Thursday, April 26, 2012

BOBBEE BEE: Ozzie Gullien Versus Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro and Ozzie Guillen: Evasion of Truth

by Solomon Comissiong

“Ozzie Guillen has shown a lot of cowardice as he has allowed the US media, and many Miami Cubans, to fold him up like a cheap suit.”

On April 10, 2012, Ozzie Guillen, the manager of the Miami Marlins major league baseball team, “decided” to hold a press conference to “clear up” some statements he made to a reporter from Time magazine. What were Guillen’s comments that would warrant him to feel compelled to state that he was embarrassed, and fly back to Miami to hold a press conference regarding the issue? And what “reprehensible” comments did he make that would cause his employer/overseer to suspend him for five days? Mr. Guillen made statements that included love and admiration for Fidel Castro, that he respected the way Castro had survived in power for 60 years. Yes – this statement set off a firestorm within the pre-programmed minds of millions of oblivious Americans. This firestorm was started by the right wing Cubans that continue to make Miami their home, long after their brutal dictator was toppled in 1959. No, I am clearly not referring to Fidel Castro – I am referring to none other than Fulgencio Batista. These right wing Cubans, along with the amoral American corporate media, carefully made sure not to mention these significant facts as they carried out their mass false propaganda campaign.

Corporate media very well know that myriad Americans will mentally consume whatever slop is fed to them. They know that many Americans, akin to lab animals, have been trained to not recognize blatant contradictions regarding their own country and its long history of supporting terror. And since most Americans lack vital critical thinking skills, the media can prop a Cuban face on a screen that is willing to vilify Fidel Castro, and they will believe it as if these people represent all Cubans, or better yet – all Latinos. The corporate media were clever when they opened their airwaves, for political commentary, from a Cuban-American sports writer by the name of Dan Le Batard. The disingenuous Le Batard had the temerity to refer to Fidel Castro as “Hitler” for the Cubans. Despite this being a patently false statement, it was used to conjure up one of the most heinous images Americans have been trained to picture when they think of terror and evil. After all, if most Americans had any kind of historical point of reference, they would think of the likes of Christopher Columbus when they thought of terror – this devil did things that would make Hitler blush. Instead of cursing his name, America celebrates Columbus each October with a federal holiday.

"The disingenuous Le Batard had the temerity to refer to Fidel Castro as ‘Hitler’ for the Cubans.”

If Dan Le Batard were an honest man he would have described Fidel Castro as an individual who helped save Cuba from an actual murderous dictator: Fulgencio Batista. If Dan Le Batard was concerned with being truthful he would have disclosed the fact about the thousands of people Batista murdered and how he willingly allowed the United States to plunder Cuba’s natural resources. While we are being honest, let’s be completely candid about why the US despises Fidel Castro – it has nothing to do with human rights or so-called dictators. The US loathes Castro because he came to power in a popular revolution that put a swift end to the United States’ plundering of that Caribbean nation. Castro rightfully nationalized Cuba’s natural resources, such as its sugar cane plantations, and put them in state control. When the US privately controlled these resources it was for the sole benefit of the US and its corporations – not the people of Cuba. Under this nefarious arrangement a relatively small number of Cubans benefitted – mainly elites – mostly white Cubans. Dan Le Batard’s family was among this class, thus the false propaganda he and some other Miami Cubans are spreading. These people have no scruples and are hell-bent on returning Cuba to a capitalist playground. Cuban-Americans of this ilk are known as Gusanos – Spanish for worm. Worms like Le Batard slither above ground in the US, spreading false and out of context propaganda about Fidel Castro – aimed at regime change. These folks don’t give a damn about the “average” Cuban, and especially not Afro-Cubans (Spanish speaking Africans who are from Cuba). Afro-Cubans, by the way, live approximately 5 years longer [7] than African-Americans. They have something most African-Americans don’t have – access to free, quality healthcare.

“The US loathes Castro because he came to power in a popular revolution that put a swift end to the United States’ plundering of that Caribbean nation.”

While the likes of Dan Le Batard parade around acting as if they speak on behalf of all Cubans worldwide, millions upon millions of Africans extoll Castro and the Cuban revolution. Had it not been for the likes of Fidel Castro, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, and the good people of the Cuban revolution, much of Southern Africa would have endured the evil of European colonization a lot longer. As leader of an anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist free Cuba, Castro sent over 300,000 Cuban troops into Southern Africa to assist native Africans in liberating themselves from brutal European colonization. While Castro was doing this, the United States was supporting governments like the white minority apartheid regime in Azania (South Africa), as well as funding terrorist groups like UNITA (The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola).

