His Anger Teaches Everybody Reality!!
It's your boy BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER" aka the trouble maker from the "city of brotherly love" I am an obnoxious, opinionated, third grader whose ego is bigger than T.O.! I am an "odd"combination of Terrell Owens, KOBE Bryant, Rasheed Wallace, and Allen Iverson!
by Eric D. Graham #TheRapProfessor. If you like what you are learning ($JeffreyBarnes)
Breast is Best Black mothers are the least likely group to breast-feed, the decision to nurse might raise eyebrows among friends and family and support may need to be sought elsewhere. Many local hospitals are part of the international Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, designed to support a mother's breastfeeding decision. Tell your obstetrician you want to support to help breast-feed within the first hour after your baby is born, and make sure there is a lactation specialist to assist during your stay in the maternity ward. When you get home, check out BlackWomenDoBreastfeed.wordpress.com Talk, Talk, Talk Just using Standard English (and minimizing baby talk) from birth gets those synapses crackling. According to Medina, children who were talked to regularly from birth to age 3 had higher IQ scores than 3-year olds whose parents talked to them less. Listen to your tiny baby's coos and gurgles. When she pauses, make eye contact and respond in a complete sentence.
Read, Read, Read Some of the best award-winning picture books feature beautiful brown babies to delight your own perfect-angel child. Make reading an interactive experience. Point to pictures and identify what you and your child see on the page. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers love to hear their favorites read over and over and over.
31/2 Turn OFF THE TV
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no television at all in the first two years of life. That includes DVDs marketed as educational. According to Medina, a University of Washington study found that none of the educational DVDs researchers tested improved the vocabularies of infants 17 to 24 months old-and some were actually harmful. For every hour per day the babies watched educational DVDs, they understood six to eight fewer words than babies whose caregivers kept the TV off completely. Proper Praising Don't resist the urge to tell your children how smart they are. Routine A baby's first job, Media says, is to stay alive; the second is to learn. Routine soothes and calms, enabling the child to focus on figuring out the world around him with confidence. Maintain your baby's routine of meal, nap, bath and bedtimes from earliest infancy, and delight in the adorableness of it all when your toddler starts telling you when "it's puzzle time" or "it's cuddle time." Respond The AAP suggests caregivers promptly respond whenever baby cries in the first few months, adding that you cannot spoil your baby by giving him attention, and answering his calls for help will help him cry less overall Be Social and Go! Early socialization builds friendships, increase happiness and prepares your growing child for school. Running around the local playground or park nurtures creativity-and will make your baby smarter. Be Creative Boosting your young person's creativity is as easy as encouraging as they paint, scribble, shape clay and play dress-up."The greatest pediatric brain-boosting technology in the world is probably a plain cardboard box, a fresh box of crayons, and two hours." Renew Learning to self-soothe at night is a big step toward your child eventually achieving that independence, and an attentive caregiver will allow baby to cycle for wakefulness back into deep sleep without too much disruption from an adult, gently and over time. Playtime is the Right Time On rainy days when you and the child in your care remain indoors, think fewer toys, more open-ended play: Encourage your young one to make a play plan, such as, "I'm going to build a zoo with blocks and Legos." "Guide" or "coach" make-believe with such language as, "I'm pretending my zookeeper is feeding the bears. What is your zookeeper doing?"
Toys that Teach When you spend money on toys, think about nesting boxes crawlers can stack and build, beads and laces to develop toddler's fine motor skills and toys that encourage make-believe such as pretend food, tools, animals and dolls for your preschoolers.
Be Easy on Yourself Take some chill time for you. Stinfil says, if you are the primary caregiver at home, your ability to care for your child is only as good as your ability to care for yourself." So don't worry; relax and enjoy these early years,
Eisa Nefertari Ulen is a former teacher with an MA from Teachers College, Columbia University, and 20 years' experience teaching at every level from Pre-K to college
To a population of indigenous people, the thought of a white man with a Bible, who claims God speaks to him and directs his path, should be viewed with extreme caution.
Hear my warning.
And take heed to my words.
Remember, our elders warned us that those who don't know their history, are doomed to repeat it.
Why? Because, religion mixed with a little racism plus a few hours of riotous rhetoric on sports talk radio is a recipe for our mental and spiritual demise.
And when you sprinkle in some white supremacy, a dash of spookism, it becomes a poisonous concoction that can kill the souls of many men, women and children seeking salvation, who dare to sample it.
