"BORN TO BE LOVED; LOVE TO BE HATED!" His Anger Teaches Everybody Reality!! It's your boy BOBBEE BEE "THE HATER" aka the trouble maker from the "city of brotherly love" I am an obnoxious, opinionated, third grader whose ego is bigger than T.O.! I am an "odd"combination of Terrell Owens, KOBE Bryant, Rasheed Wallace, and Allen Iverson! by Eric D. Graham #TheRapProfessor. If you like what you are learning ($JeffreyBarnes)
Even though, government officials are debating whether to release photos of bin Laden's bloody corpse, many people feel this is the only way to stop conspiracy theories from spreading over the internet. Others, however, use the logic that if the US could show the body of President Kennedy after he was assassinated then why not bin Laden’s?Despite these different viewpoints, Americans, however, must remember how past photos of US soldiers grinning over the dead bodies of Afghani civilians, prisoners being tortured at Abu Ghraib, as well as the recent burning of The Holy Quran by Florida pastor Terry Porter worsen tensions between the US and other Islamic nations."It is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody shot in the head are not floating around....as a propaganda tool." the President pointed out.Code Name ControversyAs Americans continue to debate the president's decision to publish pictures of bin Laden’s body, many Native American tribes and organization were infuriated by the Navy Seal's code word used to identify him and shouted before his eventual assassination.Shockingly, bin Laden code name was Germiono. (This is another reason, I think bin Laden's assassination was a ritualistic or symbolic killing.)Loretta Tuell, staff and chief counsel for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, said it is inappropriate to link Geronimo, whom she called "one of the greatest Native American heroes" with one of the most hated enemies of the United States, according to the Associated Press."These inappropriate uses of Native American icons and cultures are prevalent throughout our society and the impact to Native and non-Native children are devastating" said Tuell, a member of the Nez Perce tribe, who grew up on the tribe's reservation in Idaho.
Despite the Native American's outrage over the code name controversy, truefully, they shouldn't be surprised. Let's not forget, the US Military Apache and Blackhawk helicopters used to slaughter people in Somalia as well as in Iraqi.
In other words, despite all of its advanced military technology, historically, the US schizophrenic foreign policy has always been based on a cowboy versus Indian philosophy, where the cowboys are perceived as the good guys and the Native Americans or people of color are considered savages, who need to be civilized, baptized, and eventually killed.Whether those people are the Vietnamese, Japanese, Mexicans, Native Americans, Africans, Palestinians or Iraqis. And like the early cowboy versus Indian movies produced by Hollywood, nine out of ten times, the people watching them always cheered the slaughter of the Indians, even in the movie "Avatar."Celebration and AdulationTherefore, I wasn't surprised when I saw Americans celebrating in the streets after hearing the news of bin Laden's death, as if it was a Final Four or Super Bowl victory.For example, there were cheers and chants of "USA, USA, USA" from US citizens outside the White House, on the college campuses, and during the Philadelphia Phillies versus the New York Mets baseball game.This sign of approval for the death of bin Laden, in fact, proved former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice's theory that "we (US) need a common enemy to unite us."This display of unity for bin Laden's assassination was seen and heard even in the voice of Chicago Blackhawks Jim Cornelison when he belted out the National Anthem until his face was "bloody" red with passion before the Atlanta Hawks and Chicago Bulls Eastern Conference Semi-Finals playoff game Monday night at the United Center in Chicago as the fans cheered enthusiastically.America's jubilation and enthusiasm for its military power and presence overseas, however, is a part of its patriotic upbringing and history.Pride and PatriotismAccording to Feminist Emma Goldman, "we Americans claim to be a peace loving people. We hate bloodshed; we are opposed to violence. Yet we go into spasms of joy over possibility of projecting dynamite bombs from flying machines upon helpless citizens."Goldman goes on to say that "Conceit, arrogance, and egotism are essentials of patriotism. ...and the powers (government) know that the people are like children whose despair, sorrow, and tears can be turned into joy with a little toy.And unfortunately, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Marines represent the people's toys in the form of bombs, tanks, planes, AK-47's, and M-16's.Despite this military milestone against "terror", which was considered a "Great Day for America", there are several important questions that must be answered and pondered?Questions to ponderDoes the killing of bin Laden provide a sense of relief, sense of satisfaction, and closure for the people affected by 9/11? Does this latest military action guarantee the election of President Obama in 2012 and validate his presidency amongst the Tea Party, and the Republican Party? Is Pakistan, now, considered an enemy to the United States, even though they possess nuclear weapons? And does the death of bin Laden make us a safer nation? Because philosophically, every action; requires an equal and opposite reaction.Violence begets ViolenceIn other words, militarily, violence begets more violence. As a result, the reported death of bin Laden, could, in fact, cause more terrorist attacks in America and unrest in the "so-called Middle East" amongst his loyal followers and supporters, who seek to revenge his death, even though most Muslims despised him and his worldwide acts of violence as well as his Islamic ideology."When will people step back and look at the calculus of things." said investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill on the news program Democracy Now!"Are we creating new enemies by killing a handful of people in these operations, where civilians are also killed?Unfortunately, Scahill is correct in his assessment.Hopefully, President Obama, in the midnight hour, will ponder the words in the Book of Ecclesiastes in Chapter 10 versus 18 which says:” Wisdom is better than weapons of war...as he deals with the uprising in Libya and the ousting Libyan leader Mohammar Gadfahi as well as other conflicts throughout the world.