Africans know very well about the contributions of Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution. This is why one of the first countries Nelson Mandela visited after being freed from the bowels of Robben Island was that of Cuba. Why? He went there to thank Fidel Castro and the good Cuban people [8] for their selfless internationalism. Since then, Cuba has gone on to send literally tens of thousands of Cuban doctors throughout the Global South, including Africa – for free. These doctors went as part of their internationalist duty to assist people from those countries, as well as to help them establish stronger medical institutions. Where was the damn US corporate media in telling these stories or talking to the innumerable people who routinely give glowing praise to Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution? Fidel Castro even offered up well over 1,000 medical and hurricane relief specialists immediately after hurricane Katrina. However George W. Bush and the US government placed their egos well before the lives of people dying throughout the Gulf Region, and swiftly declined the humanitarian offer. Castro is revered around the globe no matter how much the US government, corporate media pundits, and many Miami Cubans, lie to try to cover that fact up.

“Fidel Castro even offered up well over 1,000 medical and hurricane relief specialists immediately after hurricane Katrina.”

The US seems to enjoy dedicating its time and resources to killing people rather than saving lives. This is why the US Empire can be found waging war throughout the globe. Meanwhile, sadly, 44,000 Americans die each year simply due to a lack of health insurance. While countries such as Cuba and Venezuela spend much of their budgets on universal healthcare programs, the US spends taxpayer money towards the nefarious expansion of an empire.

Unfortunately Ozzie Guillen has shown a lot of cowardice as he has allowed the US media, and many Miami Cubans, to fold him up like a cheap suit. Like an angry parent, they have made a grown man retract his rightfully sincere words about Fidel Castro. It was a gross understatement when Guillen said, “I love Fidel Castro . . . I respect Fidel Castro . . .” for surviving “when a lot of people have wanted to kill him.” What Guillen may or may not know, is that it was the US government which has made numerous attempts on Fidel Castro’s life. However, these assassination attempts on Castro’s life are nothing new to the US. The US government, mainly through its CIA, has assassinated, funded assassinations of political figures, and orchestrated coups aimed at destabilizing various nations such as Congo, Guatemala, and Chile. The US has a strong track record at committing actual crimes against humanity, however through its almost perfect programs of mass indoctrination, scores of Americans are completely oblivious to these facts.

The US is a scalding hot cauldron of institutional racism and white supremacy. However, some fraudulent Cuban-Americans, like Dan Le Batard, have the audacity to masquerade around as if they give a damn about human rights. Where has his voice been in challenging the US government’s illegal and destructive military campaigns in places like Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Don’t hold your breath awaiting someone who, if they had their feeble ways, would return Cuba to the dark days when it was controlled by their favorite murderous dictator, Fulgencio Batista, as well as US corporations. Where is Dan Le Batard, and the talentless Cuban-American rapper, “Pitbull,” when it comes to speaking out about the scores of black political prisoners that continue to languish within the America gulag prison system? Where are these Cuban-Americans when it comes to confronting the fact that the US government harbors known terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles [9]? They are nowhere whatsoever, because they don’t given a damn about justice – they care about returning Cuba to capitalist rule, which is why these Cuban-Americans support the ongoing 50 year economic embargo on the island nation. This embargo has cost the good Cuban people over 100 billion dollars. [10]

“They would return Cuba to the dark days when it was controlled by their favorite murderous dictator, Fulgencio Batista, as well as US corporations.”

Those who attempt to label Fidel Castro as some sort of tyrant and even comparing him to Adolf Hitler are selective frauds, at best. As noted within this article, Cuba, under Fidel Castro’s leadership, has helped dozens of nations by providing doctors, nurses and has even helped liberate African nations from the brutal yoke of white colonization. These things mean very little to “Gusanos.” They could not give a damn about the millions of people worldwide who have been aided by Castro’s humanitarianism. And they most certainly don’t give a damn about the millions of people who have lost their lives and homes because of US wars, imperialism, and state sponsored terrorism.

US officials, and those who wish to blindly or disingenuously champion America as a paragon of social justice, are mouthpieces for the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, in one way or another. The country they choose to selectively extoll as a beacon of light for the whole world to admire and model itself after, has built a strong reputation as a global thug. If Fidel Castro and his Cuban government did even a fraction of the reprehensible things the US has done, they would justly be worthy of the vilification Castro receives from their relatively small number of detractors. If they went on murderous campaigns throughout the world causing wars of imperialist aggression, criticism would be justified. And if Cuba went from country to country orchestrating coups to take out democratically elected leaders, such as Patrice Lumumba, Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, and Mohammad Mosaddegh (to name a few), world condemnation would be roundly warranted. However, the monster that does those things is not Fidel Castro or Cuba – it is the United States itself.