The Lion and the Hunter
With that said, there is an African proverb, which states "Until the Lion tells his own story, the tale will continue to glorify the hunter. Let's not forget, as much as we love seeing Tebow praying on bending knee, he walks in the footsteps of past Christian missionaries, who spread their brand of Constantian Christianity throughout the Globe in order to mentality enslave and oppress people of "color".
What do I mean by Constantinian Christianity?
That means the faith of the oppressed became the religion of the oppressor. In other words, Constantine domesticated the one called "Jesus" to the empire. In effect, the empire, now, is using Jesus to push their imperialistic agenda.
For instance, Constantine, who became the emperor of Rome in 306, was convinced that he needed divine assistance before a crucial battle. As a result, while praying, he believed that God sent him a vision of a cross-bearing the inscription "in hoc signo vinces," which meant (in this sign you will be victorious.)
Therefore, Tebow, in the same tradition of Constantine, believes his prayers to God will lead him to victory on the football field.
Tebow, in essence, is no different from these white televangists on television.
In other words, he is Pat Robeson with a football. He is Jim Baker with a helmet. He is Jim Staggart with shoulder pads. He is Joel Osteen in the huddle. He is Jerry Falwell in the locker room. He is Peter Popoff in a shotgun spread offense, trying to sell the league some type of magic handkerchief, miracle water or snake oil.
Honestly, why in the Hell is Peter Popoff on B.E.T anyway. (Sorry, I digress)
Please, don't misinterpret my analysis of Tebow's faith as hatred. Honestly, I find him to be a positive force on the football field, a great competitor, and an excellent ambassor to the NFL..
But, unfortunately, his love for the one he calls Jesus is being used as a political tool by the Christian Right or better yet the Christian wrong.
As a result, his faith is fueling their limited view of "God."
Now, little Timmy Tebow, no fault of his own, has become a CULT figure in a climate of consumerism to sell jerseys and football tickets. Football and Religion
For those, who are upset or confused by my strange analogy, try to understand, football is a form of religion, which captures our imagination every Sunday.
Therefore, we (as Black people) must consciously be aware of the propaganda being spun on television and sports programs.
Why? Because, this 24 hour Tebow marathon had little to do with football and more to do with religion.
These myth-makers, in fact, worked tirelessly to paint Tebow as some "Mile High miracle worker "on the field and some type of white Christian superhero, worthy to be worshipped and praised.
Must, I remind you, that during this Tebow-mania, the Florida Family Association, a Tampa Bay group, were leading a campaign urging companies to pull ads from the TLC produced reality TV show called "All-American Muslim, which chronicles the lives of a group of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan." Therefore, sport networks like ESPN were playing a dangerous game with all of their foolish debates about divine intervention and fourth quarter comebacks.
Why? Because, thoughts like those were no different than the Manifest Destiny philosophies of the past, which led to the slaughter of millions of Native Americans and the enslaved of African people.
The Theology of Tebow-ism
Unfortunately for the sports world, the Reverend Skip Bayless, whom Charles Barkley labeled the "jackass of journalism" has infected the airwaves with his brand of Tebow-Theology, while confessing his belief in the divine.
His attempt to indoctrinate football fans with Tebowism, has many journalists questioning his objectivity as well as his sanity.
Bayless's blind support for Tebow really has crossed the line.
Now, reporters are forced to defend their faith instead of debating the facts.
With that said, the Bible clearly says "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
Unfortunately for Bayless, spiritually, over the last seven weeks, he has been acting like a "false prophet" with his creepy obsession for Tebow. But since the sports world along with Bayless wants to make Tebow, the face of holiness and publicly anoint him the athlete of the century.
Let me remind them that 1 John 5:21 it says, "Little children guard yourselves from idols."
Notice that this commandment was given to little children.
Why? Because children can be easily influenced.
American Idol
But, what is the definition of an idol?
An idol is an image of god, used as an object of worship. Have the people of Denver not made Tim Tebow an image of god and slowly started to worship him?
Some children have even been seen on the sidelines with No. 15 "Jesus" jerseys on.
As the shouting Stephen A. Smith would say, "You are so disrespectful!!"
So, instead of the cheering Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, these devoted Denver Bronco fans are now shouting Tebow, Tebow, Tebow.
Let me repeat, "Little children guard yourselves from idols."
Even though, I am being satirical by using scripture to make my points against Tebow-mania.
There is still a lot truth in my words.
Hence, what is an idol?
An idol is an object of excessive devotion or admiration.
Can we say that Denver fans devotion to Tebow has become excessive?
But how can "little children" guard themselves from idolatry, when America is in the idol-making business.
Hence, shows like American Idol?
