"BORN TO BE LOVED; LOVE TO BE HATED!" His Anger Teaches Everybody Reality!! It's your boy BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER" aka the trouble maker from the "city of brotherly love" I am an obnoxious, opinionated, third grader whose ego is bigger than T.O.! I am an "odd"combination of Terrell Owens, KOBE Bryant, Rasheed Wallace, and Allen Iverson! by Eric D. Graham #TheRapProfessor. If you like what you are learning ($JeffreyBarnes)
Friday, December 27, 2013
Be careful not to blame the victim!
It is easy to do. When a child repeatedly spoils your plans, tries to hurt other children, embarrasses you in the front of colleagues, and parents, and make you feel ineffective as a teacher. It's easy to express angry toward that child.
But young children are not calculated. They just act and react. It is tempting to ascribe negative characteristics to that child and make dire predictions for his or her future! (by karen miller)
Comments like "He'll never be anything!" "He'll be in jail before he is twelve!" "There no need teaching him; He is just no good!" "There is no HOPE for that child!"
Nobody, however, is surprised when children who are exprencing trauma in their lives act in ways that may be difficult for a teacher to handle.
Their feelings, their frustrations, and their fears must get expressed. Very young children are more likely to use actions rather than words to express themselves.
Sensitive and caring guidance from a trusted teacher, a counselor, or a therapists can have a very positive impact on how children cope.
Ironically, Black students desperately need black role models for developing self-esteem and identity. They also need counselors who can emphasize with their situation as "minorities" and provide guidance in a society where racism still is alive and well..
BOBBEE BEE the HATER the MOVIE from Terrence Graham on Vimeo.
Young people will use disruptive behavior to cover up their deficiencies in other areas. This is why our cartoon character Bobbee Bee "The Hater" is so important to teachers, counselors, therapists, and students because he expresses the true"feelings, frustrations, and fears" that young people are experencing in their homes, communities, and schools regardless of race, religion, or creed.
He is Loved by Few; Hated By Many. He is the Voice of the Voiceless. He is the Hope for the Hopeless. He is a Friend to the Friendless. He provides Power to the Powerless. He is BoBBee Bee "The Hater!" Sometimes the "The Bad Guy" is the Hero! Invite him to your school and watch the frowns turn into smiles. Let's leave "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND"
www.authorhouse.com, www.walmart.com purchase "In the Mind of Bobee Bee The Hater" and "Larry Long Legs by Terrence and Eric Graham.
It is easy to do. When a child repeatedly spoils your plans, tries to hurt other children, embarrasses you in the front of colleagues, and parents, and make you feel ineffective as a teacher. It's easy to express angry toward that child.
But young children are not calculated. They just act and react. It is tempting to ascribe negative characteristics to that child and make dire predictions for his or her future! (by karen miller)
Comments like "He'll never be anything!" "He'll be in jail before he is twelve!" "There no need teaching him; He is just no good!" "There is no HOPE for that child!"
Nobody, however, is surprised when children who are exprencing trauma in their lives act in ways that may be difficult for a teacher to handle.

Sensitive and caring guidance from a trusted teacher, a counselor, or a therapists can have a very positive impact on how children cope.
Ironically, Black students desperately need black role models for developing self-esteem and identity. They also need counselors who can emphasize with their situation as "minorities" and provide guidance in a society where racism still is alive and well..
BOBBEE BEE the HATER the MOVIE from Terrence Graham on Vimeo.
Young people will use disruptive behavior to cover up their deficiencies in other areas. This is why our cartoon character Bobbee Bee "The Hater" is so important to teachers, counselors, therapists, and students because he expresses the true"feelings, frustrations, and fears" that young people are experencing in their homes, communities, and schools regardless of race, religion, or creed.
He is Loved by Few; Hated By Many. He is the Voice of the Voiceless. He is the Hope for the Hopeless. He is a Friend to the Friendless. He provides Power to the Powerless. He is BoBBee Bee "The Hater!" Sometimes the "The Bad Guy" is the Hero! Invite him to your school and watch the frowns turn into smiles. Let's leave "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND"
www.authorhouse.com, www.walmart.com purchase "In the Mind of Bobee Bee The Hater" and "Larry Long Legs by Terrence and Eric Graham.
The 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, along with the historic “I Have a Dream” speech delivered by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr., was seemingly hi-jacked by the raunchy MTV Video Music Awards’ performance given by scantily dressed, Dad’s little girl, Miley Cyrus, who shamefully “twerked” her way on stage for the all the world to see. (Read:On Miley Cyrus, Ratchet Culture and Accessorizing With Black People on BASN)
Hilariously, white America lost its “cotton-picking” mind when they saw their little fallen angel being turned into a little dirty demon right before their eyes, as if she was possessed by some god-awful evil spirit, twerking half-naked on stage.
But, the pimping of Miley Cyrus is nothing new.
Hollywood did the same thing to Madonna, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim, Nikki Manji and even Mariah Carrey, just like the NCAA continues to do to college athletes (Read my article Politics of Corruption: Taking a closer look a college sports)
Besides, sex sells.
