by eric d.graham
Even in the height of the so-called “Me Too
Generation and the Hot Girl Summer,” where we have seen Jeffrey Epstein’s
elaborate sex trafficking ring exposed, documentaries revealing and
criminalizing the sexual acts of R. Kelly, rape cases against Harvey Weinstein
being placed on trial, and the imprisonment of Bill Cosby, oddly, one of the
most celebrated films of 2019 was entitled Hustlers, which was inspired by a
New York Magazine article that follows a crew of former strippers, who band
together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients by “seducing’ and
“drugging” them.

Along with this physical form of prostitution,
there is also a level of political prostitution, as well, where politicians for
the love of money, which is, “THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” will sell their souls to
the highest bidder. (1 Timothy 6:10)

Despite these facts, the strip club mystique,
again with the assistance of Jewish Hollywood, has also been fused into the
porn industry, which dominates “most” google searches throughout the Internet,
creating a level of “sexual deviants”, pedophilia, and a culture of sex
trafficking. It also has influenced Instagram posts and pictures, where the
Daughters of Zion have been identified as T.H.O.T.S (The Hoes Over There,)
while posing in front of their bathroom mirrors with their cellphones in hand,
lips puckered,poking out their butt for the world to see in order to receive
(likes and comments) from strangers, which was made popular by Kim Kardashian.
Bishop Eddie Long failed victim to this counterculture as well. Yeah, beware;
there are male prostitutes out there too. ( 1 Kings 14:24 )
We witnessed this "strip-club" culture
recently when 8X Grammy nominee Lizzo and TIME magazine The Entertainer of The
Year, who, shamefully, displayed her backside publicly at a Lakers game. The
Book of Lamentations Chapter 1(7-8) address this issue this way:"Her
enemies looked upon her, laughing at her downfall. Jerusalem has sinned
greatly; therefore she has become an object of scorn. All who honored her now
despise her, for they have seen her NAKEDNESS…

With that said, remember what The Book of
Revelation, which referred to Babylon as A Whore, The Mother of Prostitutes and
Abomination on Earth, which was/is symbolic seen as a female figure, states,
“All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The
kings of the earth were immoral with her, and the merchants of the earth have
grown wealthy through the extravagance of her luxury.” Then I heard another
voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share
in her sins or contract any of her plagues (