Shows like American Idol, in fact, work non-stop to find, design, and create idols that they feel are worthy of worship, which usually fit their narrow view of the world.
This cookie-cutter technique of making idols will be used whether it is a singer, actor, entertainer, politician or athlete.
And in the age of Tebowism, where faith overshadows football, we have a new idol to admire, in their opinion.
To any television producer or sports writer, who believes Tim Tebow's faith is more powerful, more potent and more precious than any other player in the NFL, who puts on a pair of shoulder pads, buckles up his chin strap, and laces up his cleats in order to play this violent game called football, is psychologically disturbed.
Seriously, to single-out, an individual player's faith as the single reason for the victory in the ultimate team sport of football is foolish.
Secondly, to highlight the faith of one white Christian athlete in a league dominated by Black athletes as being somehow superior is insulting.
This type of thinking reinforces those old racist images of Tarzan being the King of Jungle on the Africa continent that Hollywood produced and promoted in the past. Again, I repeat, my critique of Tebow-mania, has nothing to do with Tebow as a player or as a person. Don't get it twisted, Tebow has been living proof of having the "faith of a mustard seed", especially with all of the criticism he has being getting from many sports analysts, who question his quarterback skills and throwing technique.
Tebow, however, is no different from any other player in the league. I guarantee, each individual player in the NFL could tell a story about how his faith has guided his career and impacted his life just like Tebow.
With that said, I compare Tebow's faith with that of Muhammad Ali's.
Ali while knocking out opponents left and right would often "give all praises due to Allah" just as Tebow gives all praises to Jesus Christ after his victories.
And even though, Muhammad Ali believed he was unbeatable due to his faith, he was eventually knocked out by the late-great " Smoking" Joe Frazier. Just as Muhammad Ali was knocked out, Tebow will eventually be sacked into submission.
And when it happens, the Tebow-Mania will vanish along with the so-called God inspired comebacks and the one-on-one conversations with God on the sidelines.
And then, and only then, can we get back to playing some football.
Amen. If you like what you are reading, send comments to lbiass34@yahoo.com
BOBBEE BEE AND FREDDIE "NO FRIENDS"OBESITY:A WEIGHTY ISSUED FOR CHILDREN Its not 'cool' to be fat, but that has not prevented an obesity America's youth. Childhood obesity increased from 5 percent in 1964 to about 13 percent in 1994. Today, it is about 20 percent and rising. Reversing the rapid rise in obesity among American children and youth will require a multipronged approach by schools, families, communities, industry, and government that would be as comprehensive and ambitious as national anti-smoking efforts. "We must act now and we must do this as a nation," said Jeffrey Koplan, vice president for academic health affairs, Emory University, Atlanta, and former director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Koplan chaired the committee of 19 experts in child health, nutrition, fitness, and public health who developed the report in response to a request from Congress for an obesity prevention plan based on sound science and the most promising approaches. "Obesity may be a personal issue, but at the same time, families, communities, and corporations all are adversely affected by obesity and all bear responsibility for changing social norms to better promote healthier lifestyles," Koplan added. "We recognize that several of our recommedations challenge entrenched aspects of American life and business, but if we are not willing to make some fundamental shifts in our attitudes and actions, obesity toll on our nations health and well-being will only worsen." What are factors for the increased obesity we see in children today? Lifestyle factors are surely to blame. Many young people today follow a very sedentary lifestyle. Leisure time is so often spent watching television and video games, playing computer games, surfing the web, or chatting on the internet. Children, on the average, spend an average of five to six hours a day involved in these sedentary activites. Perhaps it would not matter if they are sufficently active at other times, but most of them are not. To make matters worse, children are bombarded with well-crafted TV ads from fast-food chains and other purveyors of high-fat, high sugar meals and snacks. A recent study reported that two-to-six years old who watch television are more likely to choose food products advertised on TV than children who do not watch such commericals. These highly effective advertising campaigns, combined with a physically inactive lifestyle, have produced a generation of kids who are at high risk for obesity-associated medical conditions. Another factor that impinges upon the nutritional quality of a child's diet is the fact that many American families don't eat meals together very often. Children who eat by themselves tend to eat foods high in fat, sugar and salt. Research shows when children eat meals with their parents they eat a more nutritious diet. The search also shows that regular family meals provide order, discipline and emotional security for a child. Since not all children who eat non-nutritious foods, watch several hours of television daily, and are relatively inactive develop obesity, the search continues for alternative causes. Heredity has recently been shown to influence fatness. In addition, infants born to overweight mothers have been found to be less active and to gain more weight by age three months when compared with infants of normal weight mothers, suggesting a possible inborn drive to conserve energy.