“Where are Castro’s outspoken critics when it comes to America’s gigantic shop of horrors?”

And all of this talk of the US being opposed to so-called dictators is pure subterfuge. The United States government adores dictators, no matter how brutal they are, as long as they support America’s “interests.” The American government, for decades, has installed and supported brutal dictator after brutal dictator. Whether it was Cuba’s Fulgencio Batista, Congo’s Mobutu Sese Seko, the Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi), or Augusto Pinochet of Chile, America has embraced cozy relationships with individuals with enough blood on their collective hands for the world to swim in. And when it comes to folks like Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega, the US government uses them as long as they conveniently can, no matter how much evil they are responsible for. Where are Castro’s outspoken critics when it comes to America’s gigantic shop of horrors? Can you hear that? It’s the sound of pin dropping within the filthy crowds of those hypocritical individuals. When will a large collective of American voices step up, in unison, and demand an end to the countless domestic and international injustices that are orchestrated by their own government?
Many more Americans need to detach the governmentally programmed strings from their minds. Stop pointing your collective fingers at whomever your government and corporate media tell you who is the enemy. Think for yourself and better yet, research for yourself. If you do these things, you will find out that many of people they have taught you to hate and label as dictators, are not so. And if you take an honest look at your own government, you will find out that it is not what you have been programmed to believe either. Sometimes the truth is painful to swallow – especially for those who have blindly trumpeted false propaganda that has been force fed to them. Nonetheless, it’s time to take your truth serum – drink up. A world free of social injustice, imperialism, and colonization depend on the erasure of your mental malady – delusion.

“The propaganda system allows the U.S. leadership to commit crimes without limit and with no suggestion of misbehavior or criminality; in fact, major war criminals like Henry Kissinger appear regularly on TV to comment on the crimes of the derivative butchers.” – Edward S. Herman, political economist and author.

Solomon Comissiong is an educator, community activist, author, public speaker and the host of the Your World News media collective ( [11]). He can be reached at [12]

Friday, April 20, 2012


Parents these are the TOP FIVE THINGS YOU CAN TO DO TO IMPROVE YOUR CHILD'S READING AT HOME, according to Bobbee Bee.
A. Use reading opportunities to help your child develop fluency
1. Listen to your child read books that he has brought home from school. Be patient as your child practices reading. Let him know that you are proud of his reading.
2. If your child is not a very fluent (that is, she reads slowly and makes lots of mistakes), ask her to reread a paragraph or page a few times.
B. Find opportunities for your child to spell and write
1. Encourage your child to write often for example, letters and thank-you notes to relatives and friends, simple stories, e-mails, and items for the grocery lists.
2. Help your child learn the correct spellings of words.
C. Find opportunities to help your child develop vocabulary, knowledge of the world and comprehension
1. Talk about new words that your child has read or heard. Ask her to make up sentences with the new words or use the words in other situations.
2. Help your child use the dictionary or thesaurus to check on the meaning of new words she reads or hears.

3. Help your child become aware of prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Point them out in books you are reading together or in print materials around the house. Ask her to think of other words you are discussing.
4. Show your child how to use context-the sentences, words, and pictures around an unfamiliar word -to figure out the word's meaning.

5. As you read a book with your child, stop now and then to talk to her about the meaning of the book. Help her relate the experience or events in the book to experiences or events in her life or to other books you have read together. Ask her questions that encourage her to talk about the information in a nonfiction book, or about the characters or events of a fiction book. Encourage your child to ask questions. Ask her to tell in her own words what the book was about.

Get our new series of children's book "In the Mind of Bobbee Bee" to help your child experience the love for reading. We promise they will LOVE our books and have a "Brand New Attitude" for school. To get all three of our books and to learn more about Bobbee Bee e-mail me at The painting of the young boy on the toilet reading is by Frank Morris entitled the Thinker and can be purchase at (please support his artwork)


1. Change to Fluorescent Bulbs - This would be the biggest help to our environment if everybody witched to CFLs. It could be the equivalent of getting over 1 million cars off the road.

2. Don't Rinse - If you skip rinsing your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher you will save about 15 gallons of water over a year. Imagine the savings if everybody did this.
3. Turn off computers at night - don't just put them to sleep.

