America was build on a lie because Christopher Columbus didn't discover America. The Native Americans didn't celebrate Thanksgiving. Jesus is not white and George Washington had slaves. As a result, Duane Alan Hahn said that a Liar's motto is "If at first you don't deceive, lie, lie, and lie again." So Let the Truth be Told: Crooks lie, Criminals lie, Children lie, Parents lie, Husbands and Wives lie, News Reporters lie, Teachers lie, Lawyers lie, Politicians lie, Police Officers lie, Preachers lie, the Government lies and even you and I lie. But can you spot a liar, if you saw one. Because the Lie is written all over your face according to Marc Salem, a leading authority on nonverbal communication and interpersonal skills,who reveals how to spot a liar in his book The Six Keys To Unlock and Empower Your Mind. Here are a few hidden clues.

1. Sharp Pauses
When a person is lying, the pauses are longer in the middle of the sentences, provide short answers to questions and take longer to begin their response than someone who's merely nervous. After all, they need time to create the lie.
When a person is lying, the pauses are longer in the middle of the sentences, provide short answers to questions and take longer to begin their response than someone who's merely nervous. After all, they need time to create the lie.
2. The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul
See where the eyes go after you ask the question. People tend to look up to the right to visualize or invent, a response and down to the right to invent sounds. We often recall the truth by looking up to the left or down to the left
The rehearsed or practiced liar, who has planned his deceit ahead of time, will try to control gestures. Many politicians are coached to stay still during TV appearances. They keep their face inexpressive, upper body stiff and legs often crossed.
See where the eyes go after you ask the question. People tend to look up to the right to visualize or invent, a response and down to the right to invent sounds. We often recall the truth by looking up to the left or down to the left
3.Excessive gesturing
When people lie, they move their hands alot, nervous movements like scratching the body or fiddling with a pencil. If a candidate is asked a question & immediately pick up a pen and begins playing with it, something's a miss subconsciously.
When people lie, they move their hands alot, nervous movements like scratching the body or fiddling with a pencil. If a candidate is asked a question & immediately pick up a pen and begins playing with it, something's a miss subconsciously.
The rehearsed or practiced liar, who has planned his deceit ahead of time, will try to control gestures. Many politicians are coached to stay still during TV appearances. They keep their face inexpressive, upper body stiff and legs often crossed.
Look for unsusal movement of the mouth, lips, or tongue, While discussing weapons of mass destruction in recent interview, former Vice president Dick Chaney bit his lips, sucked them inward more than half a dozen times. Tight lips indicate you may be planning to keep the truth in. If you actually suck the lips in, you maybe withholding anger. A dry cough or cracking voice is psychological response to the discomfort of lying. When you are nervous your mouth becomes dry and you lick your lips and swallow as you struggle to find the right words to say.

Hands symbolically express the emotions of the heart which is why liars tend to keep them hidden. Research on handshakes shows that the single most important factor is palm-to-palm contact. When people don't get this contact, they wonder what the other person is hiding. They'll stick their hands in their pockets, clench them, or hold them behind their back.
A smile is the most common facial expression to make emotions. If is often
used to hide displeasure and anger. A real smile changes the entire face. The eyes light up. The forehead wrinkles, the eyebrows and cheeck muscles rise.....

Think of this as the super smooth salesman effect. Look for
nonverbal communication, which include voice, tune, volume, and speaking rate that sound overconfident. You can spot a liar by going with your gut impression. Listen for anything that doesn't sound normal. If you feel something is out of norm, even if you can't articulate it specifically, you are probably right. Both President Bush and Condi Rice display this behavior.

Just as we pull down the shades when we don't want others to see into our home, we close off entrances to our body so our feelings aren't seen. There are windows at the bottom of our feet, kneecaps, bottom of the torso, middle of the chest, neck, mouth, eyes, and top the head.
A liar tends to close off these entrances- putting clothing over them, turning them away from the person's he is talking to, putting objects or furniture between himself and others, or simply folding his arms. When someone's windows are closed, we don't feel as comfortable with the interaction.

Please read "In the Mind of Bobbee Bee" the cartoon every week on the http://www.blackathlete.com/