ESPN The Magazine knows this, especially with the annual publishing of their Body issue as well as Sports Illustrated with its annual Swimsuit issue.
But, make no mistake about it, I am no Puritan.
For, I love the sacredness and the beauty of the human body like anyone else, whether with clothes on or with clothes off , or in slow motion or standing still.
Therefore, Cyrus’s on-stage performance, could have been a divine sign for all our people to see? (Read my article Babylon is fallen!!! Apocalyptic athletic viewpoint on BASN)
Why? Because, I am certainly sure, Dr.King, who wanted complete integration into American society, didn’t want our children to integrate in such hellish behavior and conduct?
And, we shouldn’t worry too much about Miley Cyrus’s mental-state?
She is simply the latest “girl-gone wild” that Hollywood is going to pimp and exploit.
In other words, I don’t think we should call Iyanla Vanzant and Oprah to come Fix Her Life yet.
And why, we continue to try to save “our former slave-masters children” like we are still the hired help, honestly, is more disturbing that Hanna Montana’s performance.
Brooklyn, please stand up!!
And while this event was held in Brooklyn, at the Barclay Center, it was refreshing to find out that Jay-z wasn’t there to represent that foolishness. But it was sad, however, to see Lil Kim’s self-hatred displayed and her botched plastic surgery, which has her face looking like a Thunder-cat.
Maybe, North Carolina rapper J.Cole should have grabbed Lil Kim and looked her “dead in her eyes” and performed his hit song “Crooked Smile, which he rhymes:
Love yourself, girl, or nobody will
Though you’re a woman, I don’t know how you deal
With all the pressure to look impressive and go out in heels; I feel for you Killing yourself to find a man that’ll kill for you
Yes, this would have been a touching moment in a bad night of performances, which the new “self-proclaimed” KING OF NEW YORK, Kendrick Lamar, embarrassingly performed on stage as Miley Cyrus gyrated and simulated herself sexually with a larger foamed finger on stage with Robin Thycke, who with the help of hip-hop producer Pharrell ripped off Marvin Gaye melody to produce the hottest single of the summer. (Read my article:Who’s the Real King of New York? on BASN)
But this event, whether you deemed it appropriate or inappropriate, was simply a weapon of mass distraction from bigger issue facing Black America.
However, the serious question must be asked, was all of this ugliness a part of MLK’s dream?
Integration or Separation?
Seriously, why would he want us to integrate into a burning house like the one we saw disgusting displayed on Sunday at the VMAs?
But after seeing that debauchery, why wouldn’t we want to separate and run as far away as possible from such filth in order to prevent the flames of destruction from catching us, especially when you start reciting MLK’s “I Have a Dream speech…”
one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today!
Nightmarish Reality
Because, while the corporate media focuses all of its attention on that one I Have a Dream speech,” they fell to inform the general public about Dr. King’s speech delivered in Atlanta, Georgia in 1967, where he said later that his dream had become a nightmare.
“In 1963…in Washington, D.C.,…I tried to talk to the nation about a dream that I had had, and I must confess…that not long after talking about that dream I started seeing it turn into a nightmare…just a few weeks after I had talked about it. It was when four beautiful…Negro girls were murdered in a church in Birmingham, Alabama. I watched that dream turn into a nightmare as I moved through the ghettos of the nation and saw black brothers and sisters perishing on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity, and saw the nation doing nothing to grapple with the Negroes’ problem of poverty. I saw that dream turn into a nightmare as I watched my black brothers and sisters in the midst of anger and understandable outrage, in the midst of their hurt, in the midst of their disappointment, turn to misguided riots to try to solve that problem. I saw the dream turn into a nightmare as I watched the war in Vietnam escalating….Yes; I am personally the victim of deferred dreams, of blasted hopes.”
After reading a portion of that speech, on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Justice, we can’t only be critics of pop culture and Miley Cyrus’s poor rendition of twerking but, we also must be critics of American Imperialism, just like MLK did.
Especially, when you consider King’s often overlooked “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” address, that was delivered on April 4, 1967, just one year to the day before his state-sponsored assassination, which he called America “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”
Yes, it is Time to Break the Silence.
Because, if we don’t, America will increasingly become a police state, a surveillance society and a prison planet, while the poor find themselves living in dilapidated houses like the ones seen in Detroit and around the country.
Therefore, we can’t continue to dance and party our lives away, while falling asleep at the wheel to the strange sounds of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Hanana Montana, Taylor Swift or Thrift Store shopper turned rapper Macklemore. (Read my article Big Brother is watching on BASN)
Because all that dancing and buffoonery want end the suffering, the unemployment, or the under employment drastically affecting our people.
Or teach them about their glorious past and history.
And while a majority of Black people continue to applaud President Obama for being the first African-American president, we can’t be disconnected from the divine truth that governs our existence.
Or, become distracted by the constant chatter coming from political pundits on television, without having an honest dialogue about the political policies being implemented by his administration, which are based in white Domination and Black Suffering and for the defense of Israel’s wicked Zionist apartheid regime. (Where is Helen Thomas, the first woman to cover the President in the White House, when you need her? (R.I.P))
Why? Because, truthfully, Obama’s presidency is the continuation of President Bush’s, that promoted America’s military-industrial complex, which President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about some fifty years ago.