4. Get rid of baths - A bath uses about twice as much water as a shower.
5. Don't get bottled water - Instead of bottled water get a reusable container to carry water.
6. Shorten your shower - Every minute you cut from your shower is roughly 5 gallons of water. The less time your shower takes, the lower your impact on the environment.

7. Recycle Glass - Some people claim that glass in a landfill will take many thousands of years to decompose.

8. Don't Pre-Heat the Oven - unless needed, just turn the oven on after you put the dish in it.
9. Turn Down your Thermostat - Every degree lower in the winter or higher in the summer you put it is a 10% decrease on your energy bill.

10. Turn off your lights - Turn off your lights when you are not using them. The benefits are obvious.

11. Get rid of junk mail - A huge savings in trees. You can find services to help you with this too.
12. Give things away - Take things that you are not going to wear or use and give it to a charity or someone who will use it.

13. Go to a car wash - Going to a car wash is a lot more water efficient then washing your car at home.
14. Stop paper bank statements - Why waste paper getting your bank statement mailed to you when you can just check it out online.
15. Pay your Bills Online - If every house in the US did this then we would save 18 million trees every year.

16. Get a reusable bag - You can't recycle plastic bags, instead get yourself a reusable bag so that you won't have to worry about carrying your necessities.
17. Inflate your Tires - If your tires are inflated at all times your car will run more miles on less gas.

18. Plant a Tree - It's good for the air, can keep you cool, and can increase your property value.
19. Buy Local Produce - Consider how much energy it takes for produce from china or any other country to come here. If you have the option to buy local, do it.
20. Walk or Ride Your Bike When you can - If you have to go somewhere close consider riding your bike or walking there instead of your car. It's better on the environment.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A Parent's Prayer
Make me a better parent
Teach me to understand my child, to listen patiently to what they have to say and to answer all their questions kindly. Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them. Make me as

courteous to them as I would have them be to me.

Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes or resort to shame or ridicule when they displease me. May I never punish them for my own selfish satisfaction or to show my power. Let me not tempt my child to lie or to steal.

And guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honestly produces happiness. Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me. And when I am out of sorts, help me, O Lord, to hold my tongue.
May I ever be mindful that my child is a child and I should not expect of them the judgment of adults?
Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.

Bless me with the bigness to grant them all of their reasonable request and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm.

Make me fair and just and kind. And fix me O Lord, to be loved and respected and imitated by my child.


If you have comments please send them to

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


BOBBEE BEE says that he has learned 12 things you need to know in 2012.
1. I've learned that HATRED is like acid. It destroys the vessel that holds it.
2. I've learned that if love isn't taught in the home it's diffcult to learn it anywhere else.
3. I've learned that marriages are meant to last a lifetime. When they don't, all the world suffers.

4. I've learned that regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are twin thieves that rob us in the moment.
5. I've learned that fame is written in ice and eventually the sun comes out.
6. I've learned that to get the right answer; you have to ask the right question.
7. I've learned that about 90% of the things that happen to me are good and only 10% are bad. To be happy, I just have to focus on the 90%.

8. I've learned to keep looking ahead. There are still so many good books to read. Sunsets to see, friends to visit, and old dogs to take walks with.
9. I've learned that you shouldn't do anything that wouldn't make your mother proud.
10.I've learned that if love isn't taught in the home it's difficult to learn it anywhere else. 11. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. To learn more about Bobbee Bee and to in order a copy of the book e-mail

Monday, April 09, 2012


From Mozart in the womb to Chinese lessons in preschool, there are many parents eager to give their kids a jump-start on the sort of smarts our modern-day lifestyle equates with success. Sure, we talk about too much pressure, overscheduling, test stress, why can't kids just be kids anymore, dang it.

But few of us are immune to the competitiveness that seems to have gripped every playground and preschool birthday party in America.

Foreign languages are the new ABC's, kindergarten is the new second grade, 90 is the new 80. "I remember sitting in a play area with another mom when my son was a toddler. The other mom was crowing: ‘My child knows the whole alphabet. She can count to twenty,’" recalls Kimberly Brenneman, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Rutgers University's National Institute for Early Education Research and education adviser on PBS's Sid the Science Kid—clearly no academic slouch herself. "I knew my boy would learn all that eventually. But there was still that part of me that said ‘Crap! Why can't I say that about my child?’"

