Thursday, March 28, 2024


 ....the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother...Luke 12:53


Today in our Sun-day School Lesson, we are discussing the Jezebel spirit, which, from a biblical perspective, may appear in narcissistic and abusive mothers.

Be mindful that the term Jezebel means "an imprudent woman or a woman, who does not care about her actions. Or, one who lacks discretion, wisdom, or good judgment.

In the biblical sense, a Jezebel spirit refers to a demonic influence, that causes to create rifts in the church and in marriages through cunning, deception, and seduction.

Therefore, if someone has ever told you, “You’re such a Jezebel,” you can probably assume it wasn’t a compliment.

For, the biblical character, Jezebel was the wicked queen, and wife to the evil King Ahab, who had a reputation for murder, iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. She not only served as a thorn in the side of the prophet Elijah(1 Kin 19,) leading Israel astray in their foreign worship of idols (1 Kings 18),  taking the throne with King Ahab during a time of political uncertainty, slaughtering the Lord’s prophets (1 Kings 18:4), wrongfully killing a man to take possession of his vineyard (1 Kin 21:1-22:53),  and murdering anyone who protested her introduction of Baal worship into the kingdom. (Source:CP)

With this biblical myth, engulfed in symbolism, this is an excellent topic for our Sunday School Lesson. Especially, with all the national attention surrounding Gypsy Rose, who was a victim of Munchausen by proxy, a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver, often the mother, who seeks to gain attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in their care.

With this story as the backdrop,  I encourage one to watch the "classic" 1981 movie MOMMIE DEAREST, starring Faya Dunaway, which is about Joan Crawford, a dedicated and career-driven actress at MGM, who, despite, having a successful acting career, longs to have a child, but is unable to conceive and suffers a series of miscarriages. As a result, she adopts two children. A boy named Christopher and a girl named Christina, whom she lavishes with attention and luxury, such as an extravagant birthday party, but also enforces a strict code of discipline, which leads the daughter to rebel against her abusive, destructive, and jealous spirit (Prov 1:30), which is fueled by alcohol. (Eph 5:18)

As one tries to comprehend all of that; understand, (2 Tim 2:7) narcissistic and abusive mothers, who display this type of behavior can cause  their daughters to experience a more severe or cancerous case of complex PSTD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which may include: 1.) Nightmares 2.) Flashbacks 3.) Hypervigilance 4.) Fear or anxiety 5.) An increase in Fight or Flight mode 6.) Panic Attack and 7.) Possible Sleep Disorder.

Why? Because, a narcissistic and abusive mother is often times careless, manipulative, and domineering, not only, physically but verbally as well. (1 Cor 15:33)

They, in fact, belittle their daughters so much that they feel physically, psychologically, and emotionally abandoned.

Especially, at a young age, during their early childhood development stages and teenage years, which makes them feel trapped, afraid, and "motherless," due to the constant trauma placed upon them by a mother, who lacks empathy, while STONEWALLING them, which, unfortunately,  leaves many to develop a SENSE OF HELPLESSNESS because they can't live up to their HIGH EXPECTATIONS.

This, of course, creates a form of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. In other words,  the person denies the negative behavior placed upon them by the mother, which comes in the form of cursing, disrespect, backstabbing, and lying) ONLY to accept the GOOD things (birthday gifts, hugs, a place to stay, and home-cooked meals.)

This, however, comes with a PRICE. For, a narcissistic and abusive mother, "consciously or subconsciously" will utilize this to CONTROL, EXPLIOT, and have POWER over their daughters, until they SUFFOCATE them through isolation or manipulation.

For instance, a narcissistic mother, who may have internalized their only trauma and abuse, will, oftentimes, inflict it upon their own daughters. Hence, many, due to jealousy and self-centeredness, will, sadly work against their own daughters to FAIL.

Why? Because, the daughter, seems, as if, she has more opportunity, is more attractive, or has the potential to have a BETTER LIVE than the mother. So, she SELF-SABOTAGES her own daughter by selling "A WRONG PERCEPTION" (Prov. 19:5) about her to other people by saying: "She is conceited. Difficult to work with. Has anger management issues and is evil" until she breaks her spiritually while becoming possessed with the demonic spirit of a "Jezebel" or the psychological archetype of the "wicked witch" looking in the mirror and asking " Who is the  "fairest of them all." (2 Kings 9:30)

Case in point, if they didn't go to college, they will work hard to convince their daughters not to go to school by placing DOUBT into their minds or suggesting they are not smart enough to attend.

