by Eric D. Graham
"I chose to re-print this article. Especially, with the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment and the #MeTooMovement being a hotbedded issue along with the seemingly endless conflict between Zionism and Racism, which continues to play a hidden role in our daily discussions.
With all of this mayhem and madness taking place in the NBA and overseas, the Hollywood moviemakers and mischief makers, especially in LA-LA land, couldn’t have produced a better story for one of their block buster summer movies than the one currently being provided by former LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling and V.Stiviano, who was interviewed by ABC’s Barbara Walters before she officially retired from the television business.
And, even though, many are placing all the blame on V.
Stiviano , there are few, who believe Sterling’s demise was a clever concocted plan by other powerful men in his inner circle, who like the Mafia ran by
Meyer Lansky, who himself was a racist, probably got tired of his loose mouth, sloppy side-pieces, embarrassing remarks and refusal to follow the rules of being an owner. So, they did some inside house
cleaning. And, simply purged Sterling out of the billionaire’s boys club by publicly embarrassing him, banning him from the league, because he was bad for business, now.
Plus, they feared that he might expose them as being as racist as he is, if he was allowed to keep talking. Despite all of Sterling’s racism, the NBA as a league and as an organization, showed their allegiance to the 80-year old billionaire, by giving him $2 billion for his team, hoping he would walk away from the game and remain silent. Unfortunately, for the NBA and Adam Silver, the lawyer in Sterling wouldn’t allow himself to be paid off without a fight.

Strangely, with all of these sex, lies, and videotapes, it comes in the era when the number one show in the land is called Scandal, which is a television series starring Kerry Washington, who plays the character Olivia Pope, who is “secretly” having an affair with the president of the United States, which is nothing but a 21st Century version of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemming.

Seriously, this is simply a 2014 up-graded example of a slave-master having sex with one of his many Black concubines in order to get a little taste of that
“brown sugar,” which is no different from Donald Sterling and his lust for V.Stiviano or Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), for that matter, who ran for president as a
segregationist in 1948, when he decided to keep his sexual relationship with his 16-year-old Black maid,
Carrie Butler, who worked in his family’s Edgefield, S.C. home, when he was 22-years old, a secret for more than 70 years to avoid political suicide after their “love-affair” produced a little girl named Essie Mae Washington-Williams, who attended all-black South Carolina State before dropping out of college in her junior year.
Sadly, many Black women subconsciously watch this show, while fantasizing about being with a white man of power, which also sub-consciously feeds their white male-fake Jesus-Christ, Robin Thicke sexual fetish, who is currently begging and pleading to win the heart of his ex-wife Paula Patton back after “allegedly” cheating on her after his distasteful MTV performance with a twerking Miley Cyrus. (Read my article Babylon is Fallen on BASN).
After pondering all of these things, which I must admit, is only my twisted logic, one shouldn’t be shocked that ABC has produced a new show entitled Mistress, which is a provocative and thrilling drama about the scandalous lives of a sexy and sassy group of four girlfriends, each on her own path to self-discovery.
With that, we, now, must go to the infamous CNN interview between Anderson Cooper and Donald Sterling in order to find some clarity in this confusing yet compelling story.
COOPER: Do you have the sense that she was wanting money from you, more money than you have already given her?
D. STERLING: I used to think I understood women. I don’t think I do anymore. I don’t know. I don’t know why she released it. She never said what you just said.
COOPER: She never directly asked for money?
D. STERLING: Pardon me? COOPER: She never directly asked for money or extorted money?
D. STERLING: No. You know, if I can really be honest, this girl, a hundred men could look at her and perhaps they wouldn’t even think she’s pretty. But she was something special. And the point that I’m making is, she was a woman who really never asked for anything. She had a way of walking by a Neiman Marcus and looking in the window and saying, “Sweetie, do you think that that dress is beautiful?” And if you’re a man, you would not want to go buy the dress?
COOPER: You gave her multiple cars, an apartment. You were very generous to her.
D. STERLING: I was generous. I wouldn’t cover that with you. But some women who are — she was so nice and so sweet for the two years. I just — I just couldn’t believe she was so sweet and so nice. And she never really asked for — she tried to help her family, the 15 people. What a job. But…
COOPER: It sounds like you’re still sympathetic toward her.
D. STERLING: I just would like to know why she did it. It’s like a woman stabbing you in the chest or shooting you. And, sometimes, women say, “I love — I love him,” and they kill him.
Inter-Racial Sex Scandal
After analyzing the Sterling-Cooper interview, this inter-racial sex ”love-affair” between a 80-year so-called Jewish NBA owner, whom many claim is suffering from a bad case of dementia, Alzheimer, and prostate cancer, who seemingly fell in love or lust with his “personal assistant” or “Help,”who, oddly, has been seen wearing an over-sized Visar, while on roller skates, with a pair of daisy dukes on and driving a Ferrari, is more compelling than the television show Scandal, starring Kerry Washington.
Matter fact, there is no comparison.