Somehow, in spite of this genius-mania, U.S. students are struggling to keep up with their international peers. Our children's performance lags behind as we watch countries like Finland, Singapore, and South Korea churn out the next generation of math and science whizzes, the very skills our new digitally driven landscape requires. Where have we miscalculated when it comes to smartening up our kids? And when we say that a child is smart, what do we mean?
Sometimes it's simply that she started talking early, or that she wrote her name when others her age could barely wield a crayon. But other times…it's that je ne sais quoi. The kid has it: a curious, intuitive, natural maturity that makes her stand out.
Last fall, when Steve Jobs, the renowned head of Apple and the brains behind the most prized of digital tools, passed away, pundits around the world sought to define exactly what made him so brilliant. The answers they often came up with seemed grayer than the computer boxes Jobs so magically transformed. However you perceive intelligence, the assumption about those who possess it is that they will ace not only tests but life.

But can it be measured? And what can you do to help your child get it?

Genius, Defined

First things first: "Genius" is a cultural term. There is no statistical definition of genius. Even the well-known international high-IQ society Mensa's stringent testing identifies not "geniuses" but, rather, people whose ability and creativity put them in the top 2 percent of the population. A more common—and politically correct—term in the world of education is "gifted." Many schools have a "gifted and talented" program, but how many kids actually belong in them? According to the National Association for Gifted Children, about 6 percent of U.S. children. Other experts find this number to be on the generous side. "Gifted children are very rare…in your average classroom, there will be none," notes Michelle Rhee, CEO and founder of StudentsFirst, an organization devoted to improving our public schools at the grassroots level, and former chancellor of the Washington, DC, public school system.

"My daughter is in a class for ‘gifted and talented.’ Twenty percent of her grade is in this class. Hmm…twenty percent of the population is not gifted." The special classes can start as early as kindergarten, and making the cut usually depends upon both observation of the child and the results of several commonly used "school ability" or reasoning tests geared to young kids. Some parents also enlist the help of child psychologists to determine giftedness, often through IQ testing.

The Lowdown on Testing
Standardized tests given in public elementary schools measure how much of the state-mandated subject matter taught up to that point has been learned. IQ tests, on the other hand, are more about logic and reasoning ability. "They measure a child's ability to find solutions to problems.

The results very much show how much practice the child has had…how often he's had a chance to solve a similar problem before," explains Frank Lawlis, Ph.D., American Mensa's supervisory psychologist and author ofThe IQ Answer. Yet many experts say both types of tests can be poor indicators of a child's true ability. "What if the child didn't get a good night's sleep or is getting over a cold? Maybe the room is too hot or the kid next to him is fidgeting and distracting him?" notes Vivian Kirkfield, former Head Start and kindergarten teacher and author of Show Me How! Building Your Child's Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking. Standardized tests are just one gauge of student achievement and should never be used as the lone measure, adds Dennis Van Roekel, National Education Association president. "Performance on a single test actually tells you very little about your child. We all know—parents and teachers—that our children are much more than a test score." In other words, tests are only one tool in the toolbox.

"Do you need a hammer to build a house? Yes, but you can't build a house using only a hammer," Van Roekel notes.
Even Lawlis admits that an IQ score in the highest range is limited in how much it can predict about future success. It can be more helpful to look at what tests can't illuminate: the ability to appreciate the perspective of others, self-control, and persistence—traits that are crucial to school and life achievement. "Kindergarten teachers are more concerned about kids who are behind in social and emotional markers like those than academic ones," notes Brenneman, who has done extensive research on early cognitive development. "It's about much more than math, science, and language skills."

The Power of a Parent
Steve Jobs's adoptive dad taught him rudimentary electronics as a kid. It seems likely that he couldn't have imagined how that time would pay off. Perhaps we all have the potential to work miracles. Intelligence is 49 percent genetic and 51 percent stimulation, says Lawlis. Other experts agree that, if anything, environment (read: parental influence) has the edge. "We assume smart kids are born smart and you can tell practically out of the womb," says Rhee. "But I've seen it over and over again: You think a child will be a superstar…and he isn't. Or a child who was written off achieves tremendous things." It is a close call, as Brenneman points out: "It may be genetic—or maybe he's been learning from you." Here's what you can do to help your child not only get better grades but have more enthusiasm for learning.

Talk, talk, talk

Ask your kid open-ended questions, like "What would happen if we stopped for ice cream on the way to the beach?" Such questions help a child reflect on what he knows and tell him his opinion matters. Don't worry if he's too young to understand. Likewise, don't be afraid to use relatively sophisticated words, notes Brenneman. He may not understand them, but he will figure it out if the words are used multiple times in context. John Shotter, a dad in Seaford, NY, makes it a top priority to talk to his son, Jack, 2, through daily activities. "We talk tools! I show him how the T-square, drill, measuring tape, and hammer work." The results are pretty impressive, reports Jack's mom, Melissa. "He honestly knows the name of every tool, as well as materials like Sheetrock, S packle, and drop cloth. He's also learning measuring, right and left from turning a screwdriver, and colors from paint."

