"If your faith can't move mountains, it should at least climb them."

When life seems to bring nothing but a string of defeats and disappointment , we've got to have faith that something good is still in store for us. With this faith we can forge ahead and continue to put forth our best effort. Without it we give up and accept what comes our way. Our dreams turn to dust.
Are you troubled or confused? Faith is the answer. Are you hardened with grief or sorrow? Faith is the answer. Faith makes the difference between begging and praising, between crawling and leaping. No matter the problem-faith is the answer!
Indulgence may say, "Drink you way out." Science says, "Invent your way out." The world says, "Entertain your way out."Philosophy says, "Think your way out." But our Creator teaches us to "Pray your way out."
Are you troubled or confused? Faith is the answer. Are you hardened with grief or sorrow? Faith is the answer. Faith makes the difference between begging and praising, between crawling and leaping. No matter the problem-faith is the answer!
Indulgence may say, "Drink you way out." Science says, "Invent your way out." The world says, "Entertain your way out."Philosophy says, "Think your way out." But our Creator teaches us to "Pray your way out."
The world answers back to our faith. It trusts when we trust. It believes when we believe. It responds to our confidence. It says to the farmer, "Sow your seed."It

It says to the suregon, "Please put your hand in mine." It says to the author, "Keep writing." It says to the Olympian, "Keep training." It says to the achiever, "Keep believing!"