If they were a teen mother, they would be extra strict on their daughters about sex and not having a baby in  (HS)

 but in their COLDEST OF HEART, (Heb 3:)DESIRES that she does. So, they can CHASTISE them and relish in the fact that they ended up just like them (Ezk 16:44-45) : by not breaking that generational Curse, which continues to plague their family. (Num 14:18 )

Despite this, seemingly, powerful spirit,  causing havoc, in our families and within our community, remember, it will be destroyed in the end. (2 Kings 9:10-12) (Study Show Thyself Approved)"And whosever of you will be the chiefest, SHALL BE SERVANT OF ALL"-Mark 10:44 



Is it a mere coincidence? There was a terrorist attack in Moscow, which was blamed on ISIS by US Intelligence. But, stated was Ukraine by Russian government officials in March.

In recent history, from the Vietnam War to the present, the month of March has been chosen by Pentagon and NATO military planners as the “best month” to go to war. With the exception of the War on Afghanistan (October 2001) and the 1990-91 Gulf War, all major US-NATO and allied led military operations over a period of more than half a century –since the invasion of Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated in the month of March.

For the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked “the time to start new military campaigns.” As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the US Department of Defense has a mandate to plan & implement a precise “timeline” of military operations.

Do Pentagon military planners favor the month of March? Do they also –in some mysterious fashion– “idolize” Mars, the Roman God of War?

Here is the timeline of March US Military Interventions (1965- 2017)

The US Congress adopted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized President Lyndon Johnson to dispatch ground forces to Vietnam on March 8, 1965. On 8 March 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines were dispatched to South Vietnam marking the beginning of “America’s ground war”.

The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was code-named the US Operation “Noble Anvil”. started on March 24, 1999, and lasted until June 10, 1999.

The War on Iraq was launched on March 20, 2003. (Baghdad time) The US-NATO-led invasion of Iraq started on 20 March 2003 on the pretext that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

(The 1991 Gulf War on Iraq began on 17th January. However, after the 28th February ceasefire was agreed and signed – following the Basra Road massacre of withdrawing soldiers and fleeing civilians on 26th/27th February – the US 24th Mechanised Infantry Division slaughtered thousands on 2nd March.”)

*The US-NATO Covert War on Syria was initiated on March 15, 2011, with the incursion of Islamist mercenaries and death squads in the southern city of Daraa on the border with Jordan. The terrorists were involved in acts of arson as well as the killings of civilians. This incursion of terrorists was from the very outset supported covertly by the US, NATO, and its Persian Gulf allies: Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

*NATO commenced its bombing of Libya on March 19, 2011.

*On 25 March 2015, an international coalition led by Saudi Arabia and supported by the US launched air strikes against the Huthi armed group in Yemen.

*Recent statements suggest that a military intervention directed against Venezuela is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. President Pence was categorical in this regard at the Lima Group meeting in Bogota (February 25, 2019).

Various scenarios are contemplated. “There is no turning back,.. All options are on the table.” said Pence.

Meanwhile, the US has sent special forces into Colombia, and US Air Force “reconnaissance flights” have been dispatched to the Venezuelan coast to “gather classified intelligence”. At this stage, while there is evidence of “war preparedness” there is no firm evidence as to the timeline or nature of a US-sponsored operation involving Colombia and Brazil. (Source:Prof Michel Chossudovsky)"Don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ." Col:(2:8)



Sometimes, we must utilize the lives of others and make them our books, in which, we should study to learn from their success as well as their failure. Which, unfortunately, we are watching, now, with our brother Sean "Puffy" Combs, who is showing us the words of Proverbs 16:18, in realtime- that states: "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

So, today, on Thoughtful Tuesday, our Sunday School lesson is about the Cult of Black Celebrity, which came from our “beloved” brother Kanye West, who showed us, despite all of his Narcissism, that Black success still desires white validation, which usually comes in the form of award shows-that, unfortunately; offer us nothing-but “valueless” trinkets, trophies, and toys. Or, the Key to the City given to Diddy by Mayor Eric Adams, last year.

Because, despite all of West's accolades and arrogance, all of this "worthless “stuff,” seemingly, still matters to him and us. Especially, with his past on-stage antics-when he interrupted singer Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech, now considered the biggest POP star in the world.

Because Beyoncé’ didn’t win….that cheap MTV Music award

Despite, this little public hiccup, he went overboard, when he and Candance Owens wore White Lives Matter Tee-Shirts and stated George Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose and was not murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin

Yes, West has morphed into an extreme exaggeration of the Cult of Black Celebrity, who, “unsuccessfully,” try to escape from their blackness by buying into whiteness, while living in a Black body in the white space of Hollywood. Whether it comes in their desire or fetish to have a white lover or their odd promotion of some form of white supremacy.