Read, read, read

Research has repeatedly shown that access to books and one-on-one reading time is a predictor of school success. "Reading stimulates the brain to make connections and builds background knowledge about the world," says Kim Davenport, chief program officer at Jumpstart, a national early-literacy organization. "Reading is the foundation of all learning and will enable a child to absorb and apply content from all areas, including math and science." Modeling good reading habits may give him an edge. "Seeing his parents reading for enjoyment will be contagious," says Davenport. Invite your child to cozy up on the couch with you to read. Keep books out—in baskets, on shelves, and on coffee tables. And share what you're reading with your child, and ask him to do the same. This will not only spark conversation but build his vocabulary and comprehension.
Praise results

Stick-to-itiveness is a quality that will endear your child to teachers—and employers. We as a culture are so busy making kids feel good that we've lost sight of the time it takes for them to actually become good, says Rhee. "My kids both play soccer, and both stink. But judging by the trophies and ribbons that line their room, you'd think I had the next Mia Hamms here," she notes. It's hard to accept failure if you're constantly told you're the best. When these kids go to school and get a problem wrong, they think "It can't be me." Giving the right props is key, says Stephanie Rosales, a licensed educational psychologist in La Quinta, CA: "Children who are praised for solving a problem tend to be more motivated in school than children who are told they're smart. The latter, ironically, often become frustrated when something doesn't come easily." So instead of giving broad praise ("You're a star!"), give kudos for accomplishments ("I'm proud of how you found a different way to get the answer"). And if you're going to hold up a gold standard, make sure it's truly gold. Say "You're almost there. Keep trying."

Celebrate curiosity
Preschoolers very nearly glow with curiosity. But sometimes kids lose that as they get older, says Brenneman. Keep them excited by honing in on what interests them. If you ask questions about what they're playing with or talking about—"Yes, even if it's Pokémon, as it was with my son," says Brenneman—you've initiated a give-and-take that will pay off in a smarter kid. Your child will ask questions and look for more good stuff to share in return. Take time to turn your kid on to what you're excited about: Check out a museum or watch an interesting show together, and tell your child what you like about it and why. Rich Braun, a dad of two in East Islip, NY, used to work weekends. So to be able to share his interests with his son, Erik, when he was in elementary school, he occasionally pulled him out of school to visit a museum. His teachers always agreed, since the next day he told the class what he had learned. "Erik felt like the expert for a day, which over the years boosted his confidence and eagerness to learn more," says Braun.

Seize teachable moments
You can help your child sharpen school skills as you go about your day. Say you drive by a windmill. Instead of saying "Hey, a windmill!" ask a question: "What do
you think they do?" Encouraging observation of details will help your child do the
same in class, says Rosales. And a trip to the store can be a chance to build vocabulary, math skills, and money smarts. Tell a 2-year-old the names of fruits as you bag them. Ask a 3-year-old to find four cans of peas. Have a 5-year-old write down which cereal she wants. Older kids can compare prices and sizes, and sort coupons. Sarah Brown, a preschool teacher in Hollywood, MD, had her 2-year-old students paint with apples, bananas, and then skinny carrots. When her students advanced to the 4-year-old group, the teacher noticed that they had better prewriting skills than the new students.
Whether your child is advanced or average, the best thing you can do is be involved. Taking her on this journey of self-discovery is what'll drive her personal genius. In one word: What do you most want your kid to be? Happy? Funny? Confident? Loved? We're betting "Valedictorian" didn't pop to mind. Your goal is to help your child be the best he or she can be, right? If you've read this far, you're both well on your way.

Friday, April 06, 2012


by Eric D.Graham
NORTH CAROLINA (BASN)--"Black children in America are never innocent"- Sikivu Hutchinson.

It was Sunday February 26.

Normally, on this date, the Nation of Islam celebrates its annual Savior's Day event, which has been called the crowning moment of Black History month.

But ironically, this February 26, was also the day of the NBA All-Star Game, which took place in Orlando, Florida.

But something strange was happening.

While Dwight Howard smiled and tried to be a gracious host to the hometown fans, many in the audience felt it would be their last time cheering for the gentle giant.

