Thursday, February 19, 2009


By Albert Shanker, President
American Federation of Teachers
written in 1994

Time is running out on public education. Americans have always been committed to the public schools. They consider them a basic democratic instititution where students from the many diverse groups in the US can learn to work together. But according to Public Agenda's new study, " Assignment Incomplete," the support for public education is wearing thin. A majority of Americans believe that the public schools can not be counted on to provide things they consider most important in an education-discipline, the basics, and standards. Assuming the report is correct- and its is very convincing-the schools have a window of opportunity to regain public support. If that is ignored, we will see the collapse of the system.

Most Americans favor the idea of public education. And generally, when you ask them if they are satisified with the schools their children attend, they answer, yes. But, as Public Agenda researchers found, this kind of veneer. The minute the researchers started probing on issues that the public care about, the support for public school evaporated. A big maturity said that PRIVATE SCHOOLS do a BETTER JOB. For example, 61 percent said that PRIVATE schools are more likely to provide order and discipline in the classroom ; only 18 percent thought local public schools did a better job at first. Fifty-three percent said that private schools have higher academic standards; only 24 percent said standards were higher in local public schools. And when Public Agenda researchers asked the ultimate question-------"Where would you send you kid if money was not an issue?___57 PERCENT of parents said "to a private school"

This is devastating. Yet though Americans are angry and frustrated about public education, Public Agenda found that they do not want to scrap it. They are willing to give public education another chance. And what they want is straightforward enough: primarily, safe and orderly schools where all students can at least be sure of learning the basics.

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