In Kanye’s case, he expressed it by proudly wearing a “Let’s Make America Great Again” hat and foolishly saying that- “slavery was a choice,” which seemingly came straight out of the Alt-Right handbook- that would, in his mind, allow him access into a world of unattainable white wealth.

We saw this play out on Celebrity Apprentice, where Donald Trump constantly fired and embarrassed former celebrities, who still desired the attention and adulation from their fictional boss.

Unfortunately, being on the show never really paid off for anyone, who chose to be humiliated on it. For instance, the hated Black villain-ness, Omarosa Manigault-Newman, despite her loyalty and devotion to Trump, eventually found herself getting thrown under the segregated bus as well as out of the White House.

See, no matter, how Kanye or Omarosa tried to tap dance around the real issue and the reality of racism, it still existed when Donald Trump's name was mentioned.

So, whether West’s crazy appearance on TMZ, was a twisted plot on the Kardashian-reality TV show, a political distraction from the war in Syria, or simply a mental meltdown or a mental breakthrough, according to Kanye. His actions showed us that the alleged “greatest entertainer ever” was metaphorically living in “a house without mirrors,”-Michael Jackson-style, where somehow, he had forgotten about his own reflection as well as what he was reflecting the rest of the outside world.  Especially, in the land of Holly-weird, a modern-day version of Sodom & Gomorrah, where attention has become the “new” currency if people are willing to pay attention to it.

This attention, of course, is driven by trolls, who penetrate lost souls, with hearts, -seeking love, bruised egos, with hateful comments- seeking acceptance, and ideas, through like buttons, which get murdered if they are not liked or shared. Especially, if it is music, an album, or an unwatched video.

Yes, we have all “secretly” had our Kanye moment, myself included, by posting our emotional comments and rants about people, who have hurt us, voicing our uninformed “opinions” on issues with little knowledge or political education about the realities of a certain situation - in our quest to be “deep” or Facebook famous, while trying to obtain Trump-like Twitter followers, by (sometimes) uploading ill-advised photos on Snapchat, with “hidden” desires to be Instagram Supermodels or PornStars by getting butt implants. Or, highlighting how gangsta-we really are-by foolishly displaying all our  guns and drugs on our bed on Facebook, while bragging without fearing that someone watching it-won’t report our actions and location to the local police.

Yes, in the world of Reality-TV, this is the “craziness” of the Cult of Black Celebrity, which some say- is a form of cultural prostitution, where Black bodies, ideas, and expression, are used, abused, exploited, trashed, and even killed after they are deemed useless-only to replaced by a younger model or version, who, unfortunately, fail to learn from the past of those that came before them.

And, sadly, repeat the same mistakes.

See, unfortunately, our entertainers can never be our liberators.

Because, they live for the applauds of others, where ever it may come from.....And, when the applauds start to stop-and the cheers begin to turn to boos. They begin to unravel and unfold.

Yes, Kanye showed us that he was only an “expression of wealth,” who was spiritually broken while complaining about being financially in debt and a “slave” to his own “Dark, Twisted Fantasies,” where he believed that love and wearing a cheap-looking red Trump hat could somehow eliminate racism and change the landscape of American history in a blink of an eye.

Because, despite all his alleged “Black genius, Black riches, and Black mobility through materialism,” he still found himself powerless and pointless in the hierarchy of Hollywood, who only saw him as just an “Uppity,loud-mouth”Ni#**-that made beats and designed high priced sneakers for the fashion world, which he didn’t have access to.

See, regardless, of his so-called popularity and “free-thought” philosophy-(no different from Puffy, who now finds himself, under investigation for sexual assault and human trafficking- Kanye, found out, that he didn’t have enough cash to buy his way into the room and out of trouble.

Especially, when nobody invited him to the party, in the first place. OJ couldn’t do it. Tiger couldn’t do it. Michael couldn’t do it. And, Bill Cosby couldn’t do it, either.

Therefore, maybe, Trump will give him some “Hush Money,” to

 shut him up as he did Stormy Daniels.

Because, Bruh, you just got “F*#@ed,” without a condom. So, good luck, with the “new” album, they will probably give you a Grammy for it. Because, without knowing it, you have done so much to advance their cause…."But, brother, don't forget the lyrics of your old song; Jesus Walks 'cause the Devil is trying to break me down.  (