BOBBEE BEE "THE H.A.T.E.R." is an obnoxious, opinionated 10-year old child with a "bad attitude" from the city of "Brotherly Love." His body language is bad and his grades are the worst in the state. He is totally misunderstood by his teachers and classmates.
Ironically, he has been "bamboozled" and "brainwashed" by rap videos and "enslaved" by a endless supply of ESPN highlights. That's right!And you wonder why, so many of our young black males raised in the “so-called” urban environment aspire "only to be three things": a rapper, an athlete, or some form of street hustler.
Bobbee Bee "The Hater" oddly enough, is a"copycat" combination of (Terrell Owens, KOBE BRYANT, and RASHEED WALLACE) all rolled up into a tiny, thin "iverson-size" 81 pound body. He has been labeled a "problem-child" and a "trouble-maker" by his teachers due to his abrasive "I DON'T CARE ATTITUDE". All the school systems want to "lock him up!" But they can't stop him from accomplishing his goals!

H. is A. nger T. eaches E. verybody R. eality
You are going to fall in love with this beautiful
child! You have to believe me!
This book should be in every school in America!
Maybe, Bill Cosby was wrong!
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? . . . "Basketball players -- multimillionaires -- can't write a paragraph. Football players -- multimillionaires -- can't read. Yes, multimillionaires. Well, Brown versus Board of Education: Where are we today?