Yes, something strange was happening. But, you couldn't quite place your finger on it. But, you could feel it in the air. It started during the NBA Slam-Dunk contest, a night before, when out of nowhere, Sean "Puffy” Combs threw up a Black Power fist and shouted Black Power, before announcing he was starting up his own television network. Then, the following day, there was a level of awkwardness in the arena as the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who said Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert was treating Lebron James as if he were a "runaway slave" during last year's free agency appeared on camera in the front row before the All-Star game shaking hands with all the players.

Then oddly, during the announcement of the Eastern Conference All Stars, Chicago Bulls (PF) Luol Deng, who is from war torn Sudan, was proudly spotted on the platform wearing a tee-shirt with a RED,BLACK, AND GREEN image of Africa on it.

Was Deng's decision not to wear those god-awful NBA-All Star space suits, a fashion decision or political statement? Or simply a moment of African pride?

Regardless of his motivates, seeing him standing on stage sporting a picture of Africa on his chest metaphysically sent shockwaves throughout the sports world.


Were the Gods trying to tell us something?

A day of celebration for the Nation, Jesse in the front row, Puffy throwing up a Black Power Fist, and Luol Deng proudly sporting the RED,BLACK, and GREEN, what did all of this mean?

Then sadly, moments before the opening tip, we found out, one month later.

On February 26, a 17-year old, unarmed, black teenager named Travyon Martin found himself being "stalked and hunted" and eventually "murdered" by George Zimmerman several feet from his father's home in Sanford, Florida.

Accordingly to conflicting news reports, Zimmerman, an unidentified member of the Neighborhood Watch Committee, felt Travyon, who was walking alone in the rain in the gated community of Twin Lakes with a hoodie on, looked "suspicious".

As a result, Zimmerman called 9-1-1 before deciding to follow the teen, which the 9-1-1 dispatcher clearly told him not to do.

After reportedly chasing Martin, a scuffle occurred, which led Zimmerman, who claimed it was done in self-defense, to pull out his gun and fire it into the chest of the unarmed teenager, leaving him dead in the grass.

When the police finally arrived on the scene, Zimmerman stood over Martin's lifeless body with the gun in his hand.

That's where the story stood still.

And, the movement began.

Why? Because, despite this unbelievable narrative, the details involving Travyon's death were still a mystery.

And despite all the news reports and headlines in the newspapers, no one actually knows what took place that fatal night. The mystery, however, has sparked debates, conspiracy theories, rallies, rap songs, protests, and outrage.

But, no arrest.

So, while the NFL Network and ESPN discussed the bounty system involving the New Orleans Saints, the New Black Panther Party was placing a $100,000 bounty for the capture of George Zimmerman, who currently is still walking free after murdering Trayvon on Feb.26.

This is an emotional case, which has the potential to explode if Zimmerman is not arrested and placed in handcuffs. Why? Because, the death of one's son is a mother's worst nightmare and a father's unforgivable fault forever.

It, in fact, can bring a mother to her knees and an uncrying father to tears.

With that said, Lebron James along with Dwyane Wade, who are both fathers trying to raise African-American boys, decided to take a stand by taking a photo, which included the entire Miami Heat team dressed in hoodies with their heads held down in the memory of Trayvon Martin, who was a big Miami Heat fan.

The photo of the Miami Heat "hoodied up; and face down" was tweeted by James as a sign of solidarity with the Martin family. The simple tweet by LBJ has been considered revolutionary, especially in an area when most athletes tend to shy away from hot bedded topics, which affect the African-America community.

In effect, to a younger generation, the Heat's "hoodied up" photo has been fairly or unfairly compared to the historic photo of John Carlos and Tommie Smith holding up their Black power fists during the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.

Yes, the tragedy surrounding Travyon Martin has the world talking, texting, You tubing, praying, protesting, crying and even cursing.
Why? Because, Trayvon wasn't a soldier fighting in Afghanistan. He didn't lose his life on the battlefield. Plus, he wasn't some type of "thug" committing crimes. He simply was a little black boy, walking home in the rain.

But in the eyes of many, including George Zimmerman, he looked "suspicious."

Unfortunately, the only one's looking suspicious in this case, now, is the Stanford police department, who seemed to have allowed a murderer to walk free after killing someone’s child.


Now, the world is debating whether it was Martin's hoodie that covered his head from the pouring rain, which caused his own death. Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera even pleaded with parents in the African-American and Latino community to tell their children not to wear hoodies anymore.

But Geraldo's attempt to be a fashion police was met with harsh criticism.

Why? Because, most people felt Rivera was trying to victimize the victim.

