by Lauren Murrow and Rachel Mount
Twenty bucks buys movie tickets or a weekend's worth of lattes. But you can do a world of good-from feeding an endangered animal to educating a child-for even less.
Two books shipped to a classroom in Africa. In many schoolrooms on the continent, 20 children share one textbook www.booksforafrica.org
A set of drumsticks for a low-income public school student learning to play the drums. www.littlekidsrock.org
A field trip to a museum, concert, or theatrical production for a high-risk youth. www.createnow.org
Two hours of prepaid phone time for a soldier stationed overseas to call home. Started by teen siblings in 2004, Cell Phones for Soldiers has since mailed more than 1.5 million calling cards to American troops. www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com
A one-burner kerosene stove for a family that would typically rely on an open fire. The stove is reusable and less environmentally taxing than the cutting of timber. www.foodforthepoor.org
Measles vaccinations for children in a developing country. www.doctorswithoutborders.org
A week's worth of food for an abandoned dog or cat a shelter run by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. www.aspca.org
A medical teaching doll, to be used in educating a child about his or her cancer treatment. www.stjude.org
Cloth and tools so an Afghan woman can become self-sufficent by taking a six-month tailoring course through Creating Hope International and the Afghan Institute for Learning. www.globalgiving.org
A box of nails used to adapt a disabled veteran's house, from Homes for Our Troops, an organization that provides full accessibility to the injured at no cost. www.homesforourtroops.org
Eleven trees to be planted in Alabama communities devastated by the April 2011 tornadoes. www.arborday.org
Twenty pounds of multipurpose soap to help families germ-free around the world, through Oxfam. www.oxfamericaunwrapped.com
Two nutritious meals delivered by volunteers from Meals on Wheels to a housebound senior citizen. www.mowaa.org
A backpack and school supplies for one homeless or low-income urban child. www.cradlestocrayons.org