All Brother.
All Brother.
Could you imagine a world without colors.
NO Black.
No Green.
All the true revolutionaries in the room know exactually what I mean. Because, if there was a world without colors,
I could not count a jar full of jelly beans.
And The Incredible Hulk couldn't be MEAN.
Because The Incredible HULK Couldn't turn GREEN.

it probably would be really scary.
Because I could not text you,
this poem on my Black Berry.
See, what I mean.
In a world with NO COLOR
You couldn't rock your over sized White Tee's-
And girls couldn't wear their TIGHT Blue jeans.
See, in a world without color
You couldn't rock your over sized White Tee's-
And girls couldn't wear their TIGHT Blue jeans.
See, in a world without color
You could not even cheer for your favorite sports teams
Cause there would be
No Washington Redskins or Boston Red Sox
Or Cleveland Browns or Cincinnati Reds
And NO Green Bay Packer fans with yellow cheese on the top of their heads.
Hey dude, you need to listen to every world I just said.
Because, it's something everybody needs to think about.
Because, if there was NO color,
Would it really matter if there was a BLACK MAN in the WHITE HOUSE ?

See, if there was a world with NO color, there would be no need for flat screen color-TVs. Or Rap videos on BET.

Don't get MAD at me.
See, if there was a world with no color, I could throw away my grandmother's black and white TV from 1963.
Do you Remember the Times?
Michael Jackson made it plain with just one line ?
Because it really does not matter if you are WHITE or BLACK.
But I still don't understand why he MESSED up his NOSE like that.

Doesn't he know that the BLACKER THE BERRY the SWEETER the JUICE?
Man, Michael Jackson must have forgotten his ROOTS.
See, in a world with NO color, America would be through.
Because nobody would have to Pledge Allegiance to the RED, WHITE, and BLUE.
And maybe Sean Bell would still be alive just like ME and YOU.
Because he wouldn't have gotten SHOT 50 TIMES by the BOYS IN BLUE.
See, if there was NO color what would you DO?
How would you think?
Would a Girl BE A GIRL
If She didn't wear PINK
Cause Roses are RED and VIOLETS are BLUE
But in a world with NO COLORS, how would you say I love you?
See, in a world with NO COLOR,
I think, I would still ask the Lord to protect us?
Because in a world with NO COLOR,
Would Rosa Parks still have to sit at the back of the bus?

And still Say It Loud!
I am Black!
And I am Proud!
See, a world with NO color would probably get dull after awhile?
Because honestly,a world without color would actually cramp my style.
Because, I'm quite VERSATILE.
But in a world with NO COLOR,
I could not wear my GREEN GUCCI GATORS.

Or my Now-or LATERS.
See, in a world with NO COLOR, I think, this is something you should know.
Because RED means STOP
And GREEN means GO.
But in a world with NO COLOR, there would be alot of traffic jams.
Because there would be no traffic lights.
See, a world without COLOR just doesn't seem RIGHT.
Because in a world without COLOR,
There would be NO need for CRAYONS anymore.

With the built-in pencil sharpener.
See, a world without color, would be much DARKER
Besides, I need my MAGIC MARKERS.
So, I can paint a pretty picture, and COLOR in between the lines.
Because I'm Artist.
Can you Believe this?
In a world without COLOR, I could not play my BLUES records
Over and over until I remember every line.
And press rewind.
Until I can paint a beautiful picture
In the back of my MIND.
But in a world with NO COLOR, this doesn't make any sense.
Because in a world without color, I couldn't listen to PRINCE.
Sing about his "little" RED CORVETTE.
But I'm NOT finished yet.
Because in a world with NO COLOR, I could not even hear PRINCE Sing PURPLE RAIN.
Now, that's INSANE!!
But if there was a World with NO COLOR, would that mean there would be NO GANGS? NO BLOODS, NO CRIPS, NO LATIN KINGS.
Maybe a world without COLORS is a Beautiful thing?