In other words, Geraldo's bogus argument about hoodies was as foolish as trying to place the blame on a woman, who wears a short dress for getting raped. "If she didn't have that sexy dress on, she wouldn't have gotten raped."

As political activist Dick Gregory said, "A woman can be butt-naked, but that doesn't give a man the right to rape her."

Gregory was speaking the truth. Rape is an act of violence.
And, so was the killing of an innocent person without cause or reason. Therefore, it's illogical to try to defend Zimmerman's paranoid pre-mediated murder of an unarmed black teenager on an item of clothing or a hoodie.

Let's not forget, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates didn't have a hoodie on when he was arrested and handcuffed outside of his own house in Connecticut.
But, unfortunately, he looked "suspicious."

Hell, even the election of the first Black President in the United States, was viewed with "suspicion" by several people in America, and still is.


President Obama was deemed "suspicious" because of his name, which is Barack Hussein Obama. (That's scary, He could be a Muslim).He was deemed "suspicious" because of the church he attended." (God Damn America, Jeremiah Wright).He was considered "suspicious" when he was seen in a photo wearing a traditional African head wrap. (You are so paranoid Fox News) He was deemed "suspicious" because he went to the Million Man March. (Oh no, he knows Farrakhan). Plus, he was regarded as being "suspicious" because he was born in Hawaii. (Where's his birth certificate? Donald Trump)

Yes, the "first" Black President of the United States faced the same "suspicion" that little Trayvon Martin faced on the night of his assassination.
That's why it was a memorable moment when President Obama looked in that camera and said "If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

This was so significant, at this particular time in history because we had a Black President in the Oval Office, who knew actually what it meant to be profiled, knew actually what it felt like to be viewed as a threat simply because of the" skin he was born in."

Yes, Barack Obama had faced the same "suspicion" and twisted thoughts that were rambling in the sub-conscious mind of George Zimmerman.
Zimmerman's mind, in my opinion, had been shaped and molded in a world, which allows one to conclude that Black men are up to "no good."


Whether they are standing on the corner, driving an expensive car, walking in the mall, wearing a hoodie, talking amongst themselves at work or after work, hanging in the hallways, praising God in church, running for President of the United States, or, even, simply, walking in the rain, on a late Sunday afternoon, trying not to miss the NBA All Star game,..... they were still up to "no good."

Yes, regardless of the situation, the first thought that comes to their minds will always be the same: "What are you doing over there?"

Whether it’s the Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, the segregated South, apartheid South Africa, McCarthyism, zero tolerance, in school suspension, Stop and Frisk, illegal immigration, the Prison Industrial Complex or Cointel-Pro, the thought process is still the same.

"What are you doing over there?" "Put your hands up!!!" "Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!""You look suspicious"

Let's not forget, the recent political finger waving incident involving Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and President Obama, which she said, "I felt a little bit threatened, if you will, in the attitude that he (President Obama) had, because I was there to welcome him,"

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you are Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, WEB Dubois, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Mumia Abu-Jamal,Little Bobby Hutton, Medgar Evers, Ben Chavis, Kwame'Toure, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Nelson Mandela, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan, Sean Bell, Emmitt Till, Amadou Diallo, Oscar Grant, James Byrd, Ramarley Graham,Shaima Alawadi [Iraqi-American woman killed in California] or Rekia Boyd, who was shot by a cop.....

You are still perceived as a threat.

Last Saturday, during the Rainbow Coalition televised broadcast Jonathan L.Jackson tried to explain the psychological disorder known-as Negrophobia, which he defined as a person, who fears Negroes.

"I was in court in Los Angeles, 111 Hill Street with my father some seven years ago and a man accused us of making him fearful." Jackson said. "And he charged my father and I in Superior Court in Los Angeles with assault."

"What is an assault? I never touched him. And then the Judge said, "The way he felt, you looked at him."

Yes, Jackson had been charged with assault for simply looking at a man.
During the "good ole days", this would have been called wreck less eye-balling, where in some places in the United States; Blacks weren't allowed to look a "white person" in the eyes and were forced to hide their faces into strategically placed "barrels" throughout the town.

Therefore, whether you are an Alpha, Omega, Sigma, Kappa, Mason, Shriner, Christian, Hebrew, Muslim, Jew, Moor, rich, poor, hetro-sexual, homo-sexual, college-educated or uneducated.

It doesn't matter.

Whether it's your grandfather, my Uncle, your father, my nephew, your baby brother, our sons or even President Obama.
In other words, we are all Trayvon Martin.

Hoodied Up.

Heads Down.