still thinks it's a bad idea.
And while Israel tries to conjure up more propaganda against Iran, the US must ask itself these two important questions before joining Israel down the road of no return. 1. Is war with Iran really necessary? 2. And if Israel decides to go to war, will they inform the US in advance.
With these two questions lingering in the mind of President Obama, he, in effect, must understand that going to war with Iran, would impact the energy markets, affect the global economy, increase gas prices astronomically within the US, increase terrorism as well as produce retaliation through strategic "missile strikes" in Iraq as well as in the Persian Gulf.
The war with Iran also would make war in Afghanistan impossible to fight.
President Jimmy Carter's former national security adviser Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski confirmed this during a recent interview, when he said: "The use of military force against Iran would be extremely problematic given the dispersal of Iran’s nuclear sites throughout the country and their proximity to urban centers. Since the US would be blamed for any Israeli strike, we should make it clear to Israel that American interests would be adversely affected by such a move." Brzezinski explained.
"Kremlin strategists would surely relish the thought of a US deeply bogged down in a war with Iran, which would trigger a dramatic spike in the price of oil, a commodity in plentiful supply in Russia. "Involving the Iranians in a military conflict would make our task in Afghanistan absolutely impossible. It would probably reignite the conflict in Iraq, would set the Persian Gulf ablaze, would increase the price of oil twofold, threefold, fourfold, and Americans will be paying five, six dollars a gallon at the gas stations. Europe will become even more dependent on Russia for energy. So what is the benefit to us?"
Brzezinski, who was the director of the Trilateral Commission from 1973 to 1976, also stated that while a nuclear Iran is a bad thing, it is not apocalyptic. Plus, he believed it wouldn't lead to World War III as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu suggested at the U.N. General Assembly.
"Iran is not suicidal. It is not seeking to end itself, in a mass of Armageddon. Their goal is to keep their revolutionary idea alive."Brzezinski said.
Brzezinski, in effect, gave three clear reason why he felt it didn't pose an imminent threat to the national security of the US or Israel.
"First, the United States has the biggest defense budget in the world. Plus, the arms race is only with itself. Three, a former Mossad agency agreed that Iran's nuclear capabilities would not threaten the balance of power against Israel.Because, Israel has the best military in the Middle East. Plus, Israel has a deadly air force."
With that said, Barbara Slavin, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council's South Asia Center, believes that Israel, Iran and America are playing a multi-dimensional game of chicken. And instead of having a full scale war, Israel along with US backing will more than likely continue to utilize sanctions, covet action or shadow wars, which includes assassinations, sabotage, and cyber attacks in order to retard the Iranians nuclear programs.
Despite these remedies to prevent war, the US still fears that Israel may not consult with them before deciding to take military action.
Why? Because, historically, Israel has a past of striking against its "enemies" without consulting with the US. They did it in Bagdad in 1981. Tunisia in 1985, Tunisia in 1988 and Syria in 2007.
This was made evident when Obama described the US bond with the Jewish state as“unbreakable today, unbreakable tomorrow, unbreakable forever...”
But Obama's friendship with Israel is going to be tested more and more as they continue to promote war with Iran.
As a result, some rumors have suggested that he has become increasing "unfriendly" toward Israel and to Jewish interest, especially with the perceived threat from Iran, which he quickly denied in front of the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC)
“As president I will never compromise when it comes to Israel’s security,” Obama said. This, however, wasn't just political rhetoric. Because, just last week, in a public signing ceremony,Obama backed up his words by signing a $70 million military aid deal for Israel.
“Let me be clear,” President Obama said, “Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive and that allows them to prosper. But any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,” he added.
Obama's tough talk, however, was only done in effort to secure the Jewish vote. Because, he is quite aware of the power AIPAC can have on a presidential election as well as on US foreign-policy.
“Special interest lobbies have become overly influential in US politics. Thanks to their access to Congress, a variety of lobbies — some financially well endowed, some backed by foreign interests — have been promoting, to an unprecedented degree, legislative intervention in foreign-policy making. Promoted by lobbies, Congress not only actively opposes foreign policy decisions but even imposes some on the president. The pending legislation on sanctions against Iran is but one example. Such congressional intervention makes it more difficult to ensure that US — not foreign — interests are the point of departure." said Bryzenzski, who has authored several books, which include America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy and The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership (Basic Books, 2004).
The power and influence of the AIPAC on the US foreign policy, in fact, was explored and dissected by J.Mearsheimer, a political science professor at the University of Chicago and Stephen M.Walt, the academic dean at John F.Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, who co-authored the book THE ISRAEL LOBBY AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY in 2006.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
This situation is deeply worrisome, because the Lobby's (AIPAC) influence causes trouble on several fronts. It increases the terrorist danger that all states face—including America's European allies. By preventing U.S. leaders from pressuring Israel to make peace, the Lobby has also made it impossible to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This situation gives extremists a powerful recruiting tool, increases the pool of potential terrorists and sympathizers, and contributes to Islamic radicalism around the world. Furthermore, the Lobby’s campaign for regime change in Iran and Syria could lead the United States to attack those countries, with potentially disastrous effects. We do not need another Iraq.
At a minimum, the Lobby’s hostility toward these countries makes it especially difficult for Washington to enlist them against al Qaeda and the Iraqi insurgency, where their help is badly needed.
There is a moral dimension here as well. Thanks to the Lobby, the United States has become the de facto enabler of Israeli expansion in the occupied territories, making it complicit in the crimes perpetrated against the Palestinians. This situation undercuts Washington’s efforts to promote democracy abroad and makes it look hypocritical when it presses other states to respect human rights. U.S. efforts to limit nuclear proliferation appear equally hypocritical given its willingness to accept Israel’s nuclear arsenal, which encourages Iran and others to seek similar capabilities.
Moreover, the Lobby’s campaign to squelch debate about Israel is unhealthy for democracy. Silencing skeptics by organizing blacklists and boycotts—or by suggesting that critics are anti-Semites—violates the principle of open debate upon which democracy depends.
The inability of the U.S.Congress to conduct a genuine debate on these vital issues paralyzes the entire process of democratic deliberation. Israel’s backers should be free to make their case and to challenge those who disagree with them. But efforts to stifle debate by intimidation must be roundly condemned by those who believe in free speech and open discussion of important public issues.
Finally, the Lobby’s influence has been bad for Israel. Its ability to persuade Washington to support an expansionist agenda has discouraged Israel from seizing opportunities including a peace treaty with Syria and a prompt and full implementation of the Oslo Accords... that would have saved Israeli lives and shrunk the ranks of Palestinian extremists.
Denying the Palestinians their legitimate political rights certainly has not made Israel more secure,and the long campaign to kill or marginalize a generation of Palestinian leaders has empowered extremist groups like Hamas, and reduced the number of Palestinian leaders who would be both willing to accept a fair settlement and able to make it work. This course raises the awful specter of Israel one day occupying the pariah status once reserved for apartheid states like South Africa.
Ironically, Israel itself would probably be better off if the Lobby were less powerful and U.S. policy were more evenhanded.
While Mearsheimer and Walt made excellent points against AIPAC's influence on US foreign policy, US involvement in Israel's war with Iran should be hot-bedded topic as we prepare for the next up-coming debates between President Obama and Mitt Romney.