For this very reason, Barack Hussein Obama should probably have his Nobel Peace Prize taken away like the NCAA took away Reggie Bush’s Heisman Trophy.
The Unseen Hands
But for some odd reason, we have been seduced by his ability to give a good speech, play a little basketball and recite a couple of lines from a Jay-Z song.
So, in effect, we have actually accepted his illusion of power and rejected the truth that he is simply just another politician, whom despite what the “dreamers” want to believe, is controlled by the same unseen hands, who have money to buy lobbyist and influence legislation from a far.
Sure, we love to see Barack and Michelle holding hands and displaying Black love in the public, but their ability to change the Red, White and Blue, as the writer of the TheFieldNegro suggested: is never going to change “until the people in this country remove their blinders and stop playing cards with a rigged deck.”
Sadly, despite Obama presidency, the United States of America’s government is still wicked.
Yes, Obama’s election maybe a sign to what is to come, a symbol of Black ruler ship as the world becomes browner by 2025.
But his presidency, however, was not a sign for us to go to sleep and start dreaming again like Dr.King did before he woke up, and was assassinated by the same government, who celebrates him today.
And truthfully, with Obama and Michelle in the White House, it feels as if many of us have cashed in ours checks, which Dr.King said contained insufficient funds…in order to purchased superfiscal stuff like fancy cars, expansive homes, and flat screen Tvs, while becoming shamefully delighted to be invited to the White House and sit at the table with these war-mongers, especially the dwindling Black Middle Class, whom I guess, desired to be a bunch of Butlers, like Lee Daniels suggested in his movie, in order to serve white folks until the world comes to an end.
But, I guess, that will all change now, after this government shutdown, as the country debates this healthcare bill.
Let’s not forget, Slick Willie, Bill Clinton, according to the book “Game Change” was overheard telling Ted Kennedy that Presdient Obama just”a few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee” during the Presidential primaries, which everybody’s favorite female politican Hiliary Clinton forced President Obama to denounce Minister Farrakhan on national television.
So, maybe, the former Food Network’s Paula Deen will still get her wedding wish after all.
And even though Princeton Professor Cornell West, who, ironically, is always dressed in a black and white suit, is not a butler, but a server of the people, brilliant said, he hates “President Obama’s compliancy for cowardliness”, which implies that the President has become satisfied with not speaking out against injustice.
Which could be a metaphor for all of us, according to Dr.West?
Because, now, “We are all about our careers and not our calling. We are all about our ambitions, and not our vocations…,” especially, the Black middle class politicians, who have fallen prey to the concept of Black faces in high places, only to see self-destructive behavior destroy many of them. As a result, their base has been bankrupted with bad-decisions made by Jesse Jackson Jr. and Kwame Kilpatrick.
Prophetic Political Agenda
With that said, let’s stay true to our ancestors, by never forgetting our history and struggle in this country and throughout the world.
Plus, let us remember, We can’t save America from herself…for her demise has already be written down on the walls of ancient Kemet.
Therefore, I can’t do it. You can’t do it. And President Obama can’t do it either.
Because, all great empires must come to an end. (Read my previous article Babylon is falling!!! on BASN).
Besides, the prophesy must be revealed.
So, in this case, President Thomas Jefferson was correct, “every generation needs a new revolution”
Now, let the revolution begin.
Eric D.Graham, a graduate of Winston-Salem State University, where he received a B.A. in Mass Communication with a concentration in Radio and Television and a minor in History, with an emphasis in African-American Studies, is currently the Editor and Chief of Black Athlete Sports Network, where his articles appear daily along with his controversial cartoon character Bobbee Bee “The Hater.” Graham can be reached at lbiass34@yahoo.com

Mental health includes how we handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions.
Mental health can impact the daily life and the future of a young person. For example, schoolwork, relationships, and physical health can be affected by mental health. Caring for and protecting a child’s mental health is a major part of helping that child grow to become the best he or she can be.
Like adults, children and adolescents have mental health problems that interfere with the way they think, feel, and act. These problems are real and painful. They can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse, violence, or suicide.
Mental health problems often limit young people’s current and future ability to be productive. In addition, these problems can be very costly to families, communities, and health care system.
Sometimes a young person has a mental health problem that severely disrupts his or her ability to function at home, in school, or in the community.
This child or adolescent is said to have a “serious emotional disturbance.” Usually the impaired emotional, behavioral, and mental functioning continues for a year or more. In some cases, the impairment last for a shorter period of time, but its severity is high or life-threatening.
Oddly, however, an estimate two-third of all young people with mental health problems will never get the help that they really need.
Most often, children’s and adolescents’ mental health problems are not recognized for what they are—and appropriate help is not sought.
The stigma about mental health problems keeps many people from asking for help. Stigma also causes isolation and discrimination for many young people and their families.
Punishment is often incorrectly used to solve these problems within the home, at school, or in the juvenile justice system.
Good information about children’s mental health problems is not available to many people who work with and care for children and adolescents. In addition, culturally competent and child-focused mental health services are not yet available in every community.