Obesity presents numerous problems for the child. In addition to increasing the risk of obesity in adulthood, childhood obesity is the leading cause of pediatric hypertension, is associated with Type II diabetes mellitus which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, stroke, limb amputations and blindness. It also lowers self-esteem, and affects relationships with peers. Some authorities feel that social and psychological problems are the most significant consequences of obesity in children. It is a scary prospect for our children but, in many cases, obesity is preventable. Industry Contributions to Addressing Obesity
The food and beverage industries spend $10 billion to $12 billion annually marketing directly to children and youth. The average child views more than 40,000 TV commericals each year and more than half of TV ads directed at kids promote high-calorie foods and beverages such as candy, snack foods, fast foods, soft drinks, and sweetened breakfast cereals.
In addition, the entertainment industry promotes many products that encourages sedentary behaviors. While research suggests that the cumulative impact of long-term exposure to such advertisements may adversely affects kids eating habits and activity levels, there is insufficient causal evidence that directly links advertising to childhood obesity and that would support calling for a ban on all food and beverage advertising to children. Instead, the committee recommended an approach to the marketing of foods, beverages, and sedentary leisure pursuits to kids that would be similar to that recommended for controlling alcohol advertising.
Given Americans increasing reliance on prepared foods and restuarants for meals and snacks, food packages and restuarant menus or displays should enhance the nutrition information they provide, to help consumers make informed choices, the report says. The Nutrition Facts panels on food and beverages should prominently state the total calorie content for items typically consumed all at once, to dispel confusion created when a package contains more than one serving. Prevention Begins At Home Parents play the most significant role in prevention of childhood obesity. They can exert a profound influence on their children by promoting healthy foods and an active lifestyle from an early age and serving as role models. Parents can encourage their children to develop a healthy, varied diet by introducing new foods in a persistent but noncoercive fashion. Studies show that repeated exposure to a new food before a child will accept it. In addition, parents should consider smaller portion sizes, encourage children to stop eating when they feel full, and avoid using food as a reward. Parents also should stock their homes with healthy products, particularly fruits and vegetables, to encourage their kids to choose them as snacks. Many concerns have been raised about whether increased consumption of sweetened beverages, such as soft drinks and flavored drinks, is linked to the rise of childhood obesity. By the time they are 14 years old, 52 percent of boys and 32 percent of girls are drinking three or more eight-ounce servings of soda a day. The links between sweetened beverage consumption and BMI are not definitive, the report notes. However, the committee recommened that children be encouraged to avoid sodas and other high-calories, low-nutrient beverages because of concerns about excessive consumption of "empty calories" and displacement of beverages containing fewer calories and more nutrients.
Caregivers can encourage children to make physical activity a regular part of their lives by engaging in active play or sports with them, providing equipment and opportunities, and by cheering on children's active pursuits. In addition, parents should decrease their childrens inactivity by limiting recreational TV viewing as well as video and computer game playing to less than two hours a day. Studies have shown that the prevalance of obesity is highest among kids who watch several hours of television each day or who have TV sets in their bedrooms.
Help For Obese Children If you are a parent of an overweigh child struggling with obesity, visit www.myoverweightchild.com. They offer you some insights, tips and suggestions to help your child getting in shape, eat healthy and get active.
BOBBEE BEE: I LOVE MY LIFE Life is: A mystery, Unfold it. A journey,Walk it. Painful, Endure it. Beautiful, See it. A joke, Laugh at it. A song, Sing it. A flower, Smell it. Wonderful, Enjoy it. A candle, Light it. Precious, Don't waste it. A gift, Open it. Love, Give it. Unlimited, Go for it. Light, Shine in it.
If you like what you are learning, please send comments to lbiass34@yahoo.com
BOBBEE BEE: BE A BOSS 1. Initiative Creating a path even if there is no trail. In other words, be a Trailblazer. 2. Networking Knowing who knows what they know and connect with them. 3. Self-Management Be a Self-Made Man. Therefore, don't wait on anyone to legitimize your "greatness." 4. Perspective: Think Big, even though things look small. 5. Followship: Check your Ego at the Door. And remember, no one can do it by themselves. 6. Teamwork: TEAM is an acronym that means T.ogether E.veryone A.chieve M.ore 7. Leadership: Learn small leadership tactics in a big world of leaders 8. Organizational Savvy: Using Street Smarts in a Corporate Power Zone 9. Show and Tell: Persuading Your Audience with the Right Message