Especially, when one considers the number of dumb television shows like Basketball Wives, Atlanta Housewives and Millionaire Match Makers being produced and promoted as the new normal by people like Andy Cohen, which highlight women, who are usually depicted as money hungry, gold-diggers, while using their bodies rather than their brains- to land book deals, expensive cars, breast implants, mansions, and “sugar daddies.”
This is nothing new, however. Because, this has been going on since the beginning of time. So, we can’t be surprised that Kim Karadishan with her sex tape and Video Vixens-Karrine Steffens aka “SuperHead”, who dated comedian Bill Moyers of HBO’s Politically Incorrect, who despite his atheism still flaunts his “Jewishness,” have made given "blow-jobs” a lucrative business model for all future jump-offs through-out the country.
Yes. Oddly, in the age of Obama, many closet racists,
(DONALD TRUMP) just like Donald Sterling have revealed their hidden thoughts concerning Black people as they try to blame the world’s problems on the rise of Islam, the audacity of an African-American to run for president of the United States and the boldness of a new generation of athletes and entertainers, who aren’t afraid to buck the system.
(Colin Kaepernick)
The Drivin’ Missy Daisy Metaphor
And, while they keep trying to convince themselves that they aren’t racists, especially the older population of Caucasians, who while claiming their different, they are, however, no different than the character Daisy Werthan in the film
Drivin’ Miss Daisy starring Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy, who displayed her arrogant attitude and cultural backwardness, while denying the fact that she was a racist, which is a classic metaphor for Donald Sterling, who walks proudly in his false “Jewishness” and Zionist beliefs, which is considered normal, in my opinion, amongst the elite in his inner circle, while being chauffeured around like Miss Daisy by Hoke, who in this case, represents the players in the NBA, that is played by Morgan Freeman in the movie, who oddly could not read.
Here’s some of the dialogue from the movie, which captures the essence of how Black athletes are currently being viewed in college, especially after the UNC scandal involving whistleblower Rashard McCants, who claimed players had their papers written for them by their tutors, while not attending to class.
(Read my article My Letter to Rashard McCants on BASN)
Miss Daisy Werthan: You know your letters, don’t you?
Hoke Colburn: Oh yeah, yeah, I know my ABC’s pretty good, just can’t read.
Miss Daisy Werthan: Stop sayin’ that you’re makin’ me mad! If you know your letters, you can read. You just don’t know you can read.
Hoke Colburn: Ma’am? Miss Daisy Werthan: I taught some of the stupidest children, God ever put on the face of this earth and all of them could read well enough to find a name on a tombstone.
Dualism and cultural narcissism
According Gilad Atzmon, author of the controversial book The Wandering Who?, this above dual ethic and cultural narcissism displayed Missy Daisy as well as Donald Sterling,
is actually engraved in Jewish emancipation philosophy, which: “the Zionist Jewish community, which dominates the Western discourse, requires the goyim to behave as men of the left: anti-racist and anti-nationalist … While they themselves behave as far right-wing men through their shameless support of a country (Israel) which is openly racist and ultra-nationalist.”
Atzmon, in fact, goes on to say that the Jewish Haskala (enlightenment) motto that is mistakenly attributed to Moses Mendelssohn instructs the Jew- ”be a Jew in your tent and a man on the street.” “It teaches the Israelite to behave as a Jew at home but, while in the street to pretend to be a goy. ” Atzmon explains. “This perplexing dishonest dualism (one lies to God at home while misleading the Goy in the street) explains the contradiction between the Jewish intelligencia call for diversity in the West, on the one hand, and the adherence to hard core patriotism in the Jewish State, on the other hand.
The Jewish Haskala dual existential mode allows a clear distinction between the ‘Goyim universe’ and the ‘Jewish ghetto.’ In practice, Jewish intellectuals would teach the Goyim about diversity and tolerance, yet defend vile Judeo-centrism at home, i.e., Israel.”
If this is true, Sterling, in fact, is a classic Zionist, who exposes himself when his comments were leaked to the TMZ and also during the CNN interview with Anderson Cooper when his smugness was captured on camera. Therefore, one shouldn’t be surprised that the former LA Clippers owner has recently hired private investigators to dig up dirty on the other 31 NBA owners as well as former NBA Commissioner David Stern as well as current Commissioner Adam Silver.(Just like Harvey Weinstein)
And, remember, Donald Sterling like Miss Daisy Werthan, in the end, will tell us that he is our best friend.
Daisy Werthan: Hoke?
Hoke Colburn:
Daisy Werthan:
You’re my best friend.
Hoke Colburn:
No, go on Miss Daisy.
Daisy Werthan:
No, really, you are… [Takes Hoke's hand]
Daisy Werthan:
You are.
Hoke Colburn:
Stay tune for part 6:
Breaking Down Donald Sterling: Bigotry, Basketball, and a Billion-Dollar Blow-Job
Eric D.Graham is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University, where he received a B.A. in Mass Communication with a concentration in Radio and Television and a minor in History, with an emphasis in African-American Studies. Graham can be reached at lbiass34@yahoo.com or www.bobbeethehater.blogspot.com