Sometimes, there is not a good match between the family or problem and the provider or service that is offered.
The family may incur high medical bills and the community also pays if the child becomes involved in the juvenile justice system.
Most of all, the child pays if he or she doesn’t get help.
Raising public awareness about children’s mental health issues may lead to earlier recognition of possible mental health problems. Identifying these problems when they first appear may help to keep them from getting worse later.
Please read our new series of children's book as we introduce Bobbee Bee "The Hater" as we attempt to help our children deal with some of these mental health issues. Our books can be purchased at www.authorhouse.com, www.bn.com, www.walmart.com, and www.target.com The titles include "In the Mind of Bobee Bee," and"Larry Long Legs featuring Bobbee Bee "The Hater"
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
BOBBEE BEE: Crocodile Tears: It was the CIA that helped jail Nelson Mandela
By Brian Becker
This article was published in July 2013Today is Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday, but forget the crocodile tears from the U.S. government about Mandela’s poor health. Imperialist diplomacy with all of its sugar-coated phrases is nothing more than a form of historical perjury.

The CIA and National Security Agency worked as partners with the racist, apartheid regime’s vicious military and intelligence services.
Mandela was a leader of the African National Congress (ANC) that organized civil resistance and an armed struggle against South Africa’s white racist apartheid regime.
The United States and the other western capitalist governments supported the racist, fascist apartheid regime.
Mandela was labeled a terrorist by the United States.
So was the entire ANC.
Even as late as 2008 the U.S. State Department had to pass special waivers so that Mandela or any ANC leader could visit the United States because he and the ANC were still on the “terrorist watch list.”
The ANC’s struggle for Black majority rule and the liquidation of apartheid received critical support from Cuba, the Soviet Union and other socialist countries.
The ANC had an active alliance with South African Communist Party in the struggle for Black majority rule.
Even after the fall of the apartheid government ANC members applying for visas to the USA were flagged for questioning and forced to ask for waivers to enter the country. Former ANC chairman Tokyo Sexwale was denied a visa in 2002.
In an act of shameless duplicity, the various leaders of the U.S. imperialist government have pretended that they were always opposed to Mandela’s imprisonment.
U.S. Imperialism was the enemy of African Liberation
The CIA and NSA spy services—with the full collaboration of such transnational corporations at IBM, Kodak and many others—worked at all levels and for decades for apartheid and against the African National Congress activists who were routinely murdered, tortured and sentenced to life terms in the hell holes of South Africa.
The ANC was labeled and treated as a terrorist organization and pro-communist by the CIA and successive U.S. administrations, Democratic and Republican alike.
Congress, too, was an enthusiastic cheerleader for this vile partnership with the planet’s most disgustingly racist regime.
The House of Representatives only voted to call for Nelson Mandela’s release from prison in 1986 when it was clear that the fascist apartheid regime’s days were numbered, leading the United States and Britain to abruptly shift course and broker a negotiated end to the white supremacist system.
A mass worldwide anti-apartheid movement had completely isolated South Africa.
The U.S. and Britain knew the end had finally come for the usefulness of the apartheid government when its seemingly invincible military was decisively defeated by the Angolan army and thousands of Cuban volunteers in the historic battle of Cuito Canavale.
As Mandela said, “When Africa called, Cuba answered.”
Shameless duplicity
In an act of shameless duplicity, once Mandela was released from prison, each successive U.S. administration has pretended that the United States was always opposed to Mandela’s imprisonment and stood with him against apartheid.
After getting out of prison, Mandela came to the United States to meet President George H.W. Bush on June 25, 1990. He was being touted as a hero and a champion in the fight against racism.
The U.S. government, working through propagandists in the corporate-owned media, tried to instill a society-wide case of amnesia about the fact that they were the defenders of apartheid and directly responsible for Mandela’s imprisonment.
But one reporter had the gall to ask an unscripted question.
Bush’s press secretary, Marlin Fitzwater, was asked in the days before the June 25 meeting with Bush whether the president would apologize to Mandela for the U.S. role in his arrest.
Fitzwater was angry and caught off guard. He said, “I just don’t like it when people question our motives on blacks or on Mandela because of an incident that happened 20 years ago in another administration.”
Today, on Mandela’s 95th birthday and when the U.S. government celebrates Mandela, will any of the corporate media expose the bloody role of the CIA, NSA and other U.S. intelligence services in their war against the African liberation movements?
Nelson Mandela is a beacon for the oppressed. He is a hero and he will be remembered as such. Not true for the CIA and NSA which worked as the spy service for the racist, apartheid regime as it hunted down and captured Mandela and captured or killed his comrades.
BOBBEE BEE: “The Role and Influence of Environmental and Cultural Factors on the Academic Performance of African American Males"
" 76% of black boys in the Baltimore public schools never make it to high school graduation"
By Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D, a professor in the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University
In many school districts throughout the United States, Black males are more likely than any other group to be suspended and expelled from school. From 1973 to 1977 there was a steady increase in African-American enrollment in college.
However, since 1977 there has been a sharp and continuous decline, especially among males.
Black males are more likely to be classified as mentally retarded or suffering from a learning disability and placed in special education and more likely to be absent from advanced placement and honors courses.
In contrast to other groups where males commonly perform at higher levels in math and science related courses, the reverse is true for Black males.
Even class privilege and the material benefits that accompany it fail to inoculate Black males from low academic performance.
When compared to their White peers, middleclass African American males lag significantly behind in both grade point average and on standardized tests. It is not surprising that there is a connection between the educational performance of African American males and the hardships they endure within the larger society.
In fact, it would be more surprising if Black males were doing well academically in spite of the broad array of difficulties that confront them.
By Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D, a professor in the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University
In many school districts throughout the United States, Black males are more likely than any other group to be suspended and expelled from school. From 1973 to 1977 there was a steady increase in African-American enrollment in college.
However, since 1977 there has been a sharp and continuous decline, especially among males.
Black males are more likely to be classified as mentally retarded or suffering from a learning disability and placed in special education and more likely to be absent from advanced placement and honors courses.
In contrast to other groups where males commonly perform at higher levels in math and science related courses, the reverse is true for Black males.
Even class privilege and the material benefits that accompany it fail to inoculate Black males from low academic performance.
When compared to their White peers, middleclass African American males lag significantly behind in both grade point average and on standardized tests. It is not surprising that there is a connection between the educational performance of African American males and the hardships they endure within the larger society.
In fact, it would be more surprising if Black males were doing well academically in spite of the broad array of difficulties that confront them.
Scholars and researchers commonly understand that environmental and cultural factors have a profound influence upon human behavior, including academic performance.
What is less understood is how environmental and cultural forces influence the way in which Black males come to perceive schooling and how those perceptions influence their behavior and performance in school.
There is considerable evidence that the ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds of students have bearing upon how students are perceived and treated by the adults who work with them within schools.
What is less understood is how environmental and cultural forces influence the way in which Black males come to perceive schooling and how those perceptions influence their behavior and performance in school.
There is considerable evidence that the ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds of students have bearing upon how students are perceived and treated by the adults who work with them within schools.
BOBBEE BEE: UNMASKING THE MIND Rated: R (strong language)
by Dr. Amos Wilson
Suicide is the pre-eminent expression of Black-on-Black violence.
It is the other side of Black-on-Black homicide. Both homicide and suicide are different forms of the collective self-destruction of a race by death. Both actualize a death-wish instigated externally, and executed internally.
Both are assassinations by proxy: victim murdering victim.
Both involve the killing of someone considered expendable, someone lodged between the assailant and some form of settlement or satisfaction.
As in murder, in suicide there is the killer and the victim, the executioner and the executed, the judge and the condemned.
Suicide, like homicide, is dyadic. It is therefore a social act. It is the deadly vectorial outcome of a cataclysmic convergence of socially interactive forces.
As in murder, in suicide killing is always done in public, in the presence of another, whether that other is physically or mentally present and accounted for.
There is always the final judgment without appeal.
Someone’s hopes have been unrealized, someone’s vanity injured, someone’s been mistreated and demands that the ultimate price be paid. Someone must be sacrificed to the need of another, whether that other be inside or outside the skin of the victim.
Both the homicide and the suicide are victims of ideas, sacrifices made to some ideology, some system of values.
Both are attempts to palliate some unbearable hurt or pain, some sickness of the soul.
The Black Family, the Black Male and Suicide
The Eurocentric organization of American society is such that its stability depends on the dsyfunctionality and near disorganization of the Black family.
Infected with the germ of self-alienation, self-abnegation, self-misrepresentation, and economic deprivation, the resultant intra-familial conflict often is actualized as various forms of suicide by its young.
African-Americans are the most patriotic of all American ethnic groups-they sacrifice their lives every day for their country. The frequent breaking up of the African American home by many-proned attacks on it by the racist system in which it is embedded, frequently leaves it children without warm, caring, protective and wise parental system with which to identify and with which they can overcome an encroaching sense of emotional and social isolation: a system which can be their ally in their embattled struggle against a hostile world.
For the male child the loss of his father’s love and protection, or his failure to find a worthy substitute as the result of White supremacy’s unrelenting and murderous assault on Black manhood, are most often the apparent stimuli which instigate his committing suicide.
The chronic and over determined negation of African-American males, if not countered by strong Black male egos, may subject them to fits of depression and dejection.
These mood disorders very frequently precipitate suicidal behavior, either directly and swiftly by lethal weapons, substances, and mechanical contrivances, or indirectly and slowly by injurious addictive habits politically-based stress, negative health practices, neglect, and reckless behavior.
The rite of passage through racist white American dominated society is extremely stressful for Black youth. This is more so the case for the Black male since he receives the brunt of the White supremacist attacks against Black America.
Stripped of appropriate male support, guidance, protection, education, and other important coping skills by a white racist system which fears his Afrocentric competence, he is left vulnerable to the thousands of little nicks and burns, physical and psychological insults, which cumulatively push him toward self-annihilation.
Not allowed the privileges and status of full and unfettered manhood by white racist male domination, a significant number of African American males are immaturized or are often led to express their “manhood” in self-destructive ways: in ways harmful to other Black males and the Black community in general. Immaturized by white racist oppression, void of overarching and long-term Afrocentric goals which provide them with maximum and healthy control over their impulses (including impulses to kill themselves) they may commit suicide.
Without Afrocentric self-definition, possessed by an introjected alien identity, and racked by neurotic and psychotic conflict, the Black male readily becomes subject to white racist psychopolitical, psychopathological promptings and persecutions. Consequently, he may come to think that the only effective solution to his problems lie in physical or mental self-abnegation. To be an African-American male in white America is to live with anger and hostility, to feel the need to attack, to violently retaliate to even the score. These murderous feeling without appropriate catharsis, sublimation, channeling, or targets….yet in need of outward expression…are often turned inward resulting in self-annihilation.
White racist American society, harboring a poorly concealed death-wish against its Black captives, generally leaves but a few outlets for the release of societally provoked Black male rage: all inappropriate! They include the abject submission to oppression, narcosis by drugs or religion, deliberate ignorance, unending, unrewarding protests, futile sub rosa grumbling, over-compensatory status striving, criminality, and homicidal attacks on other Black males or on himself (suicide). Having internalized white racist values and attitudes, having been possessed by this introjected white racist demon, the suicidal African American blames his victimized self. Identified with his implanted alien spirit, he harbors a death-wish against the victims of white racist oppression amongst whom he himself is numbered. Looking at the world through jaundiced white racist eyes, he sees the enemy:
And the enemy is himself.
Suicide Morality of Black Males
The suicide morality rate reaches its peak in African American males between ages twenty-five to thirty-four and in white males at age sixty-five and over. Homicide and suicide are two of the leading causes of death among young Black males between ages 15 and 24. They are probably the leading causes if “accident-tal” deaths, and the many suicides on the installment plan-addictions, poor health habits, etc. –are included. Thus, Black men kill themselves with their futures ahead of them, and white men when their futures are behind them.
One dies a blossoming in the Spring, the other after the first frosts of Autumn.
Apparently, the young African American suicide is one who has grown old while very young, He has packed all the guilt, failure, shame, fatalism, pain, hopelessness, and cynicism of a lifetime within a life-span of three decades.
Somehow the cavalier optimism of youth and the willful self-confidence of young manhood are dissipated at or before the point of actualization and assumption of their powers to transform the world.
Somehow Black youth and young adults are born into and come early to exist in a different and ominous reality: one that was created for them; one under the control of others. That created “reality” negates, diminishes and saps their will to live, make their lives pointless, an absurdity filled with hitter ironies, a happenstance, a quick stand wherein every effort at self-rescue seems to pull them more rapidly under, and where every branch thrown to a sinking man breaks as he struggles to reach safe ground.
That created reality is the handiwork of the introjected white supremacist spirit by which the African-American is possessed, with which he identifies, and with whose eyes he peers out and surveys an alien and wasted landscape which promises him no surcease and which tantalizes him with ever-receding beauteous mirage.
It is that internalized Eurocentric spirit which he misindentifies as his mind and thoughts, his superego and conscience: It is those internalized racist stereotypes speaking inside his head which drive him to murder, to die, to want to be murdered in order quieten their cacophonous chorus. It is that internalized racist spirit unopposed by hope of African triumph, love of African self, self-determined competence and self-confidence and faith, which, taking possession of his body and mind, uses his own hands to take his own life. Black-on-Black suicide is the tail face on a coin on which Black-on-Black is the head face.
Both are welded together by violence. Both represent violent attempts to triumph over hopelessness and despair.
Both represent abject reactionary surrender to what is perceived as an immutable, oppressive ordering of the universe. While the BlacK-on-Black homicidial criminal seeks to triumph through the externalization of murderous aggression, the Black-on-Black suicide victim seeks to triumph through his internalization of murderous aggression.
Both seek to violently cheat destiny as they have been made to see it. Their plan blinds them to other alternatives, obscures obvious, through perilous, pathways through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Free to choose only the wrong things they both choose to murder the wrong persons for the wrong reasons.
Suicide as Displaced Aggression
Suicide is a form of displayed aggression. To internalize the white racist spirit is to internalize the White supremacist’s death-wish directed at the African male. When a young Black male commits suicide it is usually a sign that the implanted white racist incubus has executed the order of its archetypal racist masters.It is the introjected white racist superego in black face which mercilessly chastises him for having sinned, and “fallen short of the glory of God” (European man). It is this implanted Euro-centric conscience which threatens him with eternal damnation for having committed the original sin of being born African in America, which derides him for his alleged helplessness and unworthiness:
The same Eurocentric conscience tells him he will never be any good, never succeed on his own terms or otherwise, that he deserves punishment, that he is deservedly the object of hatred and revilement, that he has been cursed by God and sentenced to unending servitude, and that his death would be a favor to the world; tells him that he is unlovable, unprotected, incapable of happiness, unemployable and that his only enemies are himself and the blackness of his skin.
Have internalized the accusative self-serving conscience of his oppressors, the African American suicide victim exaggerates his self-accusation, the hopelessness of his future, his incapability for redemptive transformation.
He considers his situation incorrigible.
His internalized alien spirit screams its recriminations and he masochistically submits to severe feelings of guilt and self-devaluation. It is this spirit which splits his psyche into executor and executed; into the person and depersonalized, judge and condemned. Thus, when he kills he does not kill himself; he kills the “nigger” within.
Through apparent Black-on-Black suicide the white supremacist establishment obscurely pushes on more African toward the Final Solution it plans for all Africans.
The Black victim may think that suicide represents a sort of grim triumph, a having of the last word, the last laugh on his tormentors; that his suicide represents the ultimate protest, the penultimate defiance of the will of his enemies.
Suicide may be his way of refusing to live a life of quiet desperation, of masochistic screaming, and squealing supplication, while fulfilling the sadistic needs of others. Maybe, like his ancestors who voluntarily gave up the ghost during the Middle Passage by jumping overboard to feed the sharks, he sees living the life of a slave as not living life at all. And yet, he must know, or he quickly must be told, that such a triumph, such a hollow victory is pyrrhic, more costly to the “victor” than the vanquished; that it is illusion of overcomance.
How much more heroic to die fighting one’s true enemies than to die fighting false ones; to live five minutes as a man than die forever a coward! For the fight is not against the shadows cast on the walls of one’s mind but with the caster of shadows, the Wicked Witch of The West. “For God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind.” The power of European man over others is the power of deceit, illusion, life and hatred over honestly, reality, truth and love.
Such power cannot last.
Suicide is the pre-eminent expression of Black-on-Black violence.
It is the other side of Black-on-Black homicide. Both homicide and suicide are different forms of the collective self-destruction of a race by death. Both actualize a death-wish instigated externally, and executed internally.
Both are assassinations by proxy: victim murdering victim.
Both involve the killing of someone considered expendable, someone lodged between the assailant and some form of settlement or satisfaction.
As in murder, in suicide there is the killer and the victim, the executioner and the executed, the judge and the condemned.
Suicide, like homicide, is dyadic. It is therefore a social act. It is the deadly vectorial outcome of a cataclysmic convergence of socially interactive forces.
As in murder, in suicide killing is always done in public, in the presence of another, whether that other is physically or mentally present and accounted for.
There is always the final judgment without appeal.
Someone’s hopes have been unrealized, someone’s vanity injured, someone’s been mistreated and demands that the ultimate price be paid. Someone must be sacrificed to the need of another, whether that other be inside or outside the skin of the victim.
Both the homicide and the suicide are victims of ideas, sacrifices made to some ideology, some system of values.
Both are attempts to palliate some unbearable hurt or pain, some sickness of the soul.
The Black Family, the Black Male and Suicide
The Eurocentric organization of American society is such that its stability depends on the dsyfunctionality and near disorganization of the Black family.
Infected with the germ of self-alienation, self-abnegation, self-misrepresentation, and economic deprivation, the resultant intra-familial conflict often is actualized as various forms of suicide by its young.
African-Americans are the most patriotic of all American ethnic groups-they sacrifice their lives every day for their country. The frequent breaking up of the African American home by many-proned attacks on it by the racist system in which it is embedded, frequently leaves it children without warm, caring, protective and wise parental system with which to identify and with which they can overcome an encroaching sense of emotional and social isolation: a system which can be their ally in their embattled struggle against a hostile world.
For the male child the loss of his father’s love and protection, or his failure to find a worthy substitute as the result of White supremacy’s unrelenting and murderous assault on Black manhood, are most often the apparent stimuli which instigate his committing suicide.
The chronic and over determined negation of African-American males, if not countered by strong Black male egos, may subject them to fits of depression and dejection.
These mood disorders very frequently precipitate suicidal behavior, either directly and swiftly by lethal weapons, substances, and mechanical contrivances, or indirectly and slowly by injurious addictive habits politically-based stress, negative health practices, neglect, and reckless behavior.
The rite of passage through racist white American dominated society is extremely stressful for Black youth. This is more so the case for the Black male since he receives the brunt of the White supremacist attacks against Black America.
Stripped of appropriate male support, guidance, protection, education, and other important coping skills by a white racist system which fears his Afrocentric competence, he is left vulnerable to the thousands of little nicks and burns, physical and psychological insults, which cumulatively push him toward self-annihilation.
Not allowed the privileges and status of full and unfettered manhood by white racist male domination, a significant number of African American males are immaturized or are often led to express their “manhood” in self-destructive ways: in ways harmful to other Black males and the Black community in general. Immaturized by white racist oppression, void of overarching and long-term Afrocentric goals which provide them with maximum and healthy control over their impulses (including impulses to kill themselves) they may commit suicide.
Without Afrocentric self-definition, possessed by an introjected alien identity, and racked by neurotic and psychotic conflict, the Black male readily becomes subject to white racist psychopolitical, psychopathological promptings and persecutions. Consequently, he may come to think that the only effective solution to his problems lie in physical or mental self-abnegation. To be an African-American male in white America is to live with anger and hostility, to feel the need to attack, to violently retaliate to even the score. These murderous feeling without appropriate catharsis, sublimation, channeling, or targets….yet in need of outward expression…are often turned inward resulting in self-annihilation.
White racist American society, harboring a poorly concealed death-wish against its Black captives, generally leaves but a few outlets for the release of societally provoked Black male rage: all inappropriate! They include the abject submission to oppression, narcosis by drugs or religion, deliberate ignorance, unending, unrewarding protests, futile sub rosa grumbling, over-compensatory status striving, criminality, and homicidal attacks on other Black males or on himself (suicide). Having internalized white racist values and attitudes, having been possessed by this introjected white racist demon, the suicidal African American blames his victimized self. Identified with his implanted alien spirit, he harbors a death-wish against the victims of white racist oppression amongst whom he himself is numbered. Looking at the world through jaundiced white racist eyes, he sees the enemy:
And the enemy is himself.
Suicide Morality of Black Males
The suicide morality rate reaches its peak in African American males between ages twenty-five to thirty-four and in white males at age sixty-five and over. Homicide and suicide are two of the leading causes of death among young Black males between ages 15 and 24. They are probably the leading causes if “accident-tal” deaths, and the many suicides on the installment plan-addictions, poor health habits, etc. –are included. Thus, Black men kill themselves with their futures ahead of them, and white men when their futures are behind them.
One dies a blossoming in the Spring, the other after the first frosts of Autumn.
Apparently, the young African American suicide is one who has grown old while very young, He has packed all the guilt, failure, shame, fatalism, pain, hopelessness, and cynicism of a lifetime within a life-span of three decades.
Somehow the cavalier optimism of youth and the willful self-confidence of young manhood are dissipated at or before the point of actualization and assumption of their powers to transform the world.
Somehow Black youth and young adults are born into and come early to exist in a different and ominous reality: one that was created for them; one under the control of others. That created “reality” negates, diminishes and saps their will to live, make their lives pointless, an absurdity filled with hitter ironies, a happenstance, a quick stand wherein every effort at self-rescue seems to pull them more rapidly under, and where every branch thrown to a sinking man breaks as he struggles to reach safe ground.
It is that internalized Eurocentric spirit which he misindentifies as his mind and thoughts, his superego and conscience: It is those internalized racist stereotypes speaking inside his head which drive him to murder, to die, to want to be murdered in order quieten their cacophonous chorus. It is that internalized racist spirit unopposed by hope of African triumph, love of African self, self-determined competence and self-confidence and faith, which, taking possession of his body and mind, uses his own hands to take his own life. Black-on-Black suicide is the tail face on a coin on which Black-on-Black is the head face.
Both are welded together by violence. Both represent violent attempts to triumph over hopelessness and despair.
Both represent abject reactionary surrender to what is perceived as an immutable, oppressive ordering of the universe. While the BlacK-on-Black homicidial criminal seeks to triumph through the externalization of murderous aggression, the Black-on-Black suicide victim seeks to triumph through his internalization of murderous aggression.
Both seek to violently cheat destiny as they have been made to see it. Their plan blinds them to other alternatives, obscures obvious, through perilous, pathways through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Free to choose only the wrong things they both choose to murder the wrong persons for the wrong reasons.
Suicide as Displaced Aggression

The same Eurocentric conscience tells him he will never be any good, never succeed on his own terms or otherwise, that he deserves punishment, that he is deservedly the object of hatred and revilement, that he has been cursed by God and sentenced to unending servitude, and that his death would be a favor to the world; tells him that he is unlovable, unprotected, incapable of happiness, unemployable and that his only enemies are himself and the blackness of his skin.
Have internalized the accusative self-serving conscience of his oppressors, the African American suicide victim exaggerates his self-accusation, the hopelessness of his future, his incapability for redemptive transformation.
He considers his situation incorrigible.
His internalized alien spirit screams its recriminations and he masochistically submits to severe feelings of guilt and self-devaluation. It is this spirit which splits his psyche into executor and executed; into the person and depersonalized, judge and condemned. Thus, when he kills he does not kill himself; he kills the “nigger” within.
Through apparent Black-on-Black suicide the white supremacist establishment obscurely pushes on more African toward the Final Solution it plans for all Africans.
The Black victim may think that suicide represents a sort of grim triumph, a having of the last word, the last laugh on his tormentors; that his suicide represents the ultimate protest, the penultimate defiance of the will of his enemies.
Suicide may be his way of refusing to live a life of quiet desperation, of masochistic screaming, and squealing supplication, while fulfilling the sadistic needs of others. Maybe, like his ancestors who voluntarily gave up the ghost during the Middle Passage by jumping overboard to feed the sharks, he sees living the life of a slave as not living life at all. And yet, he must know, or he quickly must be told, that such a triumph, such a hollow victory is pyrrhic, more costly to the “victor” than the vanquished; that it is illusion of overcomance.
How much more heroic to die fighting one’s true enemies than to die fighting false ones; to live five minutes as a man than die forever a coward! For the fight is not against the shadows cast on the walls of one’s mind but with the caster of shadows, the Wicked Witch of The West. “For God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind.” The power of European man over others is the power of deceit, illusion, life and hatred over honestly, reality, truth and love.
